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File metadata and controls

697 lines (592 loc) · 23.5 KB

Relaks Media Capture Example

In previous examples, we had used Relaks to retrieve remote data. In this example we're going to do something different. We're going to build a component that captures video through a webcam. It's meant to demonstrate that Relaks can be used to solve a broad range of problems.

One way to think of Relaks is that it is React with time. Whereas a React component's render function produces a picture, a Relaks component's render function produces an animation, composed of multiple pictures appearing at different points in time. When we use Relaks to render a page progressively, we're really creating an animation that looks as follows:

  • Frame 1: Message indicating the page is loading
  • Frame 2: Page with 60% of the data it needs
  • Frame 3: Page with 85% of the data
  • Frame 4: Page with 100% of the data

For our video capturing component, we'd create something like this:

  • Frame 1: Placeholder graphic while waiting for the user to grant permission to use camera
  • Frame 2: Input from camera 1
  • Frame 3: Input from camera 2 (after the user made the switch)
  • Frame 4: Changes to the UI indicating recording has commenced (after the user pressed the Start button)
  • Frame 5: Duration changes to 00:01
  • Frame 6: Duration changes to 00:02
  • ...
  • Frame 64: Duration changes to 01:00
  • Frame 65: The recorded video (after the user pressed the Stop button)

This animation runs for a bit longer, naturally. It's also non-linear: The user can affect how it unfolds. Conceptually though, it's not at all different from what we've been creating so far.

Live Demo

You can see the example in action here. It's little more than a list of three buttons. Clicking on a button bring up a dialog box for capturing a video clip, an audio clip, or a photo.

Note: VideoDialogBox and AudioDialoBox will not work in Safari or Edge due to the lack of support for media recording.

Screen shot

Getting Started

To see the code running in debug mode, first clone this repository. In the working folder, run npm install. Once that's done, run npm run dev to launch WebPack Dev Server. Open a browser window and enter http://localhost:8080 as the location.

Run npm run dev-https if you wish to see the example in a phone or a tablet. Neither Chrome or Firefox permits the use of the camera in an insecure page (unless the server is localhost). WebPack Dev Server therefore needs to use HTTPS. The browser will still regard the page as suspect. You'll have to confirm that you really want to go there.


The source code of VideoDialogBox (video-dialog-box.jsx) is organized like that of any functional React component. The top half of the function consists of set-up code that invokes various hooks. The bottom half consists of UI rendering code. VideoDialogBox is a Relaks component so it's declared as async. Asynchronous operations are performed in the middle of the function--after hook invocations and before UI code.

In addition to the usual rules concerning hook usage, Relaks requires that all hooks to be called prior to the first call to the show().

The component's full source code is listed below. We'll break it down section by section further down the page. Just skim through it.

import React, { useMemo, useEffect, useCallback } from 'react';
import { useProgress } from 'relaks';
import { MediaCapture } from 'relaks-media-capture';
import { LiveVideo } from 'live-video';
import { constrainSize } from 'utils';

export async function VideoDialogBox(props) {
  const { onClose, onCapture } = props;
  const [ show ] = useProgress();
  const capture = useMemo(() => {
    return new MediaCapture({
      video: true,
      audio: true,
      preferredDevice: 'front',
      watchVolume: true,
  }, []);

  const handleStart = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handlePause = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handleResume = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handleStop = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handleClear = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handleAccept = useCallback((evt) => {
    const { capturedVideo, capturedImage } = capture;
    if (onCapture) {
        video: {
          blob: capturedVideo.blob,
          width: capturedVideo.width,
          height: capturedVideo.height,
          duration: capturedVideo.duration,
        image: {
          blob: capturedImage.blob,
          width: capturedImage.width,
          height: capturedImage.height,
  const handleCancel = useCallback((evt) => {
    if (onClose) {
  const handleDeviceChange = useCallback((evt) => {

