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[Help] OpenVPN

toulousain79 edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 4 revisions


To use your VPN you will need a VPN client compatible with OpenVPN. Necessary files to configure your connection are available here:


NFS over OpenVPN

For NFS, you can mount the '/home/username' like below. The IP address can be different depending on the OpenVPN configuration that you have selected.

NFS v3

mount -t nfs 10.0.x.1:/home/<user> <mount_dir> -o nolock

NFS v4

mount -t nfs4 10.0.x.1:/home/<user> <mount_dir> -o nolock

Samba over OpenVPN

For Samba, you can mount the /home/<user> like that. The IP address can be different depending on the OpenVPN configuration that you have selected.

mount -t cifs //10.0.x.1/<user> <mount_dir> -o noatime,nodiratime,username=<user>,password=<password>