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What's new in Tornado 4.1

Feb 7, 2015


  • If a .Future contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the .Future), a stack trace will be logged when the .Future is garbage-collected.
  • New class tornado.gen.WaitIterator provides a way to iterate over Futures in the order they resolve.
  • The tornado.websocket module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override .WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options to enable on the server side, and use the compression_options keyword argument to .websocket_connect on the client side.
  • When the appropriate packages are installed, it is possible to yield asyncio.Future or Twisted Defered objects in Tornado coroutines.

Backwards-compatibility notes

  • .HTTPServer now calls start_request with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented .HTTPServerConnectionDelegate by following the example of .Application instead of the documented method signatures.


  • If a .Future contains an exception but that exception is never examined or re-raised (e.g. by yielding the .Future), a stack trace will be logged when the .Future is garbage-collected.
  • .Future now catches and logs exceptions in its callbacks.


  • tornado.curl_httpclient now supports request bodies for PATCH and custom methods.
  • tornado.curl_httpclient now supports resubmitting bodies after following redirects for methods other than POST.
  • curl_httpclient now runs the streaming and header callbacks on the IOLoop.
  • tornado.curl_httpclient now uses its own logger for debug output so it can be filtered more easily.


  • New class tornado.gen.WaitIterator provides a way to iterate over Futures in the order they resolve.
  • When the ~functools.singledispatch library is available (standard on Python 3.4, available via pip install singledispatch on older versions), the .convert_yielded function can be used to make other kinds of objects yieldable in coroutines.
  • New function tornado.gen.sleep is a coroutine-friendly analogue to time.sleep.
  • .gen.engine now correctly captures the stack context for its callbacks.


  • tornado.httpclient.HTTPRequest accepts a new argument raise_error=False to suppress the default behavior of raising an error for non-200 response codes.


  • .HTTPServer now calls start_request with the correct arguments. This change is backwards-incompatible, afffecting any application which implemented .HTTPServerConnectionDelegate by following the example of .Application instead of the documented method signatures.
  • .HTTPServer now tolerates extra newlines which are sometimes inserted between requests on keep-alive connections.
  • .HTTPServer can now use keep-alive connections after a request with a chunked body.
  • .HTTPServer now always reports HTTP/1.1 instead of echoing the request version.


  • New function tornado.httputil.split_host_and_port for parsing the netloc portion of URLs.
  • The context argument to .HTTPServerRequest is now optional, and if a context is supplied the remote_ip attribute is also optional.
  • .HTTPServerRequest.body is now always a byte string (previously the default empty body would be a unicode string on python 3).
  • Header parsing now works correctly when newline-like unicode characters are present.
  • Header parsing again supports both CRLF and bare LF line separators.
  • Malformed multipart/form-data bodies will always be logged quietly instead of raising an unhandled exception; previously the behavior was inconsistent depending on the exact error.


  • The kqueue and select IOLoop implementations now report writeability correctly, fixing flow control in IOStream.
  • When a new .IOLoop is created, it automatically becomes "current" for the thread if there is not already a current instance.
  • New method .PeriodicCallback.is_running can be used to see whether the .PeriodicCallback has been started.


  • .IOStream.start_tls now uses the server_hostname parameter for certificate validation.
  • .SSLIOStream will no longer consume 100% CPU after certain error conditions.
  • .SSLIOStream no longer logs EBADF errors during the handshake as they can result from nmap scans in certain modes.


  • ~tornado.options.parse_config_file now always decodes the config file as utf8 on Python 3.
  • tornado.options.define more accurately finds the module defining the option.


  • It is now possible to yield asyncio.Future objects in coroutines when the ~functools.singledispatch library is available and tornado.platform.asyncio has been imported.
  • New methods tornado.platform.asyncio.to_tornado_future and ~tornado.platform.asyncio.to_asyncio_future convert between the two libraries' .Future classes.


  • It is now possible to yield Deferred objects in coroutines when the ~functools.singledispatch library is available and tornado.platform.twisted has been imported.


  • .TCPClient will no longer raise an exception due to an ill-timed timeout.


  • .TCPServer no longer ignores its read_chunk_size argument.


  • .AsyncTestCase has better support for multiple exceptions. Previously it would silently swallow all but the last; now it raises the first and logs all the rest.
  • .AsyncTestCase now cleans up .Subprocess state on tearDown when necessary.


  • The .asynchronous decorator now understands concurrent.futures.Future in addition to tornado.concurrent.Future.
  • .StaticFileHandler no longer logs a stack trace if the connection is closed while sending the file.
  • .RequestHandler.send_error now supports a reason keyword argument, similar to tornado.web.HTTPError.
  • .RequestHandler.locale now has a property setter.
  • .Application.add_handlers hostname matching now works correctly with IPv6 literals.
  • Redirects for the .Application default_host setting now match the request protocol instead of redirecting HTTPS to HTTP.
  • Malformed _xsrf cookies are now ignored instead of causing uncaught exceptions.
  • Application.start_request now has the same signature as .HTTPServerConnectionDelegate.start_request.


  • The tornado.websocket module now supports compression via the "permessage-deflate" extension. Override .WebSocketHandler.get_compression_options to enable on the server side, and use the compression_options keyword argument to .websocket_connect on the client side.
  • .WebSocketHandler no longer logs stack traces when the connection is closed.
  • now accepts *args, **kw for consistency with RequestHandler.get and related methods.
  • The Sec-WebSocket-Version header now includes all supported versions.
  • .websocket_connect now has a on_message_callback keyword argument for callback-style use without read_message().