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File metadata and controls

466 lines (456 loc) · 63.3 KB

Copyright 2015 Mandar Chandorkar (

!!! note "" Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

[Apache License](

!!! warning Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Dependency Licenses

The various components of DynaML which are enabled using dependencies are subject to their license requirements. The following table lists all the component licences used by DynaML's dependencies.

Category License Dependency Notes
Apache Apache 2 com.chuusai # shapeless_2.11 # 2.3.3
Apache Apache 2 com.quantifind # sumac_2.11 # 0.3.0
Apache Apache 2 com.quantifind # wisp_2.11 # 0.0.4
Apache Apache 2 com.trueaccord.lenses # lenses_2.11 # 0.4.12
Apache Apache 2 com.trueaccord.scalapb # scalapb-runtime_2.11 # 0.6.2
Apache Apache 2 com.twitter # chill-java # 0.8.0
Apache Apache 2 com.twitter # chill_2.11 # 0.8.0
Apache Apache 2 com.univocity # univocity-parsers # 2.2.1
Apache Apache 2 io.spray # spray-json_2.11 # 1.3.3
Apache Apache 2 joda-time # joda-time # 2.0
Apache Apache 2 net.sf.opencsv # opencsv # 2.3
Apache Apache 2 org.objenesis # objenesis # 2.6
Apache Apache 2 org.roaringbitmap # RoaringBitmap # 0.5.11
Apache Apache 2 org.scalaj # scalaj-http_2.11 # 2.3.0
Apache Apache 2 org.scalanlp # breeze-macros_2.11 # 0.13.2
Apache Apache 2 org.scalanlp # breeze-natives_2.11 # 0.13.2
Apache Apache 2 org.scalanlp # breeze_2.11 # 0.13.2
Apache Apache 2 org.typelevel # macro-compat_2.11 # 1.1.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.circe # circe-core_2.11 # 0.9.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.circe # circe-generic_2.11 # 0.9.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.circe # circe-jawn_2.11 # 0.9.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.circe # circe-numbers_2.11 # 0.9.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.circe # circe-parser_2.11 # 0.9.1
Apache Apache 2.0 io.get-coursier # coursier-cache_2.11 # 1.0.0
Apache Apache 2.0 io.get-coursier # coursier_2.11 # 1.0.0
Apache Apache 2.0 # jets3t # 0.9.3
Apache Apache 2.0 License com.typesafe.scala-logging # scala-logging_2.11 # 3.9.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-catalyst_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-core_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-graphx_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-launcher_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-mllib-local_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-mllib_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-network-common_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-network-shuffle_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-sketch_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-sql_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-streaming_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-tags_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.spark # spark-unsafe_2.11 # 2.2.0
Apache Apache 2.0 License org.apache.sshd # sshd-core # 1.2.0
Apache Apache License commons-httpclient # commons-httpclient # 3.1
Apache Apache License info.folone # poi-scala_2.11 # 0.18
Apache Apache License org.apache.httpcomponents # httpmime # 4.2.5
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.renjin.cran # utf8 # 1.1.3-b8
Apache Apache License 2.0 com.ning # compress-lzf # 1.0.3
Apache Apache License 2.0 io.dropwizard.metrics # metrics-core # 3.1.2
Apache Apache License 2.0 io.dropwizard.metrics # metrics-graphite # 3.1.2
Apache Apache License 2.0 io.dropwizard.metrics # metrics-json # 3.1.2
Apache Apache License 2.0 io.dropwizard.metrics # metrics-jvm # 3.1.2
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.platanios # tensorflow-api_2.11 # 0.2.4
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.platanios # tensorflow-data_2.11 # 0.2.4
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.platanios # tensorflow-jni_2.11 # 0.2.4
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.platanios # tensorflow_2.11 # 0.2.4
Apache Apache License 2.0 org.renjin.cran # RColorBrewer # 1.1-2-b321
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 # stream # 2.7.0
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.github.javaparser # javaparser-core # 3.2.5
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.github.tototoshi # scala-csv_2.11 # 1.1.2
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.jamesmurty.utils # java-xmlbuilder # 1.0
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe # config # 1.3.1
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe # ssl-config-core_2.11 # 0.2.1
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-actor_2.11 # 2.5.3
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-stream-testkit_2.11 # 2.4.19
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-stream_2.11 # 2.5.3
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-testkit_2.11 # 2.5.3
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 commons-codec # commons-codec # 1.10
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 commons-collections # commons-collections # 3.2.2
