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papoGen Header

David Lu edited this page Jun 30, 2018 · 4 revisions

A header is used to show the topic of the following content

  • Type: type: "header"

  • Attributes (Defined under key attr)

    Attributes Key Type of Value Value
    Aligned aligned STRING left / center / right / justified
    Block block BOOLEAN true / false
    Color color STRING Defined in papoGen.css
    Divided divided BOOLEAN true / false
    Floated floated STRING left / right
    Icon icon STRING Defined in papoGen.css
    Image img STRING An URL of image
    Inverted inverted BOOLEAN true / false
    Size size STRING h1 ~ h6
    Subheader sub STRING String
  • Data (Defined under key data)

    Data Key Type of Value Value
    Header Content none STRING String
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