  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
  }, []);

  do {
    await capture.change();
  } while (;

  function render() {
      <div className="overlay">
        <div className="dialog-box video">

  function renderTitle() {
    return (
      <div className="title">
        Video Recorder
        <i className="fa fa-window-close" onClick={handleCancel} />

  function renderViewport() {
    const { status, liveVideo } = capture;
    const classNames = [ 'video-viewport', status ];
    const size = constrainSize(liveVideo, { width: 320, height: 240 });
    return (
      <div className={classNames.join(' ')} style={size}>

  function renderVideo(size) {
    const { status, liveVideo, capturedVideo, capturedImage } = capture;
    switch (status) {
      case 'acquiring':
        return (
          <span className="fa-stack fa-lg">
            <i className="fa fa-video fa-stack-1x" />
      case 'denied':
        return (
          <span className="fa-stack fa-lg">
            <i className="fa fa-video fa-stack-1x" />
            <i className="fa fa-ban fa-stack-2x" />
      case 'initiating':
        return <LiveVideo muted />;
      case 'previewing':
      case 'capturing':
      case 'paused':
        return <LiveVideo srcObject={} style={size} muted />;
      case 'captured':
        return <video src={capturedVideo.url} poster={capturedImage.url} style={size} controls />;

  function renderControls() {
    return (
      <div className="controls">
        {renderDuration() || renderDeviceMenu()}

  function renderDeviceMenu() {
    const { devices, chosenDeviceID } = capture;
    if (!devices || devices.length <= 1) {
      return <div className="devices" />;
    return (
      <div className="devices">
        <select onChange={handleDeviceChange} value={chosenDeviceID}>

  function renderDeviceMenuOption(device, i) {
    const label = device.label.replace(/\([0-9a-f]{4}:[0-9a-f]{4}\)/, '');
    return <option value={} key={i}>{label}</option>;

  function renderDuration() {
    const { duration } = capture;
    if (duration === undefined) {
      return null;
    const seconds = duration / 1000;
    const hh = Math.floor(seconds / 3600).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    const mm = Math.floor(seconds / 60 % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    const ss = Math.floor(seconds % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    return <div className="duration">{`${hh}:${mm}:${ss}`}</div>

  function renderVolume() {
    const { status, volume } = capture;
    if (volume === undefined || status === 'captured') {
      return <div className="volume" />;
    const iconClassNames = [ 'fa' ];
    if (volume > 40) {
    } else if (volume > 10) {
    } else {
    const barClassNames = [ 'volume-bar', status ];
    const barStyle = { width: volume + '%' };
    return (
      <div className="volume">
        <i className={iconClassNames.join(' ')} />
        <div className="volume-bar-frame">
          <div className={barClassNames.join(' ')} style={barStyle} />

  function renderButtons() {
    const { status } = capture;
    switch (status) {
      case 'acquiring':
      case 'denied':
      case 'initiating':
      case 'previewing':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
            <button onClick={handleStart} disabled={status !== 'previewing'}>Start</button>
      case 'capturing':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handlePause}>Pause</button>
            <button onClick={handleStop}>Stop</button>
      case 'paused':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleResume}>Resume</button>
            <button onClick={handleStop}>Stop</button>
      case 'captured':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleClear}>Retake</button>
            <button onClick={handleAccept} disabled={status !== 'captured'}>Accept</button>

As usual, the first thing we do is copying the component's props into local variables:

  const { onClose, onCapture } = props;

There are just two: a callback to close the dialog box and another for returning the result.

Next, we obtain the show() function from useProgress:

  const [ show ] = useProgress();

Then we create an instance of MediaCapture, a reusable class that encapsulates all details concerning video/audio recording:

  const capture = useMemo(() => {
    return new MediaCapture({
      video: true,
      audio: true,
      preferredDevice: 'front',
      watchVolume: true,
  }, []);

The parameter given to the constructor indicates that we want both video and audio, that we prefer the front-facing camera, and that we want the object to monitor the microphone.