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 commons-io # commons-io # 2.6
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 io.netty # netty # 3.9.9.Final
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 io.netty # netty-all # 4.0.43.Final
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-compress # 1.15
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-crypto # 1.0.0
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-lang3 # 3.5
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.httpcomponents # httpclient # 4.5.1
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.httpcomponents # httpcore # 4.4.3
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.pdfbox # fontbox # 2.0.9
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.apache.pdfbox # pdfbox # 2.0.9
Apache Apache License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.jettison # jettison # 1.3.3
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-continuation # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-http # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-io # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-security # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-server # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-servlet # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-util # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-webapp # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty # jetty-xml # 8.1.13.v20130916
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.eclipse.jetty.orbit # javax.servlet # 3.0.0.v201112011016
Apache Apache Software License - Version 2.0 org.mortbay.jetty # jetty-util # 6.1.26
Apache Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-http-core_2.11 # 10.0.9
Apache Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-http-spray-json_2.11 # 10.0.9
Apache Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-http-testkit_2.11 # 10.0.9
Apache Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-http_2.11 # 10.0.9
Apache Apache-2.0 com.typesafe.akka # akka-parsing_2.11 # 10.0.9
Apache Apache-2.0 org.json4s # json4s-ast_2.11 # 3.3.0
Apache Apache-2.0 org.json4s # json4s-core_2.11 # 3.3.0
Apache Apache-2.0 org.json4s # json4s-native_2.11 # 3.3.0
Apache Apache-2.0 org.json4s # json4s-scalap_2.11 # 3.3.0
Apache The Apache License, Version 2.0 com.github.ghik # silencer-lib_2.11 # 0.6
Apache The Apache License, Version 2.0 org.spark-project.spark # unused # 1.0.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # pngj # 2.1.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.carrotsearch # hppc # 0.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.drewnoakes # metadata-extractor # 2.8.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core # jackson-annotations # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core # jackson-core # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.core # jackson-databind # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.module # jackson-module-paranamer # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.fasterxml.jackson.module # jackson-module-scala_2.11 # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # jsr305 # 1.3.9
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # gson # 2.2.4
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # guava # 14.0.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # guice # 3.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.sksamuel.scrimage # scrimage-core_2.11 # 2.1.8
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.sksamuel.scrimage # scrimage-filters_2.11 # 2.1.8
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 com.sksamuel.scrimage # scrimage-io-extra_2.11 # 2.1.8
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-beanutils # commons-beanutils-core # 1.8.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-cli # commons-cli # 1.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-configuration # commons-configuration # 1.6
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-digester # commons-digester # 1.8
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-lang # commons-lang # 2.6
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-logging # commons-logging # 1.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 commons-net # commons-net # 2.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 javax.inject # javax.inject # 1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 javax.validation # validation-api # 1.1.0.Final
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 log4j # log4j # 1.2.17
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 mx4j # mx4j # 3.0.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 net.jpountz.lz4 # lz4 # 1.3.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.ant # ant # 1.8.3
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.ant # ant-launcher # 1.8.3
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.avro # avro # 1.7.7
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.avro # avro-ipc # 1.7.7
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.avro # avro-mapred # 1.7.7
