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Tracim with Docker

Table of contents

Run containers

Information about container

Environment variables can be given to the container:

  • DATABASE_TYPE (values: postgresql or sqlite)

If DATABASE_TYPE is postgresql set these variables:


Container volume are:

  • /etc/tracim (used for persistent configuration files)
  • /var/tracim (used for persistent data like user session and sqlite SQLite database if chosen)

Used port in container:

  • 80 (Tracim HTTP API and web user interface)

⚠ You can also use this list of supported variables (there variables are from development.ini.sample configuration file)

If you want to use notification by email:

If you want to use reply_by_email feature:

If you don't want to use webdav (webdav is started by default):

  • START_WEBDAV=0 (to deactivate webdav in Tracim)

If you don't want to use caldav (webdav is started by default):

  • START_CALDAV=0 (to deactivate agenda in Tracim)

If you want to use collaborative_document_edition feature:

  • ENABLE_COLLABORATIVE_DOCUMENT_EDITION=1 (In this case you need to set collaborative_document_edition.* parameters in development.ini.sample)

see also setting documentation

You can override app activated in Tracim using TRACIM_APP__ENABLED environnement variable, this allow to disable some default enabled apps like contents/file, see app.enabled_app parameter in development.ini.sample for more information about possible app enabled list values. ⚠ if you decide to override app list, be careful about docker parameters : ENABLE_COLLABORATIVE_DOCUMENT_EDITION and START_CALDAV, they need to be consistent with app list configuration, for example if you do not have agenda app in app.enabled list, you MUST have START_CALDAV=0.

If you want to use plugins and/or custom_toolbox you need to add files in ~/tracim/etc/plugins/ and ~/tracim/etc/custom_toolbox/ (default configuration). This two path are created when you start docker image for the first time.

Example commands

Example with SQLite:

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \

To run the Tracim container with PostgreSQL, you must set the DATABASE_USER, DATABASE_PASSWORD, DATABASE_HOST, DATABASE_PORT, DATABASE_NAME environment variables.

Example with PostgreSQL:

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=postgresql \
        -e DATABASE_HOST= \
        -e DATABASE_PORT=5432 \
        -e DATABASE_USER=tracim \
        -e DATABASE_PASSWORD=tracim \
        -e DATABASE_NAME=tracim \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \

Example with SQlite, email notifications and some small customisations:

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e TRACIM_EMAIL__NOTIFICATION__SMTP__SERVER=xxxx.servermail.xx \
        -e TRACIM_EMAIL__NOTIFICATION__SMTP__USER=xxxxxxxxxx \
        -e TRACIM_EMAIL__NOTIFICATION__FROM__EMAIL=xxx+{user_id}@servermail.xx \
        -e TRACIM_EMAIL__NOTIFICATION__REPLY_TO__EMAIL=xxxx+{content_id}@servermail.xx \
        -e TRACIM_EMAIL__NOTIFICATION__REFERENCES__EMAIL=xxxx+{content_id}@servermail.xx \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__TITLE=xxxxxx \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \

With this example, Tracim is now accessible on your network and Tracim can send notification by email when content change.

Example to use Tracim with ElasticSearch: (you need to start elasticsearch first)

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e TRACIM_SEARCH__ENGINE=elasticsearch \
        -e TRACIM_SEARCH__ELASTICSEARCH__HOST={ip_of_elasticsearch_container} \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \

Example to use Tracim with ElasticSearch-ingest: (you need to create your elasticsearch-ingest image first and start this image before Tracim)

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e TRACIM_SEARCH__ENGINE=elasticsearch \
        -e TRACIM_SEARCH__ELASTICSEARCH__HOST={ip_of_elasticsearch_container} \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \

⚠ After execute one of these command, Tracim will be reachable on your system on port 8080.

Build images

To build image

cd tools_docker/Debian_Uwsgi
docker build -t algoo/tracim:<version_name> .

To build encryption-enabled (gocryptfs based) image (experimental):

cd tools_docker/Debian_New_Uwsgi
docker build -t algoo/tracim:<version_name> .

With custom branch or tag

It is not possible to build an image with both ARG TAG and ARG BRANCH at same time.

