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Download Stats

Casper da Costa-Luis edited this page Oct 25, 2020 · 1 revision

Download Statistics

Number of downloads vis.

#standardSQL for 2020
SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_downloads
FROM `the-psf.pypi.downloads*`
WHERE file.project = 'tqdm'
    BETWEEN "20200101"
    AND "20201231"

Alternatively use a tool e.g. pypinfo --start-date 2020-01 --end-date 2020-12 tqdm.

There's enough data that it's not possible to query all years in one go (exceeds free 1TB/month use) so here's a record of individual years far:

2015: 10957  # 20151010 (v2.0.0) to 20151231, not visible any more
2016: 673688
2017: 5105012
2018: 12973659
2019: 66707975
2020: 101059708  # up to 20201025

So 187M PyPI downloads plus Conda-downloads and GitHub-release-downloads

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