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UBahn - Elasticsearch Data Processor


  • Nodejs(v12+)
  • ElasticSearch
  • Kafka


Configuration for the ubahn es processor is at config/default.js. The following parameters can be set in config files or in env variables:

  • LOG_LEVEL: the log level; default value: 'debug'
  • KAFKA_URL: comma separated Kafka hosts; default value: 'localhost:9092'
  • KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT: Kafka connection certificate, optional; default value is undefined; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to certificate file or certificate content
  • KAFKA_CLIENT_CERT_KEY: Kafka connection private key, optional; default value is undefined; if not provided, then SSL connection is not used, direct insecure connection is used; if provided, it can be either path to private key file or private key content
  • KAFKA_GROUP_ID: the Kafka group id, default value is 'ubahn-processor-es'
  • GROUPS_MEMBER_ADD_TOPIC: the add groups member Kafka message topic, default value is 'groups.notification.member.add'
  • GROUPS_MEMBER_DELETE_TOPIC: the delete groups member Kafka message topic, default value is 'groups.notification.member.delete'
  • GROUPS_MEMBERSHIP_TYPE: the groups membership type that should be processed, default value is 'user'
  • ES_HOST: Elasticsearch host, default value is 'localhost:9200'
  • ES.AWS_REGION: The Amazon region to use when using AWS Elasticsearch service, default value is 'us-east-1'
  • ES.USER_GROUP_PROPERTY_NAME: the user property name of group, default value is 'groups'
  • USER_PIPELINE_ID: The pipeline id for enrichment of user details. Default is user-pipeline
  • ELASTICCLOUD_ID: The elastic cloud id, if your elasticsearch instance is hosted on elastic cloud. DO NOT provide a value for ES_HOST if you are using this
  • ELASTICCLOUD_USERNAME: The elastic cloud username for basic authentication. Provide this only if your elasticsearch instance is hosted on elastic cloud
  • ELASTICCLOUD_PASSWORD: The elastic cloud password for basic authentication. Provide this only if your elasticsearch instance is hosted on elastic cloud

There is a /health endpoint that checks for the health of the app. This sets up an expressjs server and listens on the environment variable PORT. It's not part of the configuration file and needs to be passed as an environment variable

Configuration for the tests is at config/test.js, only add such new configurations different from config/default.js

  • WAIT_TIME: wait time used in test, default is 1500 or 1.5 second
  • ES.USER_INDEX: Elasticsearch index name for user in testing environment

Local Kafka and ElasticSearch setup

  1. Navigate to the directory docker-kafka-es

  2. Run the following command

    docker-compose up -d
  3. initialize Elasticsearch. Execute the insert-data script in the API repository to set it up and then clear only the data

Local deployment

  1. Make sure that Kafka and Elasticsearch is running as per instructions above.

  2. From the project root directory, run the following command to install the dependencies

    npm install
  3. To run linters if required

    npm run lint

    To fix possible lint errors:

    npm run lint:fix
  4. Initialize Elasticsearch index For this, refer to the Ubahn API repository. In this repository, you need to execute the following script (after following their deployment guide):

    npm run insert-data
  5. Start the processor and health check dropin

    npm start

Local Deployment with Docker

To run the UBahn ES Processor using docker, follow the below steps

  1. Navigate to the directory docker

  2. Rename the file sample.api.env to api.env

  3. Set the required AWS credentials and ElasticSearch host in the file api.env

  4. Once that is done, run the following command

    docker-compose up
  5. When you are running the application for the first time, It will take some time initially to download the image and install the dependencies