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-math # 2.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-math3 # 3.4.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.commons # commons-vfs2 # 2.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.curator # curator-client # 2.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.curator # curator-framework # 2.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.curator # curator-recipes # 2.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # api-asn1-api # 1.0.0-M20
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # api-util # 1.0.0-M20
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # apacheds-i18n # 2.0.0-M15
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 # apacheds-kerberos-codec # 2.0.0-M15
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-annotations # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-auth # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-client # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-common # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-hdfs # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-mapreduce-client-app # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-mapreduce-client-common # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-mapreduce-client-core # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-mapreduce-client-jobclient # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-mapreduce-client-shuffle # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-yarn-api # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-yarn-client # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-yarn-common # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-yarn-server-common # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.hadoop # hadoop-yarn-server-nodemanager # 2.6.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.ivy # ivy # 2.4.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.scm # maven-scm-api # 1.4
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.scm # maven-scm-provider-svn-commons # 1.4
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.maven.scm # maven-scm-provider-svnexe # 1.4
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-column # 1.8.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-common # 1.8.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-encoding # 1.8.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-format # 2.3.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-hadoop # 1.8.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.parquet # parquet-jackson # 1.8.2
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.poi # poi # 3.14
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.poi # poi-ooxml # 3.14
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.poi # poi-ooxml-schemas # 3.14
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.apache.xmlbeans # xmlbeans # 2.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.groovy # groovy # 1.8.9
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.jackson # jackson-core-asl # 1.9.13
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.jackson # jackson-jaxrs # 1.9.13
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.jackson # jackson-mapper-asl # 1.9.13
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.jackson # jackson-xc # 1.9.13
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.codehaus.plexus # plexus-utils # 1.5.6
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.fusesource.jansi # jansi # 1.5
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.htrace # htrace-core # 3.0.4
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.la4j # la4j # 0.6.0
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.renjin # renjin-asm # 5.0.4b
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.renjin # renjin-guava # 17.0b
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.scala-graph # graph-core_2.11 # 1.11.3
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.smurn # jply # 0.2.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.sonatype.sisu.inject # cglib # 2.2.1-v20090111
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.tensorflow # proto # 1.9.0-rc1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 org.xerial.snappy # snappy-java #
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 stax # stax-api # 1.0.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 xerces # xercesImpl # 2.9.1
Apache The Apache Software License, Version 2.0 xml-apis # xml-apis # 1.3.04
Apache the Apache License, ASL Version 2.0 org.scalactic # scalactic_2.11 # 3.0.4
BSD 3-Clause BSD License # protobuf-java # 3.5.1
BSD BSD asm # asm # 3.2
BSD BSD asm # asm-analysis # 3.2
BSD BSD asm # asm-commons # 3.2
BSD BSD asm # asm-tree # 3.2
BSD BSD asm # asm-util # 3.2
BSD BSD com.miglayout # miglayout # 3.7.4
BSD BSD com.thoughtworks.paranamer # paranamer # 2.8
BSD BSD jline # jline # 0.9.94
BSD BSD net.sourceforge.jmatio # jmatio # 1.0
BSD BSD org.scalafx # scalafx_2.11 # 8.0.92-R10