What follows is a series of event handlers, each of which is involved when the user clicks a button. handleStart() starts the recording process:

  const handleStart = useCallback((evt) => {

It also asks for a snapshot from the camera, which we can subsequently use as the video's "poster."

handlePause() pauses recording while handleResume() resumes it:

  const handlePause = useCallback((evt) => {
  const handleResume = useCallback((evt) => {

handleStop() ends recording:

  const handleStop = useCallback((evt) => {

handleClear() discards what was recorded so the user can start over:

  const handleClear = useCallback((evt) => {

handleAccept() returns the captured video and image to the parent component:

  const handleAccept = useCallback((evt) => {
    const { capturedVideo, capturedImage } = capture;
    if (onCapture) {
        video: {
          blob: capturedVideo.blob,
          width: capturedVideo.width,
          height: capturedVideo.height,
          duration: capturedVideo.duration,
        image: {
          blob: capturedImage.blob,
          width: capturedImage.width,
          height: capturedImage.height,

While handleClose() just tells to parent component to close the dialog box:

  const handleCancel = useCallback((evt) => {
    if (onClose) {

When the user chooses a different camera, handleDeviceChange() is called:

  const handleDeviceChange = useCallback((evt) => {

That's it for event handling. I hope that the code was largely self-explanatory.

The last hook we invoke is useEffect. We use it to initiate the media capture object and to shut it down when the component unmounts:

  useEffect(() => {
    return () => {
  }, []);

Now we've reached the part of function where asynchronous operations take place. The code is surprisingly simple:

  do {
    await capture.change();
  } while (;

Basically, we wait for our media capture object to experience a change. When that happens, we rerender.

At first glance the loop above might seem disconcerting. It seems like a newbie mistake to wait for change to occur in a loop. Due to JavaScript's single-threaded nature, such a loop would cause the browser to lock up in synchronous code. We're dealing with asynchronous code here, however. The loop is perfectly okay. Code execution will jump to somewhere else while we wait for a change.

The usefulness of the loop would be more apparent if we imagine that other actions will occur after we've captured the video. Suppose we want to upload the video to the server. We would handle that in the following manner:

  do {
    await capture.change();
  } while (;

  do {
    await uploader.change();
  } while(;

Now suppose that after uploading the file, we need to wait for the video to be transcoded. Every few seconds we want to ask the server how much progress it has made. Doing so would be fairly straight forward:

  do {
    await capture.change();
  } while (;

  do {
    await uploader.change();
  } while(;

  const { transcodingProgressURL } = uploader.result;
  let transcodingProgress = 0;
  while (transcodingProgress < 100) {
    transcodingProgress = await fetch(transcodingProgressURL);
    await delay(3000);

As you can see, the use of loops allows us to easily slot in addition steps. The imperative coding style makes the program flow much more obvious.

Anyway, let us get back to the actual code of our example. All that's left is the component's UI code. The helper function render() is the starting point. It uses show() from useProgress to update the interface:

  function render() {
      <div className="overlay">
        <div className="dialog-box video">

renderTitle() is fairly boring. It just draws a div with some text and an icon:

  function renderTitle() {
    return (
      <div className="title">
        Video Recorder
        <i className="fa fa-window-close" onClick={handleCancel} />

renderViewport() is responsible for the component's main contents. It draws a container div and calls another function to render the video itself:

  function renderViewport() {
    const { status, liveVideo } = capture;
    const classNames = [ 'video-viewport', status ];
    const size = constrainSize(liveVideo, { width: 320, height: 240 });
    return (
      <div className={classNames.join(' ')} style={size}>

What renderVideo() produces depends on the current status of the media capture object:

  function renderVideo(size) {
    const { status, liveVideo, capturedVideo, capturedImage } = capture;
    switch (status) {
      case 'acquiring':
        return (
          <span className="fa-stack fa-lg">
            <i className="fa fa-video fa-stack-1x" />
      case 'denied':
        return (
          <span className="fa-stack fa-lg">
            <i className="fa fa-video fa-stack-1x" />
            <i className="fa fa-ban fa-stack-2x" />
      case 'initiating':
        return <LiveVideo muted />;
      case 'previewing':
      case 'capturing':
      case 'paused':
        return <LiveVideo srcObject={} style={size} muted />;
      case 'captured':
        return <video src={capturedVideo.url} poster={capturedImage.url} style={size} controls />;

The capturing process begins with a status of acquiring, when we ask the browser for permission to use the camera. If the user choose not to grant permission, the status changes to denied. Otherwise the status becomes initiating, which lasts only a brief moment before it changes to previewing. At this point the video stream is available and we can show the user what the camera is seeing.

