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tornikegomareli committed Oct 6, 2023
1 parent 6546dd5 commit 4444637
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 46 deletions.
101 changes: 55 additions & 46 deletions Sources/ANSITerminal.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,140 +13,149 @@ import Foundation
import Darwin

public let ESC = "\u{1B}" // Escape character (27 or 1B)
// ANSI escape code constants
public let ESC = "\u{1B}" // Escape character
public let SS2 = ESC+"N" // Single Shift Select of G2 charset
public let SS3 = ESC+"O" // Single Shift Select of G3 charset
public let DCS = ESC+"P" // Device Control String
public let CSI = ESC+"[" // Control Sequence Introducer
public let OSC = ESC+"]" // Operating System Command

// some fancy characters, required appropriate font installed
public let RPT = "\u{e0b0}" // right pointing triangle
public let LPT = "\u{e0b2}" // left pointing triangle
public let RPA = "\u{e0b1}" // right pointing angle
public let LPA = "\u{e0b3}" // left pointing angle
// Special characters
public let RPT = "\u{e0b0}" // right-pointing triangle
public let LPT = "\u{e0b2}" // left-pointing triangle
public let RPA = "\u{e0b1}" // right-pointing angle
public let LPA = "\u{e0b3}" // left-pointing angle

// Terminal settings
internal private(set) var defaultTerminal = termios()
public private(set) var isNonBlockingMode = false

/// Introduces a delay in the program execution.
/// - Parameter ms: Milliseconds to delay.
@inlinable public func delay(_ ms: Int) {
usleep(UInt32(ms * 1000)) // convert to milliseconds
usleep(UInt32(ms * 1000))

/// Converts an integer to a Unicode character.
/// - Parameter code: Integer representing the Unicode character.
/// - Returns: A Unicode character.
@inlinable public func unicode(_ code: Int) -> Unicode.Scalar {
return Unicode.Scalar(code) ?? "\0"

/// Clears input/output buffers.
/// - Parameters:
/// - isOut: Whether to clear the output buffer.
/// - isIn: Whether to clear the input buffer.
@inlinable public func clearBuffer(isOut: Bool = true, isIn: Bool = true) {
if isIn { fflush(stdin) }
if isOut { fflush(stdout) }

/// Disables non-blocking terminal mode and restores default settings.
internal func disableNonBlockingTerminal() {
// restore default terminal mode
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &defaultTerminal)
isNonBlockingMode = false

/// Enables non-blocking terminal mode.
/// - Parameter rawMode: Whether to use raw mode.
internal func enableNonBlockingTerminal(rawMode: Bool = false) {
// store current terminal mode
tcgetattr(STDIN_FILENO, &defaultTerminal)
isNonBlockingMode = true

// configure non-blocking and non-echoing terminal mode
var nonBlockTerm = defaultTerminal
if rawMode {
// Full raw mode without any input processing at all
} else {
// disable CANONical mode and ECHO-ing input
nonBlockTerm.c_lflag &= ~tcflag_t(ICANON | ECHO)
// acknowledge CRNL line ending and UTF8 input
nonBlockTerm.c_iflag &= ~tcflag_t(ICRNL | IUTF8)

// enable new terminal mode
tcsetattr(STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &nonBlockTerm)

// check key from input poll
/// Checks if a key is pressed.
/// - Returns: `true` if a key is pressed, `false` otherwise.
public func keyPressed() -> Bool {
if !isNonBlockingMode { enableNonBlockingTerminal() }
var fds = [ pollfd(fd: STDIN_FILENO, events: Int16(POLLIN), revents: 0) ]
return poll(&fds, 1, 0) > 0

// read key as character
/// Reads a character from standard input.
/// - Returns: The character read.
public func readChar() -> Character {
var key: UInt8 = 0
let res = read(STDIN_FILENO, &key, 1)
return res < 0 ? "\0" : Character(UnicodeScalar(key))

// read key as ascii code
/// Reads an ASCII code from standard input.
/// - Returns: The ASCII code read.
public func readCode() -> Int {
var key: UInt8 = 0
let res = read(STDIN_FILENO, &key, 1)
return res < 0 ? 0 : Int(key)

// request terminal info using ansi esc command and return the response value
/// Sends a request to the terminal and reads the response.
/// - Parameters:
/// - command: The ANSI escape command to send.
/// - endChar: The character indicating the end of the response.
/// - Returns: The terminal's response.
internal func ansiRequest(_ command: String, endChar: Character) -> String {
// store current input mode
let nonBlock = isNonBlockingMode
if !nonBlock { enableNonBlockingTerminal() }

// send request
write(STDOUT_FILENO, command, command.count)

// read response
var res: String = ""
var key: UInt8 = 0
repeat {
read(STDIN_FILENO, &key, 1)
if key < 32 {
res.append("^") // replace non-printable ascii
} else {
} while key != endChar.asciiValue

// restore input mode and return response value
if !nonBlock { disableNonBlockingTerminal() }
return res

// direct write to standard output
/// Writes text to standard output.
/// - Parameters:
/// - text: Text to write.
/// - suspend: Milliseconds to pause after writing.
public func write(_ text: String..., suspend: Int = 0) {
for txt in text { write(STDOUT_FILENO, txt, txt.utf8.count) }
if suspend > 0 { delay(suspend) }
if suspend < 0 { clearBuffer() }
if suspend != 0 { delay(suspend) }

// direct write to standard output with new line
/// Writes text followed by a new line to standard output.
/// - Parameters:
/// - text: Text to write.
/// - suspend: Milliseconds to pause after writing.
public func writeln(_ text: String..., suspend: Int = 0) {
for txt in text { write(STDOUT_FILENO, txt, txt.utf8.count) }
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1)
if suspend > 0 { delay(suspend) }
if suspend < 0 { clearBuffer() }

// direct write to standard output only new line
public func writeln(suspend: Int = 0) {
write(STDOUT_FILENO, "\n", 1)
if suspend > 0 { delay(suspend) }
if suspend < 0 { clearBuffer() }
if suspend != 0 { delay(suspend) }

// shortcut to write text at a given position
/// Writes text at a specified row and column.
/// - Parameters:
/// - row: Row number.
/// - col: Column number.
/// - text: Text to write.
/// - suspend: Milliseconds to pause after writing.
public func writeAt(_ row: Int, _ col: Int, _ text: String..., suspend: Int = 0) {
moveTo(row, col)
for txt in text { write(STDOUT_FILENO, txt, txt.utf8.count) }
if suspend > 0 { delay(suspend) }
if suspend < 0 { clearBuffer() }
if suspend != 0 { delay(suspend) }

/// Prompts the user with a question and returns the answer.
/// - Parameters:
/// - q: Question to ask.
/// - cleanUp: Whether to clear the buffer before reading.
/// - Returns: User's answer.
public func ask(_ q: String, cleanUp: Bool = false) -> String {
print(q, terminator: "")
if cleanUp { clearBuffer() }
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