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Adding F# source code formatting based on F# compiler language servic…
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tpetricek committed Jan 25, 2012
1 parent a951e67 commit 6c9a379
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Showing 21 changed files with 1,854 additions and 8 deletions.
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
27 changes: 27 additions & 0 deletions src/FSharp.CodeFormat.Tests/Script.fsx
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// TODO: Some actual unit tests would be nice
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#r @"..\FSharp.CodeFormat\bin\Debug\FSharp.CodeFormat.dll"
open FSharp.CodeFormat
open System.Reflection

// Load custom-built F# compiler with joinads
let asm = Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\tomas\Binary\FSharp.Extensions\Debug\cli\4.0\bin\FSharp.Compiler.dll")

let agent = CodeFormat.CreateAgent(asm)

let source = @"
let foo = 10

let snips =
agent.AsyncParseSource("C:\\test.fsx", source.Trim())
|> Async.RunSynchronously

let res = CodeFormat.FormatHtml(snips, "fstips")

// Assembly.Load("FSharp.Compiler, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=a19089b1c74d0809")
// Assembly.LoadFile(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.0\Framework\v4.0\FSharp.Compiler.dll")
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions src/FSharp.CodeFormat/CodeFormatAgent.fs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// F# CodeFormat (CodeFormatAgent.fs)
// (c) Tomas Petricek, 2012, Available under Apache 2.0 license.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
namespace FSharp.CodeFormat

open System
open System.IO
open System.Web
open System.Text
open System.Collections.Generic

open FSharp.CodeFormat
open FSharp.CodeFormat.CommentFilter

open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// ?
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

module private Helpers =

/// Mapping table that translates F# compiler representation to our union
let private colorMap =
[ TokenColorKind.Comment, TokenKind.Comment
TokenColorKind.Identifier, TokenKind.Identifier
TokenColorKind.InactiveCode, TokenKind.Inactive
TokenColorKind.Keyword, TokenKind.Keyword
TokenColorKind.Number, TokenKind.Number
TokenColorKind.Operator, TokenKind.Operator
TokenColorKind.PreprocessorKeyword, TokenKind.Preprocessor
TokenColorKind.String, TokenKind.String
TokenColorKind.UpperIdentifier, TokenKind.Identifier ] |> Map.ofSeq

/// Return the TokenKind corresponding to the specified F# compiler token
let getTokenKind key =
defaultArg (Map.tryFind key colorMap) TokenKind.Default

// Parse command line options - split string by space, but if there is something
// enclosed in double quotes "..." then ignore spaces in the quoted text
let parseOptions (str:string) =
let rec loop i opts current =
let opts =
if i < str.Length && str.[i] <> ' ' then opts
else (System.String(current |> List.rev |> Array.ofSeq))::opts
if i = str.Length then opts
elif str.[i] = ' ' then loop (i+1) opts []
elif str.[i] = '"' then
let endp = str.IndexOf('"', i+1)
let chars = str.Substring(i+1, endp - i - 1) |> List.ofSeq |> List.rev
loop (endp + 1) opts (chars @ current)
else loop (i + 1) opts (str.[i] :: current)

loop 0 [] [] |> Array.ofSeq

/// Use the F# compiler's SourceTokenizer to split a snippet (array of strings)
/// into a snippet with token information and line numbers.
let getTokens file defines (lines:string[]) : Snippet =

// Get defined directives
let defines = defines |> (fun (s:string) ->
s.Split([| ' '; ';'; ',' |], StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries) |> List.ofSeq)
// Create source tokenizer
let sourceTok = SourceTokenizer(defaultArg defines [], file)

// Parse lines using the tokenizer
[ let state = ref 0L
for n, line in lines |> [ 0 .. lines.Length ] do
let tokenizer = sourceTok.CreateLineTokenizer(line)
let rec parseLine() = seq {
match tokenizer.ScanToken(!state) with
| Some(tok), nstate ->
let str = line.Substring(tok.LeftColumn, tok.RightColumn - tok.LeftColumn + 1)
yield str, tok
state := nstate
yield! parseLine()
| None, nstate -> state := nstate }
yield n, parseLine() |> List.ofSeq ]

// Count the minimal number of spaces at the beginning of lines
// (so that we can remove spaces for indented text)
let countStartingSpaces (lines:Snippet) =
[ for l, (toks:_ list) in lines do
match toks with
| ((text:string), info)::_ when info.TokenName = "WHITESPACE" ->
yield text.Length - text.TrimStart([| ' ' |]).Length
| [] -> ()
| _ -> yield 0 ] |> Seq.min

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Main type that implements parsing and uses F# services
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

/// Uses agent to handle formatting requests
type CodeFormatAgent(assembly) =

do FSharpCompiler.BindToAssembly(assembly)

// Get the number of "IDENT" token in the F# compiler
// (This is needed when calling compiler, and it varies depending
// on the version i.e. when new keywords are added). Use reflection hack!
let identToken : int = FSharpCompiler.``Parser.token.Tags``?IDENT

// Processes a single line of the snippet
let processSnippetLine (checkInfo:TypeCheckInfo) (lines:string[]) (line, lineTokens) =

// Recursive processing of tokens on the line
// (keeps a long identifier 'island')
let rec loop island (tokens:SnippetLine) = seq {
match tokens with
| [] -> ()
| (body, tokenInfo)::rest ->
// Update the current identifier island
// (long identifier e.g.
let island =
match tokenInfo.TokenName with
| "DOT" -> island // keep what we have found so far
| "IDENT" -> body::island // add current identifier
| _ -> [] // drop everything - not in island

