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398 lines (303 loc) · 13.8 KB

File metadata and controls

398 lines (303 loc) · 13.8 KB

Change Log


  • Add bigdecimal gem as dependency for Ruby 3.4
  • Update dependent RMagick version to 5.5.0 or later
  • Drop Ruby 2.6 and 2.7 support (#632)


  • Add the way to make background transparent (#631)
  • Adjust line number position on side graph (#624)
  • Add hide_labels attribute in Gruff::Dot (#623)
  • Fix where SideBar's labels were sometimes missing by incorrect left margin


  • Update dependent RMagick version to 5.3.0 or later (#622)


  • Fix Gruff::Bar and Gruff::SideBar in order to draw positive and negative mixed graph (#620)
  • Allow to override label margin value (#618)
  • Accept image format in Base#to_image in order to fix no decode delegate for this image format error (#619)


  • Fix legend color with empty label (#615)


  • Fix legend position when blank labels present (#614)
  • Fixed NoMethodError (undefined method format= for Gruff::Line (#612)
  • Drop Ruby 2.5 support (#611)
  • Fix deprecation warning for Base#to_blob (#610)


  • Draw the graph starting from zero point by default (#609)
  • Improve joints in Gruff::Net using polyline method (#608)
  • Improve joints in Gruff::Line using polyline method (#607)
  • Adjust default font size in Gruff::Mini::{Bar, Pie}


  • Add Gruff::Bubble (#604)
  • Rename Gruff::BoxPlot to Gruff::Box (#603)
  • Mark Gruff::Scatter#disable_significant_rounding_x_axis= as deprecated (#602)
  • Mark Gruff::Scatter#x_label_margin= as deprecated (#601)
  • Mark Gruff::Scatter#use_vertical_x_labels= as deprecated (#600)


  • Add Gruff::Base#label_rotation= method to rotate bottom label (#599)
  • Mark #label_stagger_height= as deprecated (#598)
  • Fixed truncation of long legends in mini graph (#597)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::Bezier (#596)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::StackedArea (#595)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::BoxPlot (#594)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::Spider (#593)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::Histogram (#592)
  • Fix error when input empty data in Gruff::Area (#591)
  • Stop adjusting the square radius in Gruff::Line (#589)
  • Add diamond dot stype in Gruff::Line (#588)
  • Allow title to be set as an array (#587)
  • Allow labels to be set as an array corresponding to the data values (#586)
  • Fixed a bug that breaks the colors in the theme when using the add_color method (#583)
  • Ensure to raise an exception if use sort feature in Candlestick
  • Fix column_count in BoxPlot/Candlestick (#581)
  • Fix left/right graph margin (#579)


  • Add Candlestick (#575)
  • Add BoxPlot (#574)
  • Raise exception if less data set was given in Gruff::Spider (#573)
  • Adjust default label offset value in Gruff::Pie
  • Remove has_left_labels from attribute (#571)
  • Remove center_labels_over_point from attribute (#570)
  • Adjust legend label / box position
  • Fix right margin when truncate the label
  • Adjust axis label position
  • Adjust left label margin
  • Fix axis label position with hide_line_markers
  • Fix margin of value label in Bar/StackedBar (#568)
  • Fix label position in Gruff::Spider (#567)
  • Fix axis label position with legend_at_bottom
  • Fix axis label position with hide_line_markers
  • Refactor: Remove instance variable usage
  • Remove Gruff::Scene (#566)
  • Fix exception with zero value in StackBar (#565)
  • Fix segment spacing in SideStackedBar (#564)
  • Fix margin of value label in SideBar/SideStackedBar (#563)
  • Raise exception if negative values were given in stacked graph (#562)
  • Fix centering in value label position (#561)
  • Fix duck typing support in Gruff::Histogram (#560)
  • Fix start drawing position to top in Pie and enabled sort option by default (#559)


  • Fix SideStackedBar which bars overlap on the coordinate axes if data contains 0 (#558)
  • Lazy loading library to reduce memory usage (#556)
  • Drop Ruby 2.4 support (#554)
  • Fix sort drawing in Gruff::Line (#553)
  • Fix color value handling in Line#dataxy method (#552)


  • Update rails template (#547)
  • Remove singleton in order to support multi-thread processing (#546)
  • Fix bug in Gruff::Scatter that X coordinate value is wrong if set value in x_axis_increment (#534)
  • Add marker_x_count attribute in Gruff::Line (#532)
  • Add label_formatting attribute in Gruff::Pie (#531)
  • Removed the ability to inject custom PieSlice classes from the outside (#530)
  • Remove Gruff::PhotoBar (#513)
  • Deprecate last_series_goes_on_bottom attribute in Gruff::StackedArea (#512)


