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An experimental Decentralized Identifier Method.

Read the method specification.


You will need to setup a .env from the given example.env.

Currently, only infura based configuration for IPFS is supported.

nvm use 18
npm i
npm t


The command line binary is aliased to an npm script, so you can develop the cli locally without needing to install the package globally.

npm run did:meliorism -- --help
npm run did:meliorism -- --version


npm run did:meliorism -- create --base ./data/document.json
npm run did:meliorism -- create --base ./data/document.json --no-ipfs


npm run did:meliorism -- resolve did:meliorism:QmPNzsLMBsz36Bhi13B2KaWNWexdoofaZKVrEbmvsLzmiA
npm run did:meliorism -- resolve did:meliorism:eyJwYXRjaGVzIjpbImh0dHBzOi8vYS5leGFtcGxlL3BhdGNoZXMvMCIsImh0dHBzOi8vYi5leGFtcGxlL3BhdGNoZXMvMSIsImh0dHBzOi8vYy5leGFtcGxlL3BhdGNoZXMvMiJdfQ

Generate Key

npm run did:meliorism -- generate-key EdDSA


Add Nothing

npm run did:meliorism -- update \
--no-changes \
--authorization ./data/verification-method.json

Add Verification Method

npm run did:meliorism -- update \
--verification-method ./data/verification-method.json \
--purpose "authentication, credentials, capabilities" \
--authorization ./data/verification-method.json

Publish a "no-controller" patch to IPFS:

npm run did:meliorism -- update \
--no-controller \
--verification-method ./data/verification-method.json \
--purpose "authentication, credentials, capabilities" \
--authorization ./data/verification-method.json \
--publish ipfs
npm run did:meliorism -- update \
--no-changes \
--no-controller \
--authorization ./data/verification-method.json \
--publish ipfs

These are useful when creating an immutable DID, where the patches cannot know the controller because they are used to compute it.

For example:

npm run did:meliorism -- create ipfs://QmbLFwfvjFdsAsVUHg3uPB3kTDxzm7A4LiVgskZ3EW8vpf ipfs://QmVJoRQ3XA6DshUzZNF8eFRvzKtoQT9EHJXybYMPjCuSNa#0
npm run did:meliorism -- resolve did:meliorism:QmRSiZ93nduWbjHVbuLaHt4sFS9qPBCW8akjoTDwp7ZENv

Immutable Example

You can chain commands by leveraging --silent and jq and redirects.

First create a "no-controller" key pair you will use to sign the didDocument JSON patches.

npm run did:meliorism --silent -- generate-key EdDSA \
--no-controller  > ./data/immutable-no-controller-key-pair.json

Next create and publish one or more "no-contoller" signed json patches:

npm run did:meliorism --silent -- update \
--no-controller \
--verification-method ./data/immutable-no-controller-key-pair.json \
--purpose "authentication, credentials, capabilities" \
--authorization ./data/immutable-no-controller-key-pair.json \
--publish ipfs
npm run did:meliorism --silent -- update \
--no-changes \
--no-controller \
--authorization ./data/immutable-no-controller-key-pair.json \
--publish data-uri

Finally create the identifier from the patch URLs:

npm run did:meliorism --silent -- create ipfs://QmTwmG3nFqtM5o2F11X9XByYwTJCHeVtPLJroyvQKEXkE3 data:application/jose,eyJqd2siOnsia3R5IjoiT0tQIiwiY3J2IjoiRWQyNTUxOSIsImFsZyI6IkVkRFNBIiwieCI6IjlDYUxISmw0a1ZLZmN6MUN2aC1FVFhmVWYxdzBFbS0zU1RlclE0SFRKMGsifSwiYWxnIjoiRWREU0EiLCJjdHkiOiJhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9qc29uLXBhdGNoK2pzb24ifQ.W10.F7Zm8OHhABsUZgiAUOA_VmqTpJQzVlZO1lq28BD3iTa1BxPEZVsnu03xtRhNE8BLaKQSanGAwIeq44abqxhDCg
npm run did:meliorism --silent -- resolