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TopData Webservice Connector for Shopware 6


This plugin is the base for most of the functionality in other TopData plugins for Shopware 6. It gives possibility to import devices from TopData Webservice.

Minimal Requirements

  • Shopware 6.6.0 or higher
  • PHP 8.0 or higher


# clone the repository
cd custom/plugins
git clone -b main

# install the plugin
bin/console plugin:refresh
bin/console plugin:install --activate --clearCache TopdataConnectorSW6 


After installing the plugin, you need to fill in API credentials to connect to TopData Webservice.

Webservice Credentials

Settings - System - Plugins - TopdataConnector menu (... on the right) - Config

TopData will give you:

  • API User-ID
  • API Key
  • API Salt

Demo Credentials

If you want to test the plugin with demo credentials, you can use the following:

  • API User-ID: 6
  • API Key: nTI9kbsniVWT13Ns
  • API Salt: oateouq974fpby5t6ldf8glzo85mr9t6aebozrox

Testing the connection

After saving credentials you can test connection, just select TopData Plugins menu item in main menu and press "Test" button in TopData Connector block.

Other Options

"please select your search option" - here you select how to map your products:

  1. Default OEM/EAN - products are mapped using OEM and EAN fields of a product

  2. Custom OEM/EAN - products are mapped using OEM and EAN fields stored as product properties, this case you sholud set name of OEM Field and EAN Field

  3. distributor product number - product number in store equals to Top Data API product number

  4. custom distributor product number - Webservice product number is stored in product property, you must specify name of a property in "distributor product number Field"

  5. Product number is web service id - product number in your store is same as API product id on Top Data Webservice

Console commands for work with API


  • it tests whether the connection to the TopData Webservice is working


  1. bin/console topdata:connector:import --mapping map store products to webservice products

  2. bin/console topdata:connector:import --device fetch all information about devices from webservice to local database (devices, device types, series, brands)

  3. bin/console topdata:connector:import --product this will connect products in store to devices in local database. Products must be mapped by console command and devices must be fetched from webservice.

  4. bin/console topdata:connector:import --device-media this will download device images, this process must have rights to write in website folders (You may use or chown or chmod)

  5. bin/console topdata:connector:import --product-info Only works with Topdata TopFeed plugin. This will fetch all product information from webservice to local database. You can select what data to fetch in Topdata TopFeed plugin settings. You need write permisions for process if you select to store product images.

  6. bin/console topdata:connector:import --device-synonyms this will fetch device synonyms from Webservice, they will be displayed near device on device details page

bin/console topdata:connector:import --all All options 1-6 are active (mapping, device, product, device-media, product-info, device-synonyms)

bin/console topdata:connector:import --device-only this will fetch only devices from API (good for chunked commands with --start and --end, no brands/series/types are fetched)

bin/console topdata:connector:import --product-media-only this will fetch only product images (good for importing product information first with disabled product media in TopFeed settings, and then download product images with this command)

Command order is important, for example --device-media (4) downloads images only for enabled devices, those devices are enabled by --product (3)

Additional options

-v key for verbose output, it shows memmory usage, data chunk numbers, time and other information

--no-debug keys for faster work and less memmory usage

--start and --end keys, depending on command it use chunk numbers or element counts (you can see this numbers if verbose output is enabled)


  • a console command for import products from csv file
  • example usage:
bin/console topdata:connector:products --file=prods2020-07-26.csv --start=1 --end=1000 --number=4 --wsid=4 --name=11 --brand=10

--file specify filename

--start start line of a file, default is 1 (first line is 0, it usually have column titles)

--end end line of a file, by default file will be read until the end

--number column with unique product number

--wsid column with Webservice id (if csv is given from TopData it may have this column), if it is set product will be mapped to Top Data Webserivce products

--name column with product name

--brand column with product brand name (will be created if is not present yet)

It is recommended to limit product count with start/end, depending on server RAM. Then you can read next chunk of products in second command.

Advices and examples

use --start and --end options

There are more than 100.000 devices on Webservice, when you fetch devices or device media, you can use --start --end options to chunk entire process, also it is highly recommended to use -v key to see number of chunk where something went wrong.

When you use TopFeed plugin for additional product information it is also recommended to use --start / --end options when you have thousands of products in the store.

Normal workflow

Step 1

bin/console topdata:connector:import -v --mapping --no-debug

Step 2

bin/console topdata:connector:import --no-debug -v --device --start=1 --end=10
bin/console topdata:connector:import --no-debug -v --device-only --start=11 --end=20
bin/console topdata:connector:import --no-debug -v --device-only --start=21

Step 3

# ...

If you download product or device images from Top Data Webservice to yours shop locale storage, don't forget to change permisions for files if command and server user are not the same user, e.g.

chown -R www-data:www-data .

One command to import all

php -d memory_limit=2048M bin/console topdata:connector:import -v --all