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Display active and complete HTTP requests of your Node.js web server easily. This package adds support for web-top for your application.


Supported web serves include, but not limited to


  • Use web-top text user interface (TUI) client and REST API interface directly
  • Track active and completed HTTP requests
  • Detect stalled or hung requests
  • No separate software installation outside Node.js needed; web-top-node tracks any HTTP requests inside Node.js process using internal memory table
  • API key based authentication
  • Support for custom tracking tags
  • All features of web-top

This tracker backend is suitable for tracking web servers with a single Node.js process. If you are running a distributed web server with several Node.js processes behind a load balancer, you need to use a distributed tracker like Redis or provide tracking interface directly from your load balancer.


From NPM:

npm install "@trading-strategy-ai/web-top-node@next"


To enable tracking you need

  • Create tracker backend, with any custom tags you want to associated with your web server
  • Install middleware that will detect HTTP request start and end
  • Create an API endpoint that will serve this data to web-top command line client
  • The API endpoint is authenticated with an API key which is read from TOP_WEB_API_KEY environmenet variable by default

With Express like web servers

Here is an example script

  • Using Polka web server
  • Should be compatible with any Express web server based Node.js website

Below is JavaScript example, but there is also an example for Express.js and TypeScript in the source tree.

 * Polka example web server twith tracker.
 * To run this you need to set environment variable TOP_WEB_API_KEY
 * to a random string.
 * export TOP_WEB_API_KEY=`node -e "console.log(crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'));"`
 * echo "API key is $TOP_WEB_API_KEY"
 * node scripts/polka.js

import polka from 'polka';
import { Tracker, TrackerServer, createTrackerMiddleware } from '@trading-strategy-ai/web-top-node';

// Create Polka server
// See
// for more information.
const app = polka();

// Create HTTP request tracker.
// This will store active and completed HTTP requests
// in Node.js process memory.
const tracker = new Tracker();

// Install HTTP request start/end hooks.
// If no max completed request buffer size is not given,
// read the max number from TOP_MAX_COMPLETED_TASKS
// environment variable, or default to 256 requests
// if not set.
const trackerMiddleware = createTrackerMiddleware(tracker);

// Install API endpoint.
// If no API key is given read one from
// TOP_WEB_API_KEY environment variable.
const trackerServer = new TrackerServer(tracker);

// Under which path we install the tracker API endpoint
const trackerPath = "/tracker";
app.get(trackerPath, trackerServer.serve.bind(trackerServer))

// Create Hello world landing page
app.get('/', async (req, res) => {
  res.end('Hello world');

// Start web server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Listening on port 3000');
  console.log(`HTTP active requests API at ${trackerPath}, API key starts as ${trackerServer.apiKey.slice(0, 4)}…`);

Start the server above as:

export TOP_WEB_API_KEY=`node -e "console.log(crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'));"`
echo "API key is $TOP_WEB_API_KEY"
node scripts/polka.js

Then you can access the connect web-top application or access the /tracker API endpoint directly (see below).

In another terminal open web-top:

export TOP_WEB_API_KEY=... # Same API key as above
web-top live --tracker-url="http://localhost:3000/tracker"

With SvelteKit

Below is an example integration for SvelteKit based websites that use adapter-node for production deployments.

 * Express.js based SvelteKit server-side renderer
 * with web-top HTTP request tracking API installed.
 * To run this you need to set environment variable TOP_WEB_API_KEY
 * to a random string.
 * export TOP_WEB_API_KEY=`node -e "console.log(crypto.randomBytes(20).toString('hex'));"`
 * echo "API key is $TOP_WEB_API_KEY"
 * node scripts/server.js

// Check your SvelteKit build/handler.js file
// location based on your SvelteKit installation
import { handler } from '../build/handler.js';
import express from 'express';
import { Tracker, TrackerServer, createTrackerMiddleware } from '@trading-strategy-ai/web-top-node';

// Create Express server
// Polka does not work
const app = express();

// Create HTTP request tracker.
// This will store active and completed HTTP requests
// in Node.js process memory.
const tracker = new Tracker();

// Install HTTP request start/end hooks.
// If no max completed request buffer size is not given,
// read the max number from TOP_MAX_COMPLETED_TASKS
// environment variable, or default to 256 requests
// if not set.
const trackerMiddleware = createTrackerMiddleware(tracker);

// Install API endpoint.
// If no API key is given read one from
// TOP_WEB_API_KEY environment variable.
const trackerServer = new TrackerServer(tracker);

// Under which path we install the tracker API endpoint
const trackerPath = "/tracker";
app.get(trackerPath, trackerServer.serve.bind(trackerServer))

// Install SvelteKit server-side renderer

// Start web server
app.listen(3000, () => {
  console.log('Listening on port 3000');
  console.log(`HTTP active requests API at ${trackerPath}, API key starts as ${trackerServer.apiKey.slice(0, 4)}…`);

See open issue with SvelteKit that may affect you.


By default, the following items might be logged and available through the active request monitoring:

  • HTTP GET parameters
  • Request and response headers

These may include user secrets like API tokens. If this is not suitable for your application security, you can modify the tracker to ignore specified HTTP fields.

Tracker API endpoint

You can access the tracker server API endpoint as following

View active HTTP requests

Example URL - fill in your own API key:


View completed HTTP request/responses


API documentation

Browse source code on Github.


To roll out a new package version:

bash scripts/


Node.js HTTP request tracker integration for web-top







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