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This is a simple Electron-based app that allows a Walden save game's journal to be exported to a variety of formats.

Quick start

You'll need NodeJS 8 or later.

After cloning the repository, run:

npm install

Then run:

npm run gui


To start the auto-reloading development server, run:

npm start

Note that the project uses TypeScript.

In a separate terminal, you can run npm run gui to start the Electron-based GUI. Any changes you make to the renderer process code (generally located in src/gui/renderer) will only require a page reload in Electron, but changes made to the main process will require aborting and re-running npm run gui.


Currently, packaging the app into ZIP files for Windows and OS X is only (easily) supported on Windows machines with Docker installed.

To package everything, run:

npm run package-all

This will create ZIP files for distribution in the release-builds directory.

Example CLI usage

In addition to the GUI, a command-line interface is also available via node dist/cli.js.

Running it without any arguments will show you a list of saved game slots:

$ node dist/cli.js
Usage: cli.js <save-slot>

save-slot can be one of:

  0 - Emerson's House (8:23 PM, 02/18/2018)
  1 - Cabin (6:31 PM, 02/18/2018)
  2 - Little Cove (6:54 PM, 02/18/2018)
  3 - Cabin (7:52 PM, 02/18/2018)
  4 - Cabin (7:37 PM, 02/18/2018)

Note that the app will attempt to automatically find the Walden directory; if it can't find it, though, you'll have to define the WALDEN_DIR environment variable to point at it.

Once you've decided on a slot, you can re-run the app with the slot number to display its journal:

$ node dist/cli.js 3
# Journal, 1845

## Early Summer

I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and to give a true account of it.

The output is directed to stdout, so it can be piped to a file or the clipboard (via e.g. clip on Windows or pbcopy on OS X).


All code is licensed under CC0 (public domain).


A utility that outputs a Walden save game's journal to a variety of formats.







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