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Merge pull request #2 from dnet/master
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Shortened digit checks and conversion
  • Loading branch information
tonyg committed Jun 19, 2011
2 parents 00caae5 + 0ae408d commit 30c8498
Showing 1 changed file with 7 additions and 51 deletions.
58 changes: 7 additions & 51 deletions src/rfc4627.erl
Expand Up @@ -215,23 +215,9 @@ encode_utf16be_chars([B1, B2 | Rest], Acc) ->
%% @spec (Nibble::integer()) -> char()
%% @doc Returns the character code corresponding to Nibble.
%% Nibble must be >=0 and =<16.
hex_digit(0) -> $0;
hex_digit(1) -> $1;
hex_digit(2) -> $2;
hex_digit(3) -> $3;
hex_digit(4) -> $4;
hex_digit(5) -> $5;
hex_digit(6) -> $6;
hex_digit(7) -> $7;
hex_digit(8) -> $8;
hex_digit(9) -> $9;
hex_digit(10) -> $A;
hex_digit(11) -> $B;
hex_digit(12) -> $C;
hex_digit(13) -> $D;
hex_digit(14) -> $E;
hex_digit(15) -> $F.
%% Nibble must be >=0 and =<15.
hex_digit(N) when is_integer(N), N >= 0, N =< 9 -> $0 + N;
hex_digit(N) when is_integer(N), N >= 10, N =< 15 -> $A + N - 10.

encode_number(Num, Acc) when is_integer(Num) ->
lists:reverse(integer_to_list(Num), Acc);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -411,30 +397,9 @@ parse_general_char($u, [D0, D1, D2, D3 | Rest]) ->
%% Hexchar must be one of the characters `$0' through `$9', `$A'
%% through `$F' or `$a' through `$f'.
digit_hex($0) -> 0;
digit_hex($1) -> 1;
digit_hex($2) -> 2;
digit_hex($3) -> 3;
digit_hex($4) -> 4;
digit_hex($5) -> 5;
digit_hex($6) -> 6;
digit_hex($7) -> 7;
digit_hex($8) -> 8;
digit_hex($9) -> 9;

digit_hex($A) -> 10;
digit_hex($B) -> 11;
digit_hex($C) -> 12;
digit_hex($D) -> 13;
digit_hex($E) -> 14;
digit_hex($F) -> 15;

digit_hex($a) -> 10;
digit_hex($b) -> 11;
digit_hex($c) -> 12;
digit_hex($d) -> 13;
digit_hex($e) -> 14;
digit_hex($f) -> 15.
digit_hex(C) when is_integer(C), C >= $0, C =< $9 -> C - $0;
digit_hex(C) when is_integer(C), C >= $A, C =< $F -> C - $A + 10;
digit_hex(C) when is_integer(C), C >= $a, C =< $f -> C - $a + 10.

finish_number(Acc, Rest) ->
Str = lists:reverse(Acc),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -494,16 +459,7 @@ parse_signed_int_part([$- | Rest], Acc) ->
parse_signed_int_part(Rest, Acc) ->
parse_int_part(Rest, Acc).

is_digit($0) -> true;
is_digit($1) -> true;
is_digit($2) -> true;
is_digit($3) -> true;
is_digit($4) -> true;
is_digit($5) -> true;
is_digit($6) -> true;
is_digit($7) -> true;
is_digit($8) -> true;
is_digit($9) -> true;
is_digit(N) when is_integer(N) -> N >= $0 andalso N =< $9;
is_digit(_) -> false.

parse_object([$} | Rest], Acc) ->
Expand Down

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