  • Allow to customize label value with lambda (#510)
  • Rename enable_vertical_line_markers attribute to show_vertical_markers (#509)
  • Fix error that cause ArgumentError with x_axis_increment in Gruff::Scatter (#506)
  • Fix draw_label that it should follow label_truncation_style setting (#505)
  • Deprecate use_data_label attribute from SideBar (#504)
  • Add negative values graph support in Gruff::SideBar (#499)
  • Add margin of axis in order to avoid overwriting the coordinate axes (#497)
  • Fix get_type_metrics error (#496)
  • Embed Roboto as default font (#495)
  • Fix legend rendering position when it enable legend_at_bottom (#492)


  • Avoid SEGV caused with '%S' in Draw#get_type_metrics by old ImageMagick (6.9.9 or below) (#490)


  • Mark Gruff::Base#to_blob as deprecated (#473)
  • Add Gruff::Base#to_image method (#472)
  • Drop support of Ruby v2.3.x or below (#453, #448)
  • add hide_labels to stacked side bar graphs (#452)
  • add hide_labels to side bar graphs (#451)
  • add hide_labels to stacked bar graphs (#450)
  • support hide_labels separate from hide_line_markers for bar graphs only (#446)


  • Fix regression in empty data handling (#445)
  • Rendering text in front most (#439)
  • Allow to change settings even after entered the data in Gruff::Histogram (#437)
  • Adjust label position in Gruff::Net (#436)
  • Adjust LABEL_MARGIN value (#435)
  • Add shadow line in marker line into Gruff::{Dot, SideBar, Scatter} (#430)
  • Move no data message to the vertical center (#428)
  • Remove the getter method in attributes for configuration (#424)
  • Fix title margin in Gruff::Bullet if empty title was given (#422)


  • Add Histogram chart (#419)
  • Fix that Y axis label is not displayed on JRuby platform (#415)
  • Add fill_opacity and stroke_width in Gruff::Area in order to specify the filling opacity (#413)
  • Fix "`get_type_metrics': no text to measure" exception (#410, #409)


  • Fix that sidebar label is not displayed on JRuby platform (#402)
  • Add group_spacing which is spacing factor applied between a group of bars belonging to the same label (#400)
  • Fix that label is displayed in the center of the side bar (#399)
  • Fix that value label is displayed in the center of the side bar (#398)
  • Add show_labels_for_bar_values into StackedBar (#396)
  • Auto resize title font size if long title will be cut off (#395)
  • Adjust label position in StackedBar (#394)
  • Fix that labels are rendered in the center of bar graph (#393)
  • Remove stacked property marked as experimental (#392)
  • Fix to not move away from the baseline if big value was given into segment_spacing (#391)
  • Add segment_spacing property into SideStackedBar like StackedBar (#390)
  • Fix an exception when using an object as an argument that behaves as an Array (#317)
  • Add Scatter#dataxy method like Line#dataxy (#316)
  • Retry to fill background to fix "cache resources exhausted" error (#305)
  • Fix label position in Gruff::Bar with negative value (#265)
  • Fixed a bug that did not handle the specified minimum/maximum properly (#260)
  • Fix error of “comparison of Integer with nil failed” (#257, #366, #367)
  • Fix redundant label padding with many decimal points (#254)
  • Fix that value label might be displayed with scientific notation (#252)


  • Remove version restriction in RMagick (#186)
  • Remove the upper limit (< Ruby 3.0) from the required Ruby version (#207)


Skip packaging the test images. This reduces the gem from 20MB+ to 300KB+.


  • Issue #92 Reduce the gem size by not shipping the test images.


We have added a couple of cosmetic changes: Multiple marker lines both vertically and horizontally, and multi-line titles, or no title at all if you want more space for the chart.


  • Issue #86 Added support for multiple references lines along both axes to Line Graph
  • Issue #89 Allow multiline and empty titles


  • Issue #61 Remove the "BETA Software" warning in the README.

Pull requests:

  • Issue #90 Added missing parenthesis in base.rb


All old branches and pull requests have been merged or deleted. Over 40 issues have been resolved! Ruby 2.0 compatibility has been confirmed. Several new features.


