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An airport / flight route search service. Uses public airport and route data as nodes and edges. Uses two-way graph breadth-first algorithm without recursion.


nvm use
npm install
npm run build
docker compose up
open http://localhost:8080/route?from=TLL&to=JFK


npm run dev


npm run test:coverage


🟢 GET /route


param description
from IATA code for source airport
to IATA code of target airport
timeout (optional, integer, milliseconds) - max execution time. Min - 10ms, Default - 100ms, max - 10 sec. The higher timeout, the better is the precision.

Example: http://localhost:8080/route?from=TLL&to=JFK&timeout=10 Screenshot_20221207_124028


The task is to build a JSON over HTTP API endpoint that takes as input two IATA/ICAO airport codes and provides as output a route between these two airports so that:

The route consists of at most 4 legs/flights (that is, 3 stops/layovers, if going from A->B, a valid route could be A->1->2->3->B, or for example A->1->B etc.) and;

The route is the shortest such route as measured in kilometers of geographical distance.


The weekdays and flight times are not important for the purposes of the test task - you are free to assume that all flights can depart at any required time

Bonus (not implemented)

For the bonus part, extend your service so that it also allows changing airports during stops that are within 100km of each other. For example, if going from A->B, a valid route could be A->1->2=>3->4->B, where “2=>3” is a change of airports done via ground. These switches are not considered as part of the legs/layover/hop count, but their distance should be reflected in the final distance calculated for the route.