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Various Windows tools for use by an administrator.


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Various Windows tools for use by an administrator.

Getting Started

  1. Installation process
Without Repository available, clone directly from Git:

    $uri = ' '.Trim()
    $ModuleParent = $env:PSModulePath -split ';' | Where {$_ -like "*$($env:USERNAME)*"} | Select -First 1
    Set-Location $ModuleParent
    git clone $uri

  1. Dependencies

    This module has the following PowerShell Dependancies:


    This module has the following Software Dependancies:

    Windows OS

  1. Version History

    • v0.2.0.5 - Initial Commit.

Build, Test, and Publish

  1. Pester test.

  2. Get next version number v#.#.#.# and a comment [string] for the change log.

  3. Create a new Package folder as .\Package\v#.#.#.#\

  4. Copy the PSD1 files in as-is.

    Update the version number and copyright date if required.

    Update the Exported Function Name array with the basenames of the files under the Public folder only.

  5. Create a new, blank PSM1 file in here.

    Populate it with all of the PS1 files' content from the .\Public and .\Private folders.

  6. Create a NUSPEC file and update the version and change log.

  7. Build the NuGet package.

  8. Push to private repo.


Check for Pending Reboots

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType])|Foreach-Object{[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$_};(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')|iex;Get-PendingReboot

Review Reboot History

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType])|Foreach-Object{[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$_};(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString( '' )| iex; Get-RebootReport | ft -a -wrap

Ensure TLS v1.2 is enabled on Windows supported OSes

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType])|Foreach-Object{[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$_};$web=(New-Object Net.WebClient);@('Confirm-RequiresAdmin','Assert-TlsVersion1.2') | %{$web.DownloadString("$($_).ps1")|iex; iex "$_"}

Find Events around the time of the last reboot

(this example outputs to the console using Format-Table)

$csvPath="$($env:temp)\temp.csv";$LogNames=@('System','Application');[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol=[enum]::GetNames([Net.SecurityProtocolType])|Foreach-Object{[Net.SecurityProtocolType]::$_};(New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadString( '' )| iex;$LastRebootTime = (Get-RebootReport)[0].Date;$Events=@();$LogNames|%{$FilterHashtable = @{LogName=$_;EndTime=($LastRebootTime.AddMinutes(1));StartTime=($LastRebootTime.AddMinutes(-7));};Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable $FilterHashtable|%{$Events += $_}};$Events| sort TimeCreated |select LogName, TimeCreated, ProviderName, Message | export-csv $csvPath -notype; ii $csvPath


How to help make this module better:

  1. Add your changes to a new feature sub-branch.

  2. Add Pester tests for your changes.

  3. Push your branch to origin.

  4. Submit a PR with description of changes.

  5. Follow up in 1 business day.


Various Windows tools for use by an administrator.







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