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Stephen Ullom edited this page May 7, 2022 · 3 revisions


There are a few ways to compile a Torx file.

  • Providing the output file extension.
  • Using a semantic file name.
  • Providing an output file name.

File Extension

For this example, create a torx file named index.torx. To set the output file extension, just provide it using this format:

torx [filename] [extension]

Compile to HTML file:

torx index.torx html

This will create index.html in the same directory as index.torx.

Semantic File Name

An alternative method is to name each file with the desired output. For example update.sql.torx.

To compile, no more information is required than the source file name.

torx [filename]

torx update.sql.torx

This will omit the .torx extension and create update.sql

Explicit File Path

To specify the output file, provide the full path:

torx [filename] [output]


torx src/data.torx bin/data.json

This will create data.json in the bin folder.


To get the installed version of Torx:

torx --version

Or use the shorthand

torx -v
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