  • Issue #38 Separate themes into Gruff::Themes module
  • Issue #39 Add staggered labels
  • Issue #40 Added spacing factor to bar graphs
  • Issue #41 Add rotation to spider chart
  • Issue #65 Add RMagick and RMagick4J respectively as dependencies to the Gruff gem
  • Issue #81 Ensure Ruby 2.0 compatibility


  • Issue #17 Baseline drawn at incorrect position
  • Issue #21 Division By Zero Error on Documented Example
  • Issue #36 When writing the same chart multiple times, it should not be rendered again.
  • Issue #44 XY Datasets are inconvenient to use. (documentation and/or code is wrong)
  • Issue #46 issue with markers that are floats
  • Issue #51 line with nil in dataset
  • Issue #52 Wrong direction in y_axis_label
  • Issue #54 Explicitly specify overlapping for lines (Gruff::Line)
  • Issue #58 Clean up data sorting
  • Issue #59 Escape '%' in labels
  • Issue #60 Correct DOT graph drawing
  • Issue #63 Some charts are drawn with transparent text when running with JRuby/RMagick4J
  • Issue #66 Marker line for 54.0 is missing on bar_set_marker.png example
  • Issue #68 Y-axis label for bar_x_y_labels.png should be rotated when drawn with JRuby


  • Issue #4 Scaling a graph leads to fuzzy pictures
  • Issue #8 zero-width bar entries drawn
  • Issue #11 Feature: Data value markers
  • Issue #18 Set encoding to uft-8
  • Issue #24 Gruff::SideStackedBar
  • Issue #35 Add option for line height in legend.
  • Issue #49 font directive is not setting font in charts
  • Issue #53 Is this project still alive?


  • Issue #57 Build failing on Travis and no Build Status image in Readme

Pull requests:

  • Issue #9 Add gradient background direction
  • Issue #12 Bar updates
  • Issue #14 Make use of the TEXT_OFFSET_PERCENTAGE const variable
  • Issue #16 Fix exception when y_axis_increment is used in line bars
  • Issue #26 Fix bug with additional point included on area charts
  • Issue #27 Added marker_shadow_color to allow to draw shadows below marker lines
  • Issue #37 Update lib/gruff/base.rb: set legend under the graph
  • Issue #42 Update lib/gruff/base.rb: set legend under the graph
  • Issue #43 Fixed issue #25
  • Issue #48 add license information to the gemspec
  • Issue #56 Fixed gem file generation problem


  • Issue #80 Remove the .rmvrc file from the project


  • ???


  • Fixed manifest to list dot graph [theirishpenguin]
  • Fixed color cycling error [Gunnar Wolf]
  • Handle case where a line graph data set only has one value [Ron Colwill]


  • Added dot graph from Erik Andrejko


  • Reverted DEBUG=true. Will add a check in the release process so this doesn't happen again.
  • Future releases will end in an odd number for development (topfunky-gruff on GitHub) or even for production releases.


  • Legend line wrapping [Mat Schaffer]
  • Stacked area graph fixes [James Coglan]


  • Include init.rb for use as a Rails plugin.


  • Fixed missing bullet graph bug (experimental, will be in a future release).


  • Fixed bug where pie graphs weren't drawing their label correctly.


  • Patch to make SideBar accurate instead of stacked [Marik]
  • Will be extracting net, pie, stacked, and side-stacked to separate gem in next release.


  • New accumulator bar graph (experimental)
  • Better mini graphs
  • Bug fixes


  • Regenerated Manifest.txt
  • Added scene sample to package
  • Added mini side_bar (EXPERIMENTAL)
  • Added @zero_degree option to Gruff::Pie so first slice can start somewhere other than 3 o'clock
  • Increased size of numbers in Gruff::Mini::Pie
  • Added legend_box_size accessor


  • Fixed missing side_bar.rb in Manifest.txt


  • New mini graph types (Experimental)
  • Marker lines can be different color than text labels
  • Theme definition cleanup


  • Added option to hide line numbers
  • Fixed code that was causing warnings


  • Cleaned up measurements so the graph expands to fill the available space
  • Added x-axis and y-axis label options


  • minimum_value and maximum_value can be set after data() to manually scale the graph
  • Fixed infinite loop bug when values are all equal
  • Added experimental net and spider graphs
  • Added non-linear scene graph for a simple interface to complex layered graphs
  • Initial refactoring of tests
  • A host of other bug fixes


  • NEW Sidestacked Bar Graphs. [Alun Eyre]
  • baseline_value larger than data will now show correctly. [Mike Perham]
  • hide_dots and hide_lines are now options for line graphs.


  • Fixed hang when no data is passed.


  • Added bar graphs
  • Added area graphs
  • Added pie graphs
  • Added render_image_background for using images as background on a theme
  • Fixed small size legend centering issue
  • Added initial line marker rounding to significant digits (Christian Winkler)
  • Line graphs line width is scaled with number of points being drawn (Christian Winkler)


  • Added option to draw line graphs without the lines (points only), thanks to Eric Hodel
  • Removed font-minimum check so graphs look better at 300px width


  • Fixed to_blob (thanks to Carlos Villela)
  • Added bar graphs (initial functionality...will be enhanced)
  • Removed rendered test output from gem


  • Initial release.
  • Line graphs only. Other graph styles coming soon.