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Tor2web 3.0 Alpha

Closed Dec 18, 2012 100% complete

This milestone represents the milestone where new tor2web 3.0 is in place and working with basic feature.

This version include improvements useful to make it easier to maintain Tor2web 3.0 installation, having Deb packaging and removing third party software installation such as NGINX proxy.

Everything has still to be configured statically without any kind…

This milestone represents the milestone where new tor2web 3.0 is in place and working with basic feature.

This version include improvements useful to make it easier to maintain Tor2web 3.0 installation, having Deb packaging and removing third party software installation such as NGINX proxy.

Everything has still to be configured statically without any kind of "networked coordination".

This version does not have particular performance improvement nor additional resiliency feature ( differentiate who link the content from who provide the content + access-disclaimer).

This milestone is closed.

No open issues remain. View closed issues or see open milestones in this repository.