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Simple search and advanced filters made easy for rails

Provides a set of model, helper, views that helps integrate from simple search (various columns) to advanced filters (with relations).

Simple search introduction

Simple search is based on simple_column_search plugin, extended to provide multi-model search, here the most simple example, put it in your model:

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_criteria :simple => { :columns => [:name, :description] }

This will create a search method on Account, you can use"Bank Spain") and will generate a query that looks like:

(( LIKE '%Bank%' OR accounts.description LIKE '%Bank%')) AND ( LIKE '%Spain%' OR accounts.description LIKE '%Spain%')"

In your view, you can use the helper for simple search as following:

<%= acts_as_criteria_form :simple, Account %>

This will create the search form and a search method in the accounts_controller will handle the calls to the model for you.

Starting from that point a set of options can be specified in the model definition and the helper to help integrate smooth on your app, assuming some rules.

  • Escape lambda function to be able to clean the terms in the search as you need
  • Specify the match operator ex, :match => :is (:contains by default)
  • Multimodel search view helper
  • Ajax calls in helper
  • Pagination
  • Custom restriction to search results
  • Translations
  • Custom method to mantain the search state in session ...

Filters introduction

This will add advancend filter system to your app, here the most simple example, put it in your model:

class Account < ActiveRecord::Base
    acts_as_criteria :filter => { :columns => { :name => {}, :description => {}, :updated_at } }

In your view, you can use the helper for the dynamic filters as following:

<%= acts_as_criteria_form :filter, Account %>

This will create a dynamic form that will let add/delete filter with the columns specified with the operators that depends on the column type (auto-detected)

All the view-controller-model interactions will be handled automatically. Currently the following types will be treated independently:

  • :string, :text => :text
  • :integer, :float, :decimal => :num
  • :datetime, :timestamp, :time, :date => :period
  • :boolean => :bool

Eeach will have their own subset of operators:

  • text => is, is_not, begin, contains, not_contains
  • num => eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le
  • datetime => eq, ne, gt, ge, lt, le
  • boolean => eq, ne

As as special case, if you have installed the filters for date columns will use this.

Starting from that point a set of options can be specified in the model definition and the helper to help integrate smooth on your app, assuming some rules.

  • You can use columns defined in relations, ex: you can use :"" and the query will include the tags relations automatically
  • You can pass lambda funcions as :source to create filter baseds on custom data (for selects), ex: select from the list of tags
  • Specify the :relation_name for filters related to polymorphic and custom named relations
  • Interations in the view with the simple search (disable it if filters are active)
  • Pagination
  • Custom restriction to search results
  • Translations
  • Custom method to mantain the filters state in session
  • Custom conditions ...

View Helper options:

  • js_framework : Defaults to prototype, but you can pass this options with "jquery" instead

Complete example explained

acts_as_criteria :i18n                   => lambda { |text| I18n.t(text) },
               :mantain_current_query  => lambda { |query, controller_name, session| session["#{controller_name}_current_query".to_sym] = query },
               :restrict => { :method  => "my", :options => lambda { |current_user| { :user => current_user} } },
               :paginate => { :method  => "paginate", :options => lambda { |current_user| { :page => 1, :per_page => current_user.pref[:accounts_per_page]} } },
               :simple   => { :columns => [:name, :description], :match => :contains },
               :filter   => { :columns => { :name => { },
                                            :user_id => { :text => "created_by", :source => lambda { |options| { |user| [user.full_name,] } } },
                                            :assigned_to => { :source => lambda { |options| { |user| [user.full_name,] } } },
                                            :created_at => {},
                                            :updated_at => {},
                                            :"" => { :text => "country", :relation_name => :billing_address, :source => lambda { |options| Country.all } }
                                          } }

Saved searches

This plugin enables your users to save the advanced filters for later use.


script/plugin install git://
rake db:migrate:plugin NAME=acts_as_criteria
restart your webserver



config.plugins = [ :acts_as_criteria, :all ]

For plugin developers

You can extend the filters on your own plugin:

  • Put a file in vendor/plugins/my_plugin/config/criteria_filter.rb
  • Define a method get_"PLUGIN_NAME"_criteria_filters
  • Return an array of hashes with the model to apply the filter and the options

Example, adds a filter by category to the Account model

def get_my_plugin_criteria_filters
    [{ :model => Account, :filters => { :"" => { :text => "Categoria", :condition => lambda { |value, model| "( = #{value} or cats.parent_id = #{value}) and cat_type = '#{model.to_s}'" }, :source => lambda { |options| { |cat| [cat.long_name,] } } } } } ]


Simple search and advanced filters made easy






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