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Translating Manpages

Manpages, or manual pages, displayed in your terminal by the man program, are an important resource for computer users. They are distributed with the system, and they contain a great deal of immediately-accessible and specific information on how to use software.

man man will tell you all about the man program, but briefly: you type man <command> (e.g. man find) to view the manual page about that command or program. Use the spacebar to page down, and type q to quit (this clears the manpage completely and returns you to the point where you called that page).

Manpages have been translated, and distributed separately by language groups, or made available at certain sites. The aim of a small project liaising between GNU and The Translation Project is to integrate the translation process with the central manpage distribution process. Manpages will be translated, just like applications, then distributed with the original package, just like applications.

The manpage format, (g)roff or similar, is not easy to translate. However, the po4a conversion filters remove this problem completely, by giving us the capacity to convert manpages to our familiar PO format. (See more information on conversion filters you can use in :doc:`Non-PO formats </guide/nonpo>`.)

Pootle has integrated po4a and the Translate Toolkit filters, which enabled me recently to upload a trial manpage to Pootle, have it automatically converted there to PO format, translate it easily, then have it converted back to g(roff). This simplified the translation process considerably.

:doc:`Debian </guide/debian>` has just made a package of manpages available in PO format, again using po4a. This is a big step forward, and will result in many more, and more current, manpage translations.

I found, once I'd translated my pilot manpage (find1), that I had to do some configuration before my UTF-8 (Vietnamese) manpage would display correctly in my terminal.


Manpage process

  • Get translated manpage(s), place in MANPATH

    • If you're unsure what your MANPATH is, type echo $MANPATH — this shows all the places the man program will look for manpages.
    • Create a folder/directory named for your ISO language code (e.g. for Vietnamese, I create a folder called vi within my MANPATH : I placed it in </usr/share/man>.
    • Create a sub-folder (manX) for each number shown after a manpage name. E.g. because I have the find1 manpage, I need to create a man1 sub-directory, which for me was </usr/share/man/vi/man1>. Place each manpage in the appropriately-numbered sub-directory.
  • Install the latest version of groff, if you don't have it. You can get it via fink, or your usual package manager.

  • Install groff-utf8. Bruno Haible is currently working on a full release of groff, which will support UTF-8; meanwhile, he has created this patch for us. Thanks, Bruno! :-)

  • Set your locale, if it has not yet been set.

    • Your locale tells your computer what language you prefer to use, plus some other useful information related to your language choice.
    • You type your locale into your shell profile. (FIXME Does this differ from one shell to another?)
    • For bash, find and edit your <~/.bash_profile> or <~/.profile> file, where ~ is your username, your user directory. You can edit this type of file in your text editor. I used BBEdit for Mac OSX.
    • Type export LC_ALL=ll_LL.UTF-8 where ll_LL is your language code (and possibly country), e.g. for me it was export LC_ALL=vi_VI.UTF-8.
    • Save the file, don't change the name or location.
  • Find the file </etc/manpath.config> or <usr/share/misc/man.conf>. If you don't have either of these, it will be something similar. man has to get its config. info somewhere!

  • Copy this file to <~/.man.conf>. (This leaves your original man config untouched, if you want to return to it later, or if the machine has multiple users.)

  • In that file, find the NROFF line, something like this:

    ``NROFF             /usr/bin/groff -Wall -mtty-char -Tascii -mandoc -c``

    and edit it to:

    ``NROFF             /usr/bin/groff-utf8 -Tutf8 -mandoc -R``
    • Make sure you have a terminal (monospaced) font set which supports your language and supports UTF-8.
    • In your terminal, call your translated manpage!
      • All I had to do was type man find. Because I had set my system to call documents and software in my language, and because this manpage was available, translated, in the directory for my language code, man automatically showed that page. It displayed beautifully (or as beautifully as my language can in a monospaced font ;-) ).

Please add any information specific to your system or language. This information will help ensure an effective manpage translation and distribution process. :-)

