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Get next visited buf of given window, useful for choosing next buffer after closing a buffer in a window.

Checkout the usage example


  1. This plugin doesn't handle buffer management like deletion or restoration; it simply records which buffers have been opened in a window.
  2. In my expectation, when I run :vsplit on a window, and use bdelete to close the buffer in the splited window, the splited window should be closed because it only has one buffer visited. This plugin helps achieve this workflow.
  3. When you have the same buffer opened in two windows and you use bdelete to close one of them, you'll find that both windows are closed. This is the behavior of bdelete. You may want to use the Vim API to check if the buffer is opened in another window, so you can use a different command other than bdelete to remove the buffer from the window.
  4. bdelete will close window as well. see delete buf without closing window.


local plugin_spec = {
  dependencies = {
  -- currently no opts, buf setup call is needed.
  -- so you can also use config = true if you use lazy.nvim.
  opts = {},
  keys = {
          local MB = require('mini.bufremove')
          local bufstack = require('window-bufstack.bufstack')
          -- ignore next auto load buf because of `bdelete`.

          --- buffer is displayed in other window.
          if #vim.fn.win_findbuf(vim.fn.bufnr('%')) > 1 then
            --- delete buffer without closing window.

          -- vim.print(bufstack.debug())
          local next_buf = bufstack.pop()
          if not next_buf then
            -- no other buffers visited this window, you can close this window
            -- or do what you want.
            -- set next visited buf on this window.
            vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(0, next_buf)
      desc = "Close current buffer in window",

Another useful tip is if you do not delete the buffer, you can cycle through visited buffers of current window.


  • mark window as pinned?

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