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TinySpark-Revised License

This project is a revised/altered version of my bachelor thesis (Implementation of a highly efficient distributed processing framework in C++).


All Apache Spark components, including the Driver, Master, and Executor processes, run in Java virtual machines (JVMs), which are resource-hungry (CPU: serialization/deserialization, Garbage Collector, RAM: Data representation takes multiples of the actual size of data). A small subset of Apache Spark operations was implemented, namely map, filter and reduce in a native language, and see if it is feasible to overcome those overheads. It was decided to use C++ for the core/Backend system as it is well suitable for higher performance in terms of bandwidth, throughput, and much lower latency, and Python for the Frontend, to give the user a simple high-level API to work with.

The Backend was written in C++17, using features like std::variant, std::filesystem etc. boost::tokenizer for file tokenization, OpenMP to speed things up, and tried to be system/platform independent.

Key Difference

  • Old-er version relied on a dispatch table that matched specific actions extracted from client's code to the Backend in order to execute an already predefined templated function that corresponds to that action. Now, it is more dynamic. There are two new subsystems in the Backend, the first one, at runtime, when it receives a function from Frontend, through gRPC, e.g x => x < 3, where x is the formal argument and x<3 is the return statement with type of x is assumed to be the same as MFRObject List (here int). Final C++ function looks like: T filt(T x) { return x<3; }, similarly for map, reduce, and stores it into a shared library (.so or .dll, subsystem supports both Linux and Windows). The second new subsystem (supports both Linux and Windows), dynamically invokes filter, map and reduce functions/methods at runtime on the object.
    • There are some limitations still (e.g number of arguments and type), but it is more versatile now.

Other Changes

  • A better project structure
  • Debloated/refactored current codebase, both Backend and Frontend
  • New (minimalistic) Frontend API:
import TinySpark as ts


my_obj = ts.MFRObject([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
my_obj.Filter('x => x < 3')
my_obj.Map('x => x ** 3')
my_obj.Reduce('_ + _') # or my_obj.Reduce('x, y => x + y')



  • The system has only one Driver, one or more Workers and Clients.
  • Client(s) communicate only with Driver, and there is no link between the Worker(s).
  • The system can handle both Lists and Files, in a different way for each. List’s implementation is almost generic (can deal with a variety of types, but with std::vector as a container, while file implementation is specific to WordCount, StringToInt, Count.
  • For the numeric, string List map, filter and reduce operations were implemented, but with specific order (firstly an optional filter operation, then map and reduce).
  • Apache Spark does not evaluate every transformation (e.g map) just as it encounters it but instead waits for an action to be called (e.g collect). In this system, there is no such functionality, as soon as the Backend receives a task, immediately executes it, and sends a response.
  • Although map, filter and reduce were implemented with C++17's Parallel Algorithms (to gain more performance) in mind, in the end they were used without an execution policy.
  • The Backend throws runtime exceptions if anything go wrong (it should handle cases like those).
  • No proper profiling and optimization(s)


For benchmarking a single machine was used, equipped with an Intel(R) i5 6th Gen, 4 cores and 4 threads, 16GB DDR4 RAM, with Ubuntu 20.4, using GCC 9.3.0, whilst running multiple processes.

WordCount Each word of a file with its frequency. Comparison to Spark is not apples-to-apples, as Spark processes more things than our implementation (i.e ReduceByKey).

TinySpark: 46401 ms
Apache Spark: 128380 ms

LineCount number of lines of a file.

TinySpark: 25839 ms
Apache Spark: 36870 ms

StrToInt Conversion of string into a long int (map operation) and summation of those numbers (reduce operation).

TinySpark: 29876 ms
Apache Spark: 27763 ms

Other examples

  • String List
my_obj = ts.MFRObject(['this is', 'an example'])
my_obj.Map('x => x.length')
my_obj.Reduce('_ + _') # or my_obj.Reduce('x, y => x + y')

For string List filter operation is not implemented, and for map operation only length is implemented. x => x.length bind to C++ as T map(S x) { return x.length(); }, where T = float (handled internally), and S = type of List (here str).

  • Files
# word count
my_obj = ts.MFRObject('filename.txt')
my_obj.Map('x => (x,1)')
my_obj.Reduce('_ + _') # or my_obj.Reduce('x, y => x + y')

# count
my_obj = ts.MFRObject('filename.txt')
my_obj.Map('x => 1')
my_obj.Reduce('_ + _') # or my_obj.Reduce('x, y => x + y')

# string to number
my_obj = ts.MFRObject('filename.txt')
my_obj.Map('x => x.toNum')
my_obj.Reduce('_ + _') # or my_obj.Reduce('x, y => x + y')

Getting Started


  • gRPC (C++ and Python)
  • OpenMP
  • Boost Libraries
  • (Optional) Intel Threading Blocks (TBB) (for <execution> header)

After installing above prerequisites, run script from project's main folder.


Open three terminals:


cd build


cd build


cd App

If no address is provided e.g ./Driver, it runs on the address