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Manual derivatives with DynamicHMC #18

chenwilliam77 opened this issue Sep 26, 2019 · 8 comments

Manual derivatives with DynamicHMC #18

chenwilliam77 opened this issue Sep 26, 2019 · 8 comments


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Hi Tamas,

I've been trying to use DynamicHMC with a manually computed gradient, and I'm running into the following issue. The most recent tagged release of DynamicHMC requires LogDensityProblems v0.8.3, but the API for manually-computed gradients appear to exist only in v0.9.1. Of course, this runs into the issue that ValueGradient appears to be missing from v0.9.1, and DynamicHMC uses ValueGradient in its current implementation.

While I only took a brief look at the current source code for DynamicHMC, I wasn't able to immediately determine whether or not there exists a way to use DynamicHMC w/manually computed gradients. Does this functionality just not exist yet?

FYI, I'm using a manually computed gradient because automatic differentiation won't work for the likelihood functions I'm testing (one requires running a minimization routine, and another applies a generalized Schur decomposition).



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tpapp commented Sep 27, 2019

Hi William,

The most recently tagged version of DynamicHMC is 2.1, which relies on LogDensityProblems 0.9.*, as all versions above 2.0. See

Perhaps you have an older version pinned? Make sure you upgrade to 2.1. (This DynamicHMCExamples.jl repo is not updated yet, so if you have it installed, perhaps it is holding DynamicHMC back).

Using manually computed gradients is of course possible, and was in fact my main motivation for writing DynamicHMC. See

Please let me know if this solves your problem, and feel free to ask more questions any time.

(Are you by any chance solving DSGE models?)

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Hi Tamas,

The issue was that I was using Julia 1.0. Taking a closer look, Dynamic HMC v2.1 runs on Julia 1.1+. However, I think I'm still setting the problem up wrong. I've followed the documentation for setting up a manually calculated gradient according to LogDensityProblems. I think the error has to do with what I'm passing mcmc_with_warmup. I've tested logdens and gradient code, and they both spit out what look like reasonable numbers, so I don't think the issue is there.

This is the code I run after setting up the gradient.

p = EntryGameProblem(zeros(2,2))
params = (1., 1., 1., 1.)
p((beta_1 = params[1], ...))
t = problem_transformation(p)
P = TransformedLogDensity(t, p)
results = mcmc_with_warmup(Random.GLOBAL_RNG, P, 1000)

However, I get the following error:

ERROR: MethodError: no method matching logdensity_and_gradient(::TransformedLogDensity
{TransformVariables.TransformTuple{NamedTuple{(:beta_1, :beta_2, :gamma_1, :gamma_2),
EntryGamePrblem{Array{Float64,2}}}, ::Array{Float64,1})

Closest candidates are:
    logdensity_and_gradient(::EntryGameProblem, ::Any)

I presume I'm not supposed to pass in P, but then what should I be passing in?

And to answer your last question, yes, the ultimate intent is to solve DSGE models. Currently, I'm testing on non-DSGE models just to make sure I have the syntax correct before I start writing code to use HMC with a generic DSGE model.

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tpapp commented Sep 27, 2019

Can you please include a complete, self-contained MWE I can try to run? It would make it much easier to help you.

Are you now using 1.1, or preferably 1.2? (there is no reason not to upgrade in most cases, but 1.1 should be fine).

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chenwilliam77 commented Sep 27, 2019

Apologies! Here's a MWE. I am using Julia 1.1.

using SpecialFunctions
using ForwardDiff, Distributions, Optim
using TransformVariables, LogDensityProblems, DynamicHMC, MCMCDiagnostics,
   Parameters, Statistics, Random

# Set up likelihood and gradient functions
function quasi_likelihood(θ)
    ϕ = [.12; .07; .47]
    ψ = 5000

    β₁ = θ[1]
    β₂ = θ[2]
    γ₁ = θ[3]
    γ₂ = θ[4]

    normaldist = Normal(0,1)
    m1 = cdf(normaldist, β₁)#.value)
    m2 = cdf(normaldist, β₂)#).value)
    d1 = cdf(normaldist, β₁ - γ₁)#.value - γ₁.value)
    d2 = cdf(normaldist, β₂ -γ₂)#.value - γ₂.value)

