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A Writer plugin for traject, that writes to an rdbms using Sequel.

The writer can be used as standard, as the destination of your indexing pipeline.

It was actually written for a use case where it's used as a "side effect" in a traject each_record, writing different data out to an rdbms on the side, while the main indexing is to Solr. This ends up a bit hacky at present but works.

Currently has a pre-1.0 release number, as it has not seen wide use, and may have some oddities.


We recommend using bundler with a traject project that has dependencies. Add this line to your traject project's Gemfile:

gem 'traject_sequel_writer', "~> 1.0"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or if you don't use bundler with your traject project, install directly like:

$ gem install traject_sequel_writer


As a standard traject writer, you can just set a few settings:

settings do
  provide "writer_class_name", "Traject::SequelWriter"
  # ...

You can set up the connection with a Sequel connection string. Here's an example for JDBC mysql (under JRuby). Note we discovered the &characterEncoding=utf8 arg to the JDBC adapter was important. Connection string parameters may vary for platform (MRI vs JDBC in Jruby) and database.

  provide "sequel_writer.connection_string", "jdbc:mysql://"
  # You also need to tell the writer what table to write to; the table should already exist
  provide "sequel_writer.table_name", "my_table"

By default, the writer will try to write to every non-pk column defined in your table -- if your Traject::Context output_hash's is missing a value for a column, null will be inserted for that column. Or you can explicitly define which columns to use:

  provide "sequel_writer.columns", ["column1", "column2"]

Still, your Context output_hash's must provide output key/values for every column mentioned, or else null will be inserted for that column. Keys in the output_hash that don't match output columns will be ignored.

Note that traject output_hash's have values that are arrays of potentially multiple values. If multiple values are present, they will be joined with a comma or with set sequel_writer.internal_delimiter. For non-string type db fields, this will probably raise. traject_sequel_writer also accepts single values in output_hash as an alternative, which isn't really traject's API, but experimenting to see if it's helpful rather than confusing to accept this alternate too.

All settings

  • sequel_writer.connection_string : Sequel connection string
  • sequel_writer.database: As an alternative to sequel_connection_string, pass in an already instantiated Sequel::Database object, as in from Sequel.connect
  • sequel_writer.table_name: Required, what table to write to.
  • sequel_writer.column_names Which columns to write to, by default all non-pk columns in the table. Since we use multi-row import statements, column_names not present in the Traject::Context#output_hash will end up with SQL null inserted.
  • sequel_writer.thread_pool_size Number of threads to use for writing to DB. Default 1, should be good.
  • sequel_writer.batch_size Count of records to batch together in a single multi-row SQL INSERT. Default 100. Should be good.
  • sequel_writer.internal_delimiter -- Delimiter within a field, for multiple values. Default is comma.

Using as a side-channel additional output

In one project, we wanted to index to Solr. But we wanted to calculate completely different output to send as a side-channel to an RDBMS table. Here's a little bit hacky way to do that, that would really work for any traject writer.

sequel_writer =
  'sequel_writer.connection_string' => conn_str, 
  'sequel_writer.table_name' => 'my_table')

each_record do |record, context|
  # imagine this returns an array of hashes, each of which represents a row
  # you want to insert into the table. 

  rows_to_insert = make_rows_to_insert(record)

  rows_to_insert.each do |row|
     # Don't re-use the variable name `context`, can cause accidental shared concurrent state
     sequel_writer.put( => row, :source_record => record) )

# Don't forget to close our side-channel sequel writer, to make
# sure anything queued gets written
after_processing do


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release to create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the .gem file to


  1. Fork it ([my-github-username]/traject_sequel_writer/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


Plug-in for traject, write to an rdbms with Sequel gem







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