When the user clicks the Start button, the status changes to capturing. If the user clicks the Pause button at some point, the status would change to paused. A click on Resume would change it back to capturing.

When the user finally clicks the Stop button, the status becomes captured.

The liveVideo property of capture holds a MediaStream object. It represents the live input from the camera. When attached to a <video /> as its srcObject, the element will show the video feed. liveVideo will change when the user select a different camera. It could also change when the user rotate the device.

capturedVideo and capturedImage are the end results of the capturing operation. The latter is used as a video element's "poster."

The LiveVideo component (live-video.jsx) doesn't do anything aside from rendering a video element. It's a workaround for React's inability to set an element's srcObject via prop.

The live video needs to be muted to avoid audio feedback.

renderControls() draws the bottom part of the dialog box:

  function renderControls() {
    return (
      <div className="controls">
        {renderDuration() || renderDeviceMenu()}

On the left side of the dialog box we have either the duration or device selection menu. renderDeviceMenu() makes use of the capture object's devices and chosenDeviceID properties:

  function renderDeviceMenu() {
    const { devices, chosenDeviceID } = capture;
    if (!devices || devices.length <= 1) {
      return <div className="devices" />;
    return (
      <div className="devices">
        <select onChange={handleDeviceChange} value={chosenDeviceID}>

  function renderDeviceMenuOption(device, i) {
    const label = device.label.replace(/\([0-9a-f]{4}:[0-9a-f]{4}\)/, '');
    return <option value={} key={i}>{label}</option>;

The list of devices can change when the user plugs in a new device.

renderDuration() meanwhile uses duration, the video length in millisecond.

  function renderDuration() {
    const { duration } = capture;
    if (duration === undefined) {
      return null;
    const seconds = duration / 1000;
    const hh = Math.floor(seconds / 3600).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    const mm = Math.floor(seconds / 60 % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    const ss = Math.floor(seconds % 60).toString().padStart(2, '0');
    return <div className="duration">{`${hh}:${mm}:${ss}`}</div>

The property is undefined unless the status is capturing, captured, or paused.

The volume indicator reassures the user that his voice is being picked up. renderVolume() makes use of volume from the capture object:

  function renderVolume() {
    const { status, volume } = capture;
    if (volume === undefined || status === 'captured') {
      return <div className="volume" />;
    const iconClassNames = [ 'fa' ];
    if (volume > 40) {
    } else if (volume > 10) {
    } else {
    const barClassNames = [ 'volume-bar', status ];
    const barStyle = { width: volume + '%' };
    return (
      <div className="volume">
        <i className={iconClassNames.join(' ')} />
        <div className="volume-bar-frame">
          <div className={barClassNames.join(' ')} style={barStyle} />

It's is a number between 0 and 100 indicating the strength of audio. Whenever it changes the promise returned by capture.change() will resolve, triggering a rerendering of the component.

What buttons are shown depends on the current status:

  function renderButtons() {
    const { status } = capture;
    switch (status) {
      case 'acquiring':
      case 'denied':
      case 'initiating':
      case 'previewing':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleCancel}>Cancel</button>
            <button onClick={handleStart} disabled={status !== 'previewing'}>Start</button>
      case 'capturing':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handlePause}>Pause</button>
            <button onClick={handleStop}>Stop</button>
      case 'paused':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleResume}>Resume</button>
            <button onClick={handleStop}>Stop</button>
      case 'captured':
        return (
          <div className="buttons">
            <button onClick={handleClear}>Retake</button>
            <button onClick={handleAccept} disabled={status !== 'captured'}>Accept</button>

That's it!

Taking Photo

Taking a picture is probably a more common feature in web applications than video capturing. We can easily accomplish that by stripping down VideoDialogBox. PhotoDialogBox (photo-dialog-box.jsx) is the result.

Final Thoughts

I hope this example has lent you some new insights into Relaks. As was said earlier, Relaks is React wih time. It lets you tap into the power of ES7 async/await, a feature that greatly simplifies management of asynchronous operations.

In an future example, we're going to implement the file uploader that appeared in our hypothetical code. Stay tuned!