    @inline function G(α)
        return [d1*d2; (1 - m1)*(1 - m2); m1*(1 - d2) - α]

    objfun(α) = abs(sum((ϕ - G(α)).^2))
    α_bar = (m1-d1) * (m2-d2)
    if α_bar < 0
        return -Inf
    res = optimize(objfun, 0, α_bar)
    return -0.5 * ψ * minimum(res)
function gradient_entry_game(para)
    function n_cdf(x)
        return 0.5 * erfc(-x/sqrt(2))
    function n_pdf(x)
        return 1/sqrt(2*π)*exp(-0.5* x^2)
    beta1, gamma1, beta2, gamma2 = para
    ϕ = [.12; .07; .47]
    ψ = 5000
    m1 = n_cdf(beta1)
    m2 = n_cdf(beta2)
    d1 = n_cdf(beta1-gamma1)
    d2 = n_cdf(beta2-gamma2)

    function G(alpha)
        gvec = [d1*d2, (1-m1)*(1-m2), m1*(1-d2) - alpha]
        return gvec

    objfun(α) = sum((ϕ - G(α)).^2)
    α_bar = (m1-d1) * (m2-d2)
    if α_bar < 0
        return -100000000000000. * ones(4)
    if ϕ[3] - m1*(1-d2) > 0
        alpha_star = 0.0
        alpha_star = min((m1*(1-d2)-ϕ[3], alpha_bar) )

    dG_dbeta1 = [d2*n_pdf(beta1-gamma1), -(1-m2)*n_pdf(beta1), (1-d2)*n_pdf(beta1)]
    dG_dgamma1 = [-d2*n_pdf(beta1-gamma1), 0, 0]
    dG_dbeta2 = [d1*n_pdf(beta2-gamma2), -(1-m1)*n_pdf(beta2), -m1*n_pdf(beta2-gamma2)]
    dG_dgamma2 = [-d1*n_pdf(beta2-gamma2), 0, m1*n_pdf(beta2-gamma2)]

    Gbar = ϕ - G(alpha_star)
    grad = ψ*[dot(Gbar, dG_dbeta1),
                dot(Gbar, dG_dgamma1),
                dot(Gbar, dG_dbeta2),
                dot(Gbar, dG_dgamma2)]
    return grad

# Set up log density problem
struct EntryGameProblem{TX<:AbstractMatrix}

function (entry_game_problem::EntryGameProblem)(θ)
    β₁ = θ[1]
    β₂ = θ[2]
    γ₁ = θ[3]
    γ₂ = θ[4]
    return quasi_likelihood(θ) + sum(logpdf.(Uniform(0.,2.), γ₁) +
                                        logpdf.(Uniform(0.,2.), γ₂) +
                                        logpdf.(Uniform(-2.,4.), β₁) +
                                        logpdf.(Uniform(-2.,4.), β₂))

problem_transformation(p::EntryGameProblem) =
    as((β₁ = as(Real,-2,4), β₂ = as(Real,-2,4),
        γ₁ = as(Real,0,2), γ₂ = as(Real,0,2)))

function LogDensityProblems.capabilities(::Type{<:EntryGameProblem})

LogDensityProblems.dimension(::EntryGameProblem) = 4

function LogDensityProblems.logdensity_and_gradient(problem::EntryGameProblem, x)
    logdens = quasi_likelihood(x)
    grad = gradient_entry_game(x)
    logdens, grad

# Instantiate problem and run HMC
p = EntryGameProblem(zeros(2,2))
params = (1., 1., 1., 1.)
p((β₁ = params[1], β₂ = params[2],
   γ₁ = params[3], γ₂ = params[4]))
t = problem_transformation(p)
P = TransformedLogDensity(t, p)
# ∇P = ADgradient(:ForwardDiff, P)
results = mcmc_with_warmup(Random.GLOBAL_RNG, P, 1)

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tpapp commented Sep 27, 2019

Thanks, now I see what the problem is.

What you are trying to do does not work since TransformedLogDensity creates a R^n -> R mapping from a callable, which you then differentiate through automatic differentiation (the line you commented out).

You want to do this in the opposite order, which is a valid use case (I sometimes need it too), but at the moment I have not yet implemented this in TransformVariables.jl.

What you can do at the moment is write a function that takes a flat vector, extract the components and transform them manually, and return the log density and the gradient. This should be relatively easy in your case (you just transform to intervals, conceptually the same derivatives).

I will look into an implementation for this in the meantime in TransformVariables.jl.

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tpapp commented Sep 27, 2019

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chenwilliam77 commented Sep 27, 2019

Thanks! This makes sense to me, and I will try to implement your suggestions in the interim.

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tpapp commented Sep 2, 2022

Closing this in favor of the issue above.

@tpapp tpapp closed this as completed Sep 2, 2022
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