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DAI Wormhole

DAI Wormhole facility allows users to fast teleport DAI between "domains", i.e. different chains that have a settlement mechanism with Ethereum L1.

If DAI is teleported from L2 -> L1, this is equivalent to "fast withdrawal". First, DAI will be burned on L2, then minted on L1 and sent to the user as soon as the L2 transaction is confirmed. After a while, during a settlement process, DAI will be released from L1 Bridge escrow (to have DAI on L2 in the first place, it had to be put on L1 escrow some time before) and burned.

If DAI is teleported from L2 -> L2, on the source domain it will be burned and on the destination domain it will be minted, while settlement process on L1 will eventually move DAI from source domain bridge escrow to destination domain bridge escrow.

Domains, Gateways and Wormhole Router

On L1 each Domain must be associated with a Gateway, that is a contract that supports requestMint() and settle() operations. For any L2 Domain, Gateway is a bridge from L1 -> L2, whereas for the L1 Domain, Gateway is the WormholeJoin adapter contract.

Wormhole Router keeps track of each Domain's Gateway and routes requestMint() or settle() requests to the appropriate contracts.



  • Initiator - person initiating DAI transfer by calling initiateWormhole . They can optionally specify Operator and Receiver
  • Operator - person (or specified third party) responsible for initiating minting process on destination domain by providing (in the fast path) Oracle attestations. Can call requestMint on WormholeOracleAuth
  • Receiver - person receiving minted DAI on a destination domain

DAI Wormhole L2 → L1 (aka fast withdrawals)


Normal (fast) path

To fast withdraw DAI from L2, user:

  • Calls l2bridge.initiateWormhole() - this burns DAI on L2 and sends finalizeRegisterWormhole() L2 -> L1 message to withdraw DAI from L2 bridge. This message, in normal cicumstances, will never be relayed and it will eventually expire in L1 message queue
  • Waits for withdrawal attestations to be available and obtains them via Oracle API
  • Calls WormholeOracleAuth.requestMint(WormholeGUID wormholeGUID, bytes signatures, uint256 maxFeePercentage) which will:
    • Check if sender is operator or receiver
    • Check if enough valid attestations (sigs) are provided
    • Call WormholeJoin.requestMint(wormholeGUID, maxfeePercentage) which will
      • Check if this wormhole hasn't been used before
      • Check if the debt ceiling hasn't been reached
      • Check the current fee via WormholeFees
      • vat.slip, vat.frob, daiJoin.exit


Settlement process moves DAI from L1 Bridge to WormholeJoin to clear the debt that accumulates there. It is triggered by keepers.

  • On L2 keeper calls l2bridge.flush()
  • L2 -> L1 message finalizeFlush() is sent to L1Bridge and relayed by a keeper
  • L1Bridge upon receiving finalizeFlush() calls WormholeRouter.settle() which will
    • Transfer DAI from bridges' escrow to WormholeJoin
    • Call WormholeJoin.settle() which will use transfered DAI to clear any outstanding debt by calling daiJoin.join, vat.frob, vat.slip

Slow (emergency) path

If attestations cannot be obtained (Oracles down or censoring), user needs to wait so that L2 message is confirmed on L1 (on Optimistic Rollups that typically is 7 days, on zkRollups it can be anything between few hours to a day). Once L2->L1 message can be relayed, user:

  • Relays finalizeRegisterWormhole() message to L1Bridge
  • L1Bridge upon receiving finalizeRegisterWormhole() will call requestMint() on WormholeRouter which will:
    • Call WormholeJoin.requestMint(wormholeGUID, maxfeePercentage) which will
      • Check if this wormhole hasn't been used before
      • Check if the debt ceiling hasn't been reached
      • Check the current fee via WormholeFees
      • vat.slip, vat.frob, daiJoin.exit

DAI Wormhole L2→L2


Normal (fast) path

Wormholing DAI to another L2 domain is very similar, the only difference is that DAI is minted on a target Domain rather then on L1. For this scheme to work MakerDAO MCD sytem needs to be deployed on a target domain.


Settlement process is very similar, however DAI is transfered from source domain bridge on L1 to target domain bridge on L1 before rather then moved to L1 MCD to pay the debt. This DAI, now in target domain bridge will be backing DAI that is minted on L2 target domain.

Slow (emergency) path

For a slow path, once the L2->L1 message from the source domain is received on L1 and can be relayed, the user can relay the message, which will call requestMint() on the target domain L1Bridge. This will pass an L1->L2 message to L2bridge which will call requestMint() on a WormholeJoin contract on target domain L2.