BSD BSD org.scalameta # common_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # dialects_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # inputs_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # io_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # langmeta_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # parsers_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # quasiquotes_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # scalameta_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # semanticdb_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # tokenizers_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # tokens_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # transversers_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD org.scalameta # trees_2.11 # 2.0.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # all # 1.1.2
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # core # 1.1.2
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # native_ref-java # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # native_system-java # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-linux-armhf # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-linux-i686 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-linux-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-osx-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-win-i686 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_ref-win-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-linux-armhf # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-linux-i686 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-linux-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-osx-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-win-i686 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3 Clause com.github.fommil.netlib # netlib-native_system-win-x86_64 # 1.1
BSD BSD 3-Clause com.tinkerpop # frames # 2.5.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause com.tinkerpop # pipes # 2.6.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause com.tinkerpop.blueprints # blueprints-core # 2.6.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause com.tinkerpop.gremlin # gremlin-groovy # 2.5.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause com.tinkerpop.gremlin # gremlin-java # 2.6.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause org.scala-lang # scala-compiler # 2.11.8
BSD BSD 3-Clause org.scala-lang # scala-library # 2.11.8
BSD BSD 3-Clause org.scala-lang # scala-reflect # 2.11.8
BSD [BSD 3-Clause]( 3-Clause#licenseText) org.webjars.bower # vega # 2.6.5
BSD [BSD 3-Clause]( 3-Clause#licenseText) org.webjars.bower # vega-lite # 1.2.0
BSD BSD 3-Clause License org.jpmml # pmml-model # 1.2.15
BSD BSD 3-Clause License org.jpmml # pmml-schema # 1.2.15
BSD BSD 3-clause org.scala-lang.modules # scala-java8-compat_2.11 # 0.7.0
BSD BSD 3-clause org.scala-lang.modules # scala-parser-combinators_2.11 # 1.0.4
BSD BSD 3-clause org.scala-lang.modules # scala-swing_2.11 # 1.0.1
BSD BSD 3-clause org.scala-lang.modules # scala-xml_2.11 # 1.0.6
BSD BSD License antlr # antlr # 2.7.7
BSD BSD License com.github.virtuald # curvesapi # 1.03
BSD BSD style com.thoughtworks.xstream # xstream # 1.4.7
BSD BSD-2 License org.jogamp.gluegen # gluegen-rt # 2.3.2
BSD BSD-2 License org.jogamp.gluegen # gluegen-rt-main # 2.3.2
BSD BSD-2 License org.jogamp.jogl # jogl-all # 2.3.2
BSD BSD-2 License org.jogamp.jogl # jogl-all-main # 2.3.2
BSD BSD-3-Clause org.webjars.bower # d3 # 3.5.17
BSD BSD-like org.scala-lang # jline # 2.11.0-M3
BSD BSD-like org.scala-lang # scala-pickling_2.11 # 0.9.1
BSD BSD-style org.scalaforge # scalax # 0.1
BSD BSD-style org.scalaz # scalaz-concurrent_2.11 # 7.2.16
BSD BSD-style org.scalaz # scalaz-core_2.11 # 7.2.16
BSD BSD-style org.scalaz # scalaz-effect_2.11 # 7.2.16
BSD BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # colorspace # 1.3-2-b41
BSD New BSD License com.diffplug.matsim # matfilerw # 3.0.0
BSD New BSD License com.esotericsoftware # kryo-shaded # 3.0.3
BSD New BSD License com.esotericsoftware # minlog # 1.3.0
BSD New BSD License org.codehaus.janino # commons-compiler # 3.0.0
BSD New BSD License org.codehaus.janino # janino # 3.0.0
BSD New BSD License org.hamcrest # hamcrest-core # 1.3
BSD The (New) BSD License org.jzy3d # jzy3d-api # 1.0.2
BSD The (New) BSD License org.jzy3d # jzy3d-jdt-core # 1.0.2
BSD The BSD 3-Clause License org.fusesource.leveldbjni # leveldbjni-all # 1.8
BSD The BSD License com.adobe.xmp # xmpcore # 5.1.2
BSD The BSD License net.sourceforge.f2j # arpack_combined_all # 0.1
BSD The BSD License org.antlr # antlr4-runtime # 4.5.3
BSD The BSD License org.jline # jline # 3.6.2
BSD The BSD License org.jline # jline-terminal # 3.6.2
BSD The BSD License org.jline # jline-terminal-jna # 3.6.2
BSD The BSD License xmlenc # xmlenc # 0.52
BSD The New BSD License net.sf.py4j # py4j # 0.10.4
CC0 CC0 org.reactivestreams # reactive-streams # 1.0.0
CDDL COMMON DEVELOPMENT AND DISTRIBUTION LICENSE (CDDL) Version 1.0 javax.activation # activation # 1.1.1
GPL CDDL v1.1 / GPL v2 dual license com.sun.codemodel # codemodel # 2.6
