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Demonstrates event-driven microservices architecture using Amazon SNS and SQS.

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Event-Driven Microservices Architecture Demo

Demonstrates event-driven microservices architecture using Amazon SNS and SQS.


  • .NET Core SDK
  • Visual Studio 2017 (or higher)
  • AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio


In this demo a Serverless Web API publishes an SNS topic, and an SQS queue subscribes to the topic based on a message filter. Messages delivered to the queue are then processed by a Lambda function.

Lambda Function

  1. In Visual Studio create a new AWS Lambda Project (.NET Core)
    • For blueprint select "Simple SQS Function"
  2. Flesh out the ProcessMessageAsync method.
    • In the example the message body is deserialized.
  3. Run the Mock Lambda Test Tool and select SQS for the request type.
    • Sample body: "{\"duration\": 3,\"message\": \"Hello Lambda! (3 seconds)\"}"
  4. Deploy the Lambda function.
    • Set the function-timeout (default is 30 seconds).
    • Select new execution role based on AWSLambdaSQSQueueExecutionRole policy

Source Queue

  1. Create an SQS queue
    • You can use the AWS Explorer in Visual Studio if you wish.
    • Set default Visibility Timeout to 6 times the function timeout
      • For example: 30 x 6 = 180
  2. Open Event Sources tab of the deployed Lambda function.
    • Click the Add button and select the queue you just created.
  3. Send a test message to the queue
    • Go to the cloud watch logs for the lambda function
      • For example: aws/lambda/demo-sqs-lambda
    • Right-click on the newly created queue in the AWS Explorer and select Send Message.
      • Enter a message body in JSON format: {"duration": 4,"message": "Hello Lambda! (4 seconds)"}

SNS Topic with SQS Subscription

  1. Create an SNS Topic (for example, using the AWS Explorer in Visual Studio)
    • Create a key for the TopicArn setting.
    • Make note of the topic ARN.
  2. Create a subscription to the topic for the SNS queue.
    • Select SQS as the protocol, select the sample queue.

Publish SNS Topic with Web API

Note: This demo publishes a Serverless app to an API Gateway, but a Web API can also be deployed to Amazon ECS that is accessible by some other means.

  1. Create a new AWS Serverless app using the ASPNET Core Web API blueprint.

  2. Update the AWS NuGet packages.

    • Update the AWSSDK.Extensions.NETCore.Setup package to the current version
    • Remove the AWSSDK.S3 package.
    • Add the AWSSDK.SimpleNotificationService package.
  3. Remove S3 related code from the project.

    • Delete the S3ProxyController.cs file
    • Update the call to services.AddAWSService in the Startup class
    • Remove S3 related items from the serverless.template file.
  4. Add CloudWatch logging provider

    • Add AWS.Logger.AspNetCore NuGet package.
    • Add following to appsettings.json file.
    "AWS.Logging": {
        "Region": "eu-west-1",
        "LogGroup": "Event-Driven-Arch.MyServerlessApi",
        "LogLevel": {
            "Default": "Debug",
            "Microsoft": "Information"
    • Add ILoggerFactory loggerFactory to the Configure method in Startup.cs, then call AddAWSProvider.
  5. Add the SNSProxyController.cs file to the Controllers folder.

    • Choose the API Controller - Empty template.
  6. Add the ARN of the SNS topic to the appsettings.json file.

    • Copy the topic ARN recorded earlier and paste it into appsettings.json.
    "TopicArn": "arn:aws:sns:eu-west-1:779191825743:demo-topic"
  7. Add a contructor to SNSProxyController.

    • Inject required depenedencies.
    public SNSProxyController(IAmazonSimpleNotificationService snsClient, IConfiguration configuration, ILogger<SNSProxyController> logger)
        SNSClient = snsClient;
        Configuration = configuration;
        Logger = logger;
  8. Add an async post method to publish a message to the topic.

    // POST api/snsproxy
    public async Task<IActionResult> Post([FromBody]LambdaMessage message)
        var json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message);
        var topicArn = Configuration[Constants.Keys.TopicArn];
        var result = await SNSClient.PublishAsync(topicArn, json);
        Logger.LogInformation($"Published SNS Topic. Message Id: {result.MessageId}");
        return StatusCode((int) result.HttpStatusCode, result.MessageId);
  9. Publish the serverless app to Amazon.

    • Select the appropriate stack name and S3 bucket for the CloudFormation templates.
    • After publishing has completed copy the AWS Serverless URL from the published service.
  10. Enable CloudWatch logs for the API Gateway service.

    • Create a new role and assign AmazonAPIGatewayPushToCloudWatchLogs policy.
    • Copy the role ARN and paste into CloudWatch log role ARN of Amazon API Gateway Settings.
    • Select the Prod stage of the API for the service and enable CloudWatch settings under Logs/Tracing.
    • After executing the request in Postman, go to CloudWatch logs and filter for API-Gateway
    • If an error response is returned examine the Endpoint response body in the logs.
  11. Test the servicve with Postman: POST with raw JSON body

        "duration": 5,
        "message": "Hello Lambda! (5 seconds)"
  12. Inspect the CloudWatch logs for the lambda function that processes messages from the queue.

  • The logs should show the message that has been delivered the the queue from the subscription to the SNS topic.


Demonstrates event-driven microservices architecture using Amazon SNS and SQS.






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