// Find tootltip using F# compiler service & the identifier island
let tip =
// If we're processing an identfier, see if it has any tool tip
if (tokenInfo.TokenName = "IDENT") then
let island = island |> List.rev
let pos = (line, tokenInfo.LeftColumn + 1)
let tip = checkInfo.GetDataTipText(pos, lines.[line], island, identToken)
match ToolTipReader.tryFormatTip tip with
| Some(_) as res -> res
| _ when island.Length > 1 ->
// Try to find some information about the last part of the identifier
let pos = (line, tokenInfo.LeftColumn + 2)
let tip = checkInfo.GetDataTipText(pos, lines.[line], [ body ], identToken)
ToolTipReader.tryFormatTip tip
| _ -> None
else None

if tokenInfo.TokenName.StartsWith("OMIT") then
// Special OMIT tag - add tool tip stored in token name
// (The text immediately follows the keyword "OMIT")
yield Omitted(body, tokenInfo.TokenName.Substring(4))
elif tokenInfo.TokenName = "FSI" then
// F# Interactive output - return as Output token
yield Output(body)
// Lookup token kind & return information about token
yield Token(Helpers.getTokenKind tokenInfo.ColorClass, body, tip)

// Process the rest of the line
yield! loop island rest }

// Process the current line & return info about it
Line (loop [] (List.ofSeq lineTokens) |> List.ofSeq)

/// Process snippet
let processSnippet checkInfo lines (source:Snippet) =
source |> (processSnippetLine checkInfo lines)

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

// Create an instance of an InteractiveChecker (which does background analysis
// in a typical IntelliSense editor integration for F#)
let checker = InteractiveChecker.Create(ignore)

/// Type-checking takes some time and doesn't return information on the
/// first call, so this function creates workflow that tries repeatedly
let rec getTypeCheckInfo(untypedInfo, file, source, opts) = async {
let obs = IsResultObsolete(fun () -> false)
let info = checker.TypeCheckSource(untypedInfo, file, 0, source, opts, obs)
match info with
| TypeCheckSucceeded(res) when res.TypeCheckInfo.IsSome ->
// Succeeded & got results back
return res.TypeCheckInfo.Value, res.Errors
| _ ->
do! Async.Sleep(500)
return! getTypeCheckInfo(untypedInfo, file, source, opts) }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

let processSourceCode (file, source, options, defines) = async {

// Read the source code into an array of lines
use reader = new StringReader(source)
let sourceLines =
[| let line = ref ""
while (line := reader.ReadLine(); line.Value <> null) do
yield line.Value |]

// Get options for a standalone script file (this adds some
// default references and doesn't require full project information)
let opts = checker.GetCheckOptionsFromScriptRoot(file, source)

// Override default options if the user specified something
let opts =
match options with
| Some(str:string) when not(String.IsNullOrEmpty(str)) ->
opts.WithProjectOptions(Helpers.parseOptions str)
| _ -> opts

// Run the first phase - parse source into AST without type information
let untypedInfo = checker.UntypedParse(file, source, opts)
// Run the second phase - perform type checking
let! checkInfo, errors = getTypeCheckInfo(untypedInfo, file, source, opts)

/// Parse source file into a list of lines consisting of tokens
let tokens = Helpers.getTokens file defines sourceLines

// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// When type-checking completes and we have a parsed file (as tokens), we can
// put the information together - this processes tokens and adds information such
// as color and tool tips (for identifiers)

// Process "omit" meta-comments in the source
let source = shrinkOmittedParts tokens |> List.ofSeq

// Split source into snippets if it contains meta-comments
let snippets : NamedSnippet list =
match getSnippets None [] source sourceLines with
| [] -> ["Untitled", source]
| snippets -> snippets |> List.rev

// Generate a list of snippets
let parsedSnippets =
snippets |> (fun (title, lines) ->
// Process the current snippet
let parsed = processSnippet checkInfo sourceLines source

// Remove additional whitespace from start of lines
let spaces = Helpers.countStartingSpaces lines
let parsed = parsed |> (function
| Line ((Token(kind, body, tip))::rest) ->
let body = body.Substring(spaces)
Line ((Token(kind, body, tip))::rest)
| line -> line)

// Return parsed snippet as 'Snippet' value
Snippet(title, parsed))

return parsedSnippets }

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Agent that implements the parsing & formatting

let agent = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun agent -> async {
while true do
// Receive parameters for the next parsing request
let! request, (chnl:AsyncReplyChannel<_>) = agent.Receive()
let! res = processSourceCode request
chnl.Reply(res |> Array.ofList)

/// Parse the source code specified by 'source', assuming that it
/// is located in a specified 'file'. Optional arguments can be used
/// to give compiler command line options and preprocessor definitions
member x.AsyncParseSource(file, source, ?options, ?defines) =
agent.PostAndAsyncReply(fun chnl -> (file, source, options, defines), chnl)

/// Parse the source code specified by 'source', assuming that it
/// is located in a specified 'file'. Optional arguments can be used
/// to give compiler command line options and preprocessor definitions
member x.ParseSourceAsync(file, source, options, defines) =
x.AsyncParseSource(file, source, options, defines)
|> Async.StartAsTask

/// Parse the source code specified by 'source', assuming that it
/// is located in a specified 'file'. Optional arguments can be used
/// to give compiler command line options and preprocessor definitions
member x.ParseSource(file, source, ?options, ?defines) =
agent.PostAndReply(fun chnl -> (file, source, options, defines), chnl)

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