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Thread-safe MPI bindings

TL;DR: This is a library that intercepts an application calls to MPI, and make them thread safe.

How ?

MPI provides several thread-safet support, ranging from MPI_THREAD_SINGLE (only one thread in the application), to MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE (the application may have several thread that call MPI concurrently).

Some MPI implementations do not provide the MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE thread-safety level. In that case, the application has to make sure that threads to not call MPI concurrently, by using a mutex for example. But modifying the application can be complex.

This library aims at solving this issue. It intercepts MPI calls and use a mutex to make sure that threads do not enter MPI concurrently

Running an application

mpirun mpi_interceptor [options] myappli

The following options can be passed to MPI Interceptor:

  • -v or --verbose
    • Set verbosity level (default level: 0)
  • -f or --force
    • Force thread-safety (default: disabled) -- Even if the MPI implementation does provide MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, or if the application does not need MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE, this option provides thread-safety. It can be used for testing the library
  • -d or --disable
    • Disable thread-safety (default: no) -- Disable the library thread-safety mecanism. It can be used for testing the library instrumentation.
  • -s or --show
    • Show the LD_PRELOAD command to run the application with instrumentation (default: no)
  • -c, --check
    • Check if the application performs concurrent MPI calls (default: no)
  • -C, --check-abort
    • Abort if the concurrency check fails (default: no)

If you need to tweak the environment, you can also run mpi_interceptor -s in order to get the environment variables that need to be set to use the tool:

$mpi_interceptor -s  ./mpi_ring_mt
LD_PRELOAD=/home/trahay/Soft/opt/thread-safe-mpi_bindings/install/lib/ MPII_VERBOSE=0 MPII_FORCE_THREAD_SAFETY=0 MPII_DISABLE_THREAD_SAFETY=0 ./mpi_ring_mt

Checking the application concurrency

The -c option allows to check if the application performs concurrent calls to MPI functions, whether it initiliazed MPI with MPI_THREAD_MULTIPLE or not:

$ mpirun  -np 2 ../install/bin/mpi_interceptor -C ./mpi_ring_mt
[P0T1]  Warning: thread 1 calls MPI_Send while thread 0 calls MPI_Recv! Concurrency_level: 2

Status of the current implementation

The current implementation intercepts the following functions and make them thread-safe:

  • MPI_Init_thread: yes
  • MPI_Init: yes
  • MPI_Finalize: yes
  • MPI_Barrier: yes
  • MPI_Comm_size: yes
  • MPI_Comm_rank: yes
  • MPI_Comm_get_parent: yes
  • MPI_Type_size: yes
  • MPI_Cancel: yes
  • MPI_Comm_disconnect: yes
  • MPI_Comm_free: yes
  • MPI_Comm_create: yes
  • MPI_Comm_create_group: yes
  • MPI_Comm_split: yes
  • MPI_Comm_dup: yes
  • MPI_Comm_dup_with_info: yes
  • MPI_Comm_split_type: yes
  • MPI_Intercomm_create: yes
  • MPI_Intercomm_merge: yes
  • MPI_Cart_sub: yes
  • MPI_Cart_create: yes
  • MPI_Graph_create: yes
  • MPI_Dist_graph_create: yes
  • MPI_Dist_graph_create_adjacent: yes
  • MPI_Send: yes
  • MPI_Recv: yes
  • MPI_Sendrecv: More or less (*)
  • MPI_Sendrecv_replace: More or less (*)
  • MPI_Bsend: yes
  • MPI_Ssend: yes
  • MPI_Rsend: yes
  • MPI_Isend: yes
  • MPI_Ibsend: yes
  • MPI_Issend: yes
  • MPI_Irsend: yes
  • MPI_Irecv: yes
  • MPI_Wait: yes
  • MPI_Waitall: yes
  • MPI_Waitany: yes
  • MPI_Waitsome: yes
  • MPI_Test: yes
  • MPI_Testall: yes
  • MPI_Testany: yes
  • MPI_Testsome: yes
  • MPI_Iprobe: yes
  • MPI_Probe: yes
  • MPI_Get: More or less (*)
  • MPI_Put: More or less (*)
  • MPI_Bcast: yes
  • MPI_Gather: yes
  • MPI_Gatherv: yes
  • MPI_Scatter: yes
  • MPI_Scatterv: yes
  • MPI_Allgather: yes
  • MPI_Allgatherv: yes
  • MPI_Alltoall: yes
  • MPI_Alltoallv: yes
  • MPI_Reduce: yes
  • MPI_Allreduce: yes
  • MPI_Reduce_scatter: yes
  • MPI_Scan: yes
  • MPI_Ibarrier: yes
  • MPI_Ibcast: yes
  • MPI_Igather: yes
  • MPI_Igatherv: yes
  • MPI_Iscatter: yes
  • MPI_Iscatterv: yes
  • MPI_Iallgather: yes
  • MPI_Iallgatherv: yes
  • MPI_Ialltoall: yes
  • MPI_Ialltoallv: yes
  • MPI_Ireduce: yes
  • MPI_Iallreduce: yes
  • MPI_Ireduce_scatter: yes
  • MPI_Iscan: yes

(*) Some functions (such as MPI_Put, MPI_Get, or MPI_Sendrecv) are blocking and don't have non-blocking counterpart. For these function, our library takes a lock while entering, and release it after the function call. This ensures that threads do not enter MPI concurrently, but this may lead to deadlocks.