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.bundles.repackaged # jersey-guava # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.containers # jersey-container-servlet # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.containers # jersey-container-servlet-core # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.core # jersey-client # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.core # jersey-common # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License org.glassfish.jersey.core # jersey-server # 2.22.2
GPL CDDL+GPL License # jersey-media-jaxb # 2.22.2
GPL GNU General Public License (GPL) org.jfree # jfreesvg # 3.3
GPL GNU General Public License 3 org.openml # apiconnector # 1.0.11
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # MatrixModels # 0.4-1-b237
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # SparseM # 1.77-b20
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # digest # 0.6.15-b10
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # lattice # 0.20-35-b66
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # locfit # 1.5-9.1-b345
GPL GPL (>= 2) org.renjin.cran # quantreg # 5.35-b5
GPL [GPL (>= 2) file LICENCE](null) org.renjin.cran # Matrix # 1.2-14-b2
GPL GPL (>= 3) org.renjin.cran # abc # 2.1-b294
GPL GPL (>= 3) org.renjin.cran # # 1.0-b272
GPL GPL-2 org.renjin.cran # dichromat # 2.0-0-b332
GPL GPL-2 org.renjin.cran # gtable # 0.2.0-b96
GPL [GPL-2 GPL-3](null) org.renjin.cran # MASS # 7.3-49-b11
GPL [GPL-2 GPL-3](null) org.renjin.cran # nnet # 7.3-12-b88
GPL [GPL-2 file LICENSE](null) org.renjin.cran # ggplot2 # 2.2.1-b112
GPL [GPL-2 file LICENSE](null) org.renjin.cran # stringr # 1.3.0-b7
GPL GPL-3 org.renjin.cran # assertthat # 0.2.0-b42
GPL GPL-3 org.renjin.cran # lazyeval # 0.2.1-b19
GPL GPL-3 org.renjin.cran # pillar # 1.2.2-b2
GPL GPL-3 org.renjin.cran # rlang # 0.2.0-b39
GPL GPL2 w/ CPE # # 2.0-m10
GPL GPL2 w/ CPE javax.xml.bind # jaxb-api # 2.2.2
GPL GPLv2+CE javax.mail # mail # 1.4.7
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception javax.annotation # javax.annotation-api # 1.2
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception javax.servlet # javax.servlet-api # 3.1.0
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2 # hk2-api # 2.4.0-b34
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2 # hk2-locator # 2.4.0-b34
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2 # hk2-utils # 2.4.0-b34
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2 # osgi-resource-locator # 1.0.1
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2.external # aopalliance-repackaged # 2.4.0-b34
GPL with Classpath Extension CDDL + GPLv2 with classpath exception org.glassfish.hk2.external # javax.inject # 2.4.0-b34
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License ch.qos.logback # logback-classic # 1.2.3
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License ch.qos.logback # logback-core # 1.2.3
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License 2.1 net.sf.trove4j # trove4j # 3.0.3
LGPL GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 com.github.vagmcs # optimus_2.11 # 2.0.0
LGPL LGPL com.github.fommil # jniloader # 1.1
LGPL LGPL, version 2.1 # jna # 4.2.2
MIT MIT co.theasi # plotly_2.11 # 0.1
MIT MIT com.github.julien-truffaut # monocle-core_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT com.github.julien-truffaut # monocle-macro_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT com.lihaoyi # fansi_2.11 # 0.2.4
MIT MIT com.lihaoyi # pprint_2.11 # 0.5.2
MIT MIT com.lihaoyi # sourcecode_2.11 # 0.1.4
MIT MIT com.lihaoyi # ujson-jvm-2.11.11_2.11 # 0.6.0
MIT MIT com.lihaoyi # upickle_2.11 # 0.6.0
MIT MIT net.databinder # unfiltered-filter_2.11 # 0.8.3
MIT MIT net.databinder # unfiltered-jetty_2.11 # 0.8.3
MIT MIT net.databinder # unfiltered-util_2.11 # 0.8.3
MIT MIT net.databinder # unfiltered_2.11 # 0.8.3
MIT MIT org.spire-math # jawn-parser_2.11 # 0.11.0
MIT MIT org.typelevel # algebra_2.11 # 0.7.0
MIT MIT org.typelevel # cats-core_2.11 # 1.0.1
MIT MIT org.typelevel # cats-kernel_2.11 # 1.0.1
MIT MIT org.typelevel # cats-macros_2.11 # 1.0.1
MIT MIT org.typelevel # machinist_2.11 # 0.6.2
MIT MIT org.typelevel # spire-macros_2.11 # 0.14.1
MIT MIT org.typelevel # spire_2.11 # 0.14.1
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # R6 # 2.2.2-b44
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # cli # 1.0.0-b25
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # crayon # 1.3.4-b16
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # glue # 1.2.0-b22
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # magrittr # 1.5-b334
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # munsell # 0.4.3-b96
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # plyr # 1.8.4-b82
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # reshape2 # 1.4.3-b16
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # scales # 0.5.0-b32
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # tibble # 1.4.2-b7
MIT MIT + file LICENSE org.renjin.cran # viridisLite # 0.3.0-b7
MIT [MIT + file LICENSE Unlimited](null) org.renjin.cran # labeling # 0.3-b313
MIT MIT License com.github.scopt # scopt_2.11 # 3.5.0
MIT MIT License net.razorvine # pyrolite # 4.13
MIT MIT License org.slf4j # jcl-over-slf4j # 1.7.16
MIT MIT License org.slf4j # jul-to-slf4j # 1.7.16