Technical Documenation

Each Wormhole is described with the following struct:

struct WormholeGUID {
	bytes32 sourceDomain;
	bytes32 targetDomain;
	bytes32 receiver;
	bytes32 operator;
	uint128 amount;
	uint80 nonce;
	uint48 timestamp;

Source domain implementation must ensure that keccack(WorkholeGUID) is unique for each wormhole transfer. We use bytes32 for addresses to support not EVM compliant domains.



  • file(what=="gateway", domain, gateway) - callable only by Governance, sets the gateway for a domain. If a gateway is already set, replaces it with a new one.
  • requestMint(WormholeGUID calldata wormholeGUID, uint256 maxFeePercentage) - callable only by L1Bridge, issues a request to mint DAI for the receiver of the wormhole. This request is made either directly to the L1 WormholeJoin in the case of a fast withdrawal to L1 or indirectly by instructing the target domain's L1Bridge to pass an L1 -> L2 message to the corresponding L2 WormholeJoin in the case of a teleport to another L2.
  • function settle(bytes32 targetDomain, uint256 batchedDaiToFlush) - callable only by the L1bridge, handles settlement process by requesting either WormholeJoin or target domain L1 bridge to settle DAI


  • requestMint(WormholeGUID calldata wormholeGUID, bytes calldata signatures, uint256 maxFeePercentage) - callable only by the wormhole operator, requests WormholeJoin to mint DAI for the receiver of the wormhole provided required number of Oracle attestations are given


  • requestMint(WormholeGUID calldata wormholeGUID, uint256 maxFeePercentage) - callable either by WormholeOracleAuth (fast path) or by WormholeRouter (slow path), mints and withdraws DAI from the wormhole. If debt ceiling is reached, partial amount will be withdrawn and anything pending can be withdrawn using mintPending() later
  • mintPending(WormholeGUID calldata wormholeGUID, uint256 maxFeePercentage) - callable by wormhole operator, withdraws any pending DAI from a wormhole
  • settle(bytes32 sourceDomain, uint256 batchedDaiToFlush) - callable only by WormholeRouter, settles DAI debt


  • getFee(WormholeGUID calldata wormholeGUID) (uint256 fees) - interface for getting current fee. Various implementations can be provided by the governance with different fee structures


  • WormholeOracleAuth
    • requestMint - operator or receiver (set by the user initiating wormhole)
    • rely, deny, file, addSigners, removeSigners - auth (Governance)
  • WormholeRouter
    • rely, deny, file - auth (Governance)
    • requestMint - L1 Bridge
    • settle - L1 Bridge
  • WormholeJoin
    • rely, deny, file - auth (Governance)
    • requestMint - auth (WormholeRouter, WormholeOracleAuth)
    • mintPending - operator or receiver
    • settle - anyone (typically keeper)
  • L1WormholeBridge
    • finalizeFlush() - L2 bridge
    • finalizeRegisterWormhole() - L2 bridge
  • L2DAIWormholeBridge
    • initalizeWormhole - anyone (typically user)
    • flush - anyone (typically keeper)


Setup: Debt ceiling: 10M DAI

Operation Available Debt
User A inititates wormhole for 2M 10M
User A mints 2M on L1 with Oracle's attestations 8M (10M-2M)
User B initiates wormhole for 9 M 8M
Keeper flushes 2M (from UserA) and 9M (from UserB) 8M
User C initiates wormhole for 5M 8M
User C mints 5M on L1 with Oracle's attestations 3M (8M - 5M)
After 7 days keepers calls finializeFlush() that burns 11M 14M (3M + 11M)
User D inititates wormhole for 10M 14M
User D mints 10M on L1 with Oracle's attestations 4M (14M - 10M)
User B wants to withdraw from wormhole Ilk 9m using slow withdrawal path. They can withdraw only 4M 0M (4M - 4M)
Keeper flushes 15M (from UserC and UserD) 0M
After 7 days keepers calls finializeFlush() that burns 15M 15M (0M + 15M)
User B can withdraw the rest of the funds (5M) 10M (15M - 5M)


Oracle censoring or oracle failure

If user is unable to obtain Oracle's attestations, slow path is taken - no user funds are at risk

Oracle malfunction (wrong attestations)

If user is able to obtain fraudulant attestation (i.e. attesting that DAI on L2 is burn and withdrawn whereas in reality is not), this will result in bad debt - DAI minted in a wormhole will never be settled. This will result in bad debt that eventually will have to be healed through a standard MakerDAO debt healing processes.

Source domain compromised

Target domain compromised

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  • Solidity 98.6%
  • Other 1.4%