You can build with specific branch

cd tools_docker/Debian_Uwsgi
docker build --build-arg BRANCH="<branch_name>" -t algoo/tracim:<version_name> .

Ex: docker build --build-arg BRANCH="feature/new_app" -t algoo/tracim:test_branch .

You can also build image with specific tag (This build is make just with necessary files: no other branch available)

cd tools_docker/Debian_Uwsgi
docker build --build-arg TAG="<tag_name>" -t algoo/tracim:<tag_name> .

Ex: docker build --build-arg TAG="release_02.00.00" -t algoo/tracim:release_02.00.00 .

With custom repository

By default, the Docker image is built from the main repository of Tracim. To clone Tracim from another repository, use the REPO argument. Don't forget to set a suitable image name.

Ex: docker build --build-arg REPO="<me>/tracim.git" -t algoo/tracim:myrepo .


If you encounter problems during the startup of the docker image, you can pass DEBUG=1 to get additional messages that can help to find the problem cause:

    docker run \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \
        -e DEBUG=1 \

Tracimcli inside docker

For maintenance purpose you can use tracimcli command line in the docker this way:

docker exec -it -u www-data -w /etc/tracim {CONTAINER ID or NAMES} tracimcli

for the interactive mode note: /etc/tracim is the folder in container where the configuration file is stored.

or launching command directly:

docker exec -i -u www-data -w /etc/tracim {CONTAINER ID or NAMES} tracimcli dev parameters value -f -d

Updating index of ElasticSearch

⚠ Prerequiste: ElasticSearch is running and you have starting Tracim with parameter to communicate with elasticsearch

To make an update of ElasticSearch index you need to go inside your running Tracim container:

docker ps
docker exec -it -u www-data -w /etc/tracim {CONTAINER ID or NAMES} tracimcli

Now you are in your Tracim container.

search index-drop -d
search index-create -d
search index-populate -d

When is finished, you can quit your container. Index is now updated with all of your Tracim content.

ARM64 build


The ARM64 build is an experimental build without VTK enabled.

To build image for ARM64 on a AMD64 machine, you need to:

then do:

cd tools_docker/Debian_New_Uwsgi_ARM64
docker buildx build -t algoo/tracim:arm64 . --platform linux/arm64/v8

for arm64/aarch64/v8

Running with gocryptfs encryption


Warning: This is an experimental docker image, the new feature from this docker will maybe be merged to the standard docker or removed.

Warning: content should be migratable from gocryptfs-encrypted to plain dir and also in the other side, but this was not tested. For previews, there is no need to migrate data, so you can just start with a plain new dir.

This need the new specific Debian_New_Uwsgi docker (see build section). Example with basic instance of Tracim (local usage with webdav and caldav) with encrypted storage:

Note: with this new docker, all tracimcli and alembic command should be runned as user www-data, example:

docker exec -i -u www-data -w /etc/tracim {CONTAINER ID or NAMES} tracimcli dev parameters value -f -d

for this example, you first need to write password you want in ~/tracim/secret/password.txt file. Folder ~/tracim/secret will be mounted as a docker volume.

mkdir -p ~/tracim/secret
echo "password" > ~/tracim/secret/password.txt

Note: this is just an example, we suggest you to write password with a text editor instead in order to not store the password in the bash history.

    docker run \
        --device /dev/fuse \
        --cap-add SYS_ADMIN \
        --security-opt apparmor:unconfined \
        -e DATABASE_TYPE=sqlite \
        -e GOCRYPTFS_PREVIEW_STORAGE_DIR=/var/tracim/data/preview \
        -e TRACIM_PREVIEW_CACHE_DIR=/media/previews \
        -e GOCRYPTFS_UPLOADED_FILES_STORAGE_DIR=/var/tracim/data/uploaded_files \
        -e TRACIM_DEPOT_STORAGE_DIR=/media/uploaded_files \
        -e GOCRYPTFS_PASSWORD_PATH=/var/secret/password.txt \
        -e TRACIM_WEBSITE__BASE_URL=http://{ip_address}:{port} \
        -p 8080:80 \
        -v ~/tracim/etc:/etc/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/var:/var/tracim \
        -v ~/tracim/secret:/var/secret \

For more security, you may want to remove the password file. You will need it each time you need to run the docker.

rm ~/tracim/secret/password.txt