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First stage of access logging middleware. Initially without any outpu…
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Richard Shepherd authored and timoreimann committed Apr 22, 2017
1 parent 4310bdf commit 73a1b17
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Showing 9 changed files with 447 additions and 34 deletions.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions middlewares/accesslog/capture_request_reader.go
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
package accesslog

import "io"

type captureRequestReader struct {
source io.ReadCloser
count int64

func (r *captureRequestReader) Read(p []byte) (int, error) {
n, err := r.source.Read(p)
r.count += int64(n)
return n, err

func (r *captureRequestReader) Close() error {
return r.source.Close()
69 changes: 69 additions & 0 deletions middlewares/accesslog/capture_response_writer.go
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package accesslog

import (

var (
_ http.ResponseWriter = &captureResponseWriter{}
_ http.Hijacker = &captureResponseWriter{}
_ http.Flusher = &captureResponseWriter{}
_ http.CloseNotifier = &captureResponseWriter{}

// captureResponseWriter is a wrapper of type http.ResponseWriter
// that tracks request status and size
type captureResponseWriter struct {
rw http.ResponseWriter
status int
size int64

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Header() http.Header {

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
if crw.status == 0 {
crw.status = http.StatusOK
size, err :=
crw.size += int64(size)
return size, err

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) WriteHeader(s int) {
crw.status = s

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Flush() {
if f, ok :=; ok {

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Hijack() (net.Conn, *bufio.ReadWriter, error) {
if h, ok :=; ok {
return h.Hijack()
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("Not a hijacker: %T",

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) CloseNotify() <-chan bool {
if c, ok :=; ok {
return c.CloseNotify()
return nil

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Status() int {
return crw.status

func (crw *captureResponseWriter) Size() int64 {
return crw.size
124 changes: 124 additions & 0 deletions middlewares/accesslog/logdata.go
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package accesslog

import (

const (
// StartUTC is the map key used for the time at which request processing started.
StartUTC = "StartUTC"
// StartLocal is the map key used for the local time at which request processing started.
StartLocal = "StartLocal"
// Duration is the map key used for the total time taken by processing the response, including the origin server's time but
// not the log writing time.
Duration = "Duration"
// FrontendName is the map key used for the name of the Traefik frontend.
FrontendName = "FrontendName"
// BackendName is the map key used for the name of the Traefik backend.
BackendName = "BackendName"
// BackendURL is the map key used for the URL of the Traefik backend.
BackendURL = "BackendURL"
// BackendAddr is the map key used for the IP:port of the Traefik backend (extracted from BackendURL)
BackendAddr = "BackendAddr"
// ClientAddr is the map key used for the remote address in its original form (usually IP:port).
ClientAddr = "ClientAddr"
// ClientHost is the map key used for the remote IP address from which the client request was received.
ClientHost = "ClientHost"
// ClientPort is the map key used for the remote TCP port from which the client request was received.
ClientPort = "ClientPort"
// ClientUsername is the map key used for the username provided in the URL, if present.
ClientUsername = "ClientUsername"
// RequestAddr is the map key used for the HTTP Host header (usually IP:port). This is treated as not a header by the Go API.
RequestAddr = "RequestAddr"
// RequestHost is the map key used for the HTTP Host server name (not including port).
RequestHost = "RequestHost"
// RequestPort is the map key used for the TCP port from the HTTP Host.
RequestPort = "RequestPort"
// RequestMethod is the map key used for the HTTP method.
RequestMethod = "RequestMethod"
// RequestPath is the map key used for the HTTP request URI, not including the scheme, host or port.
RequestPath = "RequestPath"
// RequestProtocol is the map key used for the version of HTTP requested.
RequestProtocol = "RequestProtocol"
// RequestLine is the original request line
RequestLine = "RequestLine"
// RequestContentSize is the map key used for the number of bytes in the request entity (a.k.a. body) sent by the client.
RequestContentSize = "RequestContentSize"
// OriginDuration is the map key used for the time taken by the origin server ('upstream') to return its response.
OriginDuration = "OriginDuration"
// OriginContentSize is the map key used for the content length specified by the origin server, or 0 if unspecified.
OriginContentSize = "OriginContentSize"
// OriginStatus is the map key used for the HTTP status code returned by the origin server.
// If the request was handled by this Traefik instance (e.g. with a redirect), then this value will be absent.
OriginStatus = "OriginStatus"
// OriginStatusLine is the map key used for the HTTP status code and corresponding descriptive string.
// If the request was handled by this Traefik instance (e.g. with a redirect), then this value will be absent.
// Note that the actual message string might be different to what is reported here, depending on server behaviour.
OriginStatusLine = "OriginStatusLine"
// DownstreamStatus is the map key used for the HTTP status code returned to the client.
DownstreamStatus = "DownstreamStatus"
// DownstreamStatusLine is the map key used for the HTTP status line returned to the client.
DownstreamStatusLine = "DownstreamStatusLine"
// DownstreamContentSize is the map key used for the number of bytes in the response entity returned to the client.
// This is in addition to the "Content-Length" header, which may be present in the origin response.
DownstreamContentSize = "DownstreamContentSize"
// RequestCount is the map key used for the number of requests received since the Traefik instance started.
RequestCount = "RequestCount"
// GzipRatio is the map key used for the response body compression ratio achieved.
GzipRatio = "GzipRatio"
// Overhead is the map key used for the processing time overhead caused by Traefik.
Overhead = "Overhead"

