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Use this if you do not want Vuex!

Support Vue 2, Vue 3, even React!

API Documentation


Why use this

  • You do not need Vuex but only want global state management

  • You think Vuex is not friendly to TypeScript's type inference and IDE reference jumping

  • You are tired of committing mutations and dispatching actions

  • You are using React and @tybys/reactivuety

  • You want to create another Vuex



Use static method VueModel.create(Vue, { state, getters? }) to create a model and use it in template / JSX.

The first argument is the implementation of Vue, or something like IVueImpl below:

interface IVueImpl {
  reactive?: <T extends object> (target: T) => any
  computed?: (fn: () => void) => any
  extend?: (options: any) => new () => { _data: any; $destroy (): void; [x: string]: any }
  [x: string]: any


import * as Vue from 'vue' // Vue 3
// import Vue from 'vue' // Vue 2

// React with @tybys/reactivuety
// import { reactive } from '@vue/reactivity'
// import { computed } from '@tybys/reactivuety'
// const Vue = { reactive, computed }

import { VueModel } from '@tybys/vuemodel'

const model = VueModel.create(Vue, {
  state: {
    a: { count: 1 }
  getters: {
    computedCount (state) {
      return state.a.count * 2
// or
// const model = new VueModel(Vue, { ... })

const Component = Vue.defineComponent({
  setup () {
    const onClick = () => { model.state.a.count++ }
    return () => (
        <p>{model.state.a.count} * 2 = {model.getters.computedCount}</p>
        <button onClick={onClick}>+</button>

Bind Vue implementation

Use VueModel.extend(Vue) to create a new constructor bound a vue implementation

import * as Vue from 'vue' // Vue 3
import { VueModel } from '@tybys/vuemodel'

const Model = VueModel.extend(Vue)
const model = Model.create({
  state: {
    a: { count: 1 }
  getters: {
    computedCount (state) {
      return state.a.count * 2
// or
// const model = new Model({ ... })

Implement interface

Better type inference support than Vuex!

import * as Vue from 'vue' // Vue 3

import { VueModel } from '@tybys/vuemodel'
import type { IVueModel, ISubscribeOptions, Subscriber } from '@tybys/vuemodel'

interface State {
  a: { count: number }

class MyStore implements IVueModel<State, any> {
  // @override
  public get state () {
    return this.__model.state

  // @override
  public get getters () {
    return this.__model.getters

  private __model = VueModel.create(Vue, {
    state: {
      a: { count: 1 }
    getters: {
      computedCount (state) { // <- no return type
        return state.a.count * 2

  public get count () {
    return this.state.a.count

  public get computedCount () { 
    return this.getters.computedCount // infer => number

  // like action
  public add (): Promise<void> {
    return Promise.resolve().then(() => {

  // public install (appOrVue) {
  //   vue plugin
  // }

Extended class

import * as Vue from 'vue' // Vue 3
import { VueModel } from '@tybys/vuemodel'

interface State {
  a: { count: number }

const getters = {
  computedCount (state: State) { // <- no return type
    return state.a.count * 2

class MyStore extends VueModel<State, typeof getters> {
  public constructor () {
    super(Vue, {
      state: {
        a: { count: 1 }
      getters: getters

  public get count () {
    return this.state.a.count

  public get computedCount () {
    return this.getters.computedCount // infer => number

  // like action
  public add (): Promise<void> {
    return Promise.resolve().then(() => {

Mutations and actions

If you prefer Vuex's pattern, you can call Store.prototype.registerMutation or Store.prototype.registerAction member method then pass the return value to Store.prototype.commit or Store.prototype.dispatch.

import * as Vue from 'vue' // Vue 3
import { Store, createLogger } from '@tybys/vuemodel'
import type { IMutation, IAction } from '@tybys/vuemodel'

interface State {
  a: { count: number }

// class Store extends VueModel
class MyStore extends Store<State, {}> {
  private __addMutation: IMutation<number>
  private __addAction: IAction<number, void>
  public constructor () {
    super(Vue, {
      state: {
        a: { count: 1 }
      plugins: [
        // createLogger()

    this.__addMutation = this.registerMutation<number>('m_add', (payload: number): void => {
      this.state.a.count += payload

    this.__addAction = this.registerAction<number, void>('a_add', (payload: number): void | Promise<void> => {
      this.commit(this.__addMutation, payload)
      // return Promise.resolve()

  public add (): Promise<void> {
    return this.dispatch(this.__addAction, 1)


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