MIT MIT License org.slf4j # slf4j-api # 1.7.25
MIT MIT License # vegas-macros_2.11 # 0.3.11
MIT MIT License # vegas_2.11 # 0.3.11
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-compiler_2.11.8 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-ops_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-repl_2.11.8 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-runtime_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-sshd_2.11.8 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-terminal_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite-util_2.11 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # ammonite_2.11.8 # 1.1.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # fastparse-utils_2.11 # 1.0.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # fastparse_2.11 # 1.0.0
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # geny_2.11 # 0.1.2
MIT MIT license com.lihaoyi # scalaparse_2.11 # 1.0.0
Mozilla MPL com.github.rwl # jtransforms # 2.4.0
Mozilla MPL 1.1 org.javassist # javassist # 3.21.0-GA
Public Domain Public Domain aopalliance # aopalliance # 1.0
Public Domain Public Domain gov.nist.math # scimark # 2.0
Public Domain Public Domain xmlpull # xmlpull #
Public Domain Public Domain xpp3 # xpp3_min # 1.1.4c
Public Domain Public domain net.iharder # base64 # 2.3.8
unrecognized ASL org.json4s # json4s-jackson_2.11 # 3.2.11
unrecognized Bouncy Castle Licence org.bouncycastle # bcprov-jdk15on # 1.56
unrecognized Eclipse Public License 1.0 junit # junit # 4.12
unrecognized GNU Lesser General Public Licence com.github.wookietreiber # scala-chart_2.11 # 0.4.2
unrecognized GNU Lesser General Public Licence org.jfree # jcommon # 1.0.21
unrecognized GNU Lesser General Public Licence org.jfree # jfreechart # 1.0.17
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # compiler # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # datasets # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # gcc-runtime # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # grDevices # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # graphics # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # grid # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # methods # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # parallel # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-appl # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-blas # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-core # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-gnur-runtime # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-lapack # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-math-common # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-nmath # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # renjin-script-engine # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # splines # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # stats # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # tcltk # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # tools # 0.9.2643
unrecognized GNU Public License, v2 org.renjin # utils # 0.9.2643
unrecognized Part of R 2.14.2 org.renjin # stats4 # 0.9.2643
unrecognized The JSON License org.json # json # 20140107
unrecognized Unicode/ICU License # icu4j # 59.1
unrecognized Unknown License org.apache.xbean # xbean-asm5-shaded # 4.4
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.common # common-image # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.common # common-io # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.common # common-lang # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-bmp # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-core # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-icns # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-iff # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-jpeg # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-metadata # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-pcx # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-pdf # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-pict # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-pnm # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-psd # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-sgi # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-tga # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-thumbsdb # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) com.twelvemonkeys.imageio # imageio-tiff # 3.2.1
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) commons-beanutils # commons-beanutils # 1.7.0
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) org.apache.zookeeper # zookeeper # 3.4.6
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) org.renjin # libstdcxx # 4.7.4-b18
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) org.renjin.cran # Rcpp # 0.12.13-renjin-15
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) org.renjin.cran # stringi # 1.1.6-renjin-b22
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) oro # oro # 2.0.8
unrecognized [none specified](none specified) regexp # regexp # 1.3