// These are written out in the default case when no config is provided to specify keys of interest.
var defaultCoreKeys = [...]string{

// This contains the set of all keys, i.e. all the default keys plus all non-default keys.
var allCoreKeys = make(map[string]struct{})

func init() {
for _, k := range defaultCoreKeys {
allCoreKeys[k] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[BackendAddr] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[ClientAddr] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[RequestAddr] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[RequestLine] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[OriginStatusLine] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[DownstreamStatusLine] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[GzipRatio] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[StartLocal] = struct{}{}
allCoreKeys[Overhead] = struct{}{}

// CoreLogData holds the fields computed from the request/response.
type CoreLogData map[string]interface{}

// LogData is the data captured by the middleware so that it can be logged.
type LogData struct {
Core CoreLogData
Request http.Header
OriginResponse http.Header
DownstreamResponse http.Header
144 changes: 144 additions & 0 deletions middlewares/accesslog/logger.go
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
package accesslog

import (

type key string

const (
// DataTableKey is the key within the request context used to
// store the Log Data Table
DataTableKey key = "LogDataTable"

// LogHandler will write each request and its response to the access log.
// It gets some information from the logInfoResponseWriter set up by previous middleware.
// Note: Current implementation collects log data but does not have the facility to
// write anywhere.
type LogHandler struct {

// NewLogHandler creates a new LogHandler
func NewLogHandler() *LogHandler {
return &LogHandler{}

// GetLogDataTable gets the request context object that contains logging data. This accretes
// data as the request passes through the middleware chain.
func GetLogDataTable(req *http.Request) *LogData {
return req.Context().Value(DataTableKey).(*LogData)

func (l *LogHandler) ServeHTTP(rw http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request, next http.HandlerFunc) {
now := time.Now().UTC()
core := make(CoreLogData)

logDataTable := &LogData{Core: core, Request: req.Header}
core[StartUTC] = now
core[StartLocal] = now.Local()

reqWithDataTable := req.WithContext(context.WithValue(req.Context(), DataTableKey, logDataTable))

var crr *captureRequestReader
if req.Body != nil {
crr = &captureRequestReader{source: req.Body, count: 0}
reqWithDataTable.Body = crr

core[RequestCount] = nextRequestCount()
if req.Host != "" {
core[RequestAddr] = req.Host
core[RequestHost], core[RequestPort] = silentSplitHostPort(req.Host)
// copy the URL without the scheme, hostname etc
urlCopy := &url.URL{
Path: req.URL.Path,
RawPath: req.URL.RawPath,
RawQuery: req.URL.RawQuery,
ForceQuery: req.URL.ForceQuery,
Fragment: req.URL.Fragment,
urlCopyString := urlCopy.String()
core[RequestMethod] = req.Method
core[RequestPath] = urlCopyString
core[RequestProtocol] = req.Proto
core[RequestLine] = fmt.Sprintf("%s %s %s", req.Method, urlCopyString, req.Proto)

core[ClientAddr] = req.RemoteAddr
core[ClientHost], core[ClientPort] = silentSplitHostPort(req.RemoteAddr)
core[ClientUsername] = usernameIfPresent(req.URL)

crw := &captureResponseWriter{rw: rw}

next.ServeHTTP(crw, reqWithDataTable)

logDataTable.DownstreamResponse = crw.Header()
l.logTheRoundTrip(logDataTable, crr, crw)

// Close closes the Logger (i.e. the file etc).
func (l *LogHandler) Close() error {
return nil

func silentSplitHostPort(value string) (host string, port string) {
host, port, err := net.SplitHostPort(value)
if err != nil {
return value, "-"
return host, port

func usernameIfPresent(theURL *url.URL) string {
username := "-"
if theURL.User != nil {
if name := theURL.User.Username(); name != "" {
username = name
return username

// Logging handler to log frontend name, backend name, and elapsed time
func (l *LogHandler) logTheRoundTrip(logDataTable *LogData, crr *captureRequestReader, crw *captureResponseWriter) {

core := logDataTable.Core

if crr != nil {
core[RequestContentSize] = crr.count

core[DownstreamStatus] = crw.Status()
core[DownstreamStatusLine] = fmt.Sprintf("%03d %s", crw.Status(), http.StatusText(crw.Status()))
core[DownstreamContentSize] = crw.Size()
if original, ok := core[OriginContentSize]; ok {
o64 := original.(int64)
if o64 != crw.Size() && 0 != crw.Size() {
core[GzipRatio] = float64(o64) / float64(crw.Size())

// n.b. take care to perform time arithmetic using UTC to avoid errors at DST boundaries
total := time.Now().UTC().Sub(core[StartUTC].(time.Time))
core[Duration] = total
if origin, ok := core[OriginDuration]; ok {
core[Overhead] = total - origin.(time.Duration)
} else {
core[Overhead] = total


var requestCounter uint64 // Request ID

func nextRequestCount() uint64 {
return atomic.AddUint64(&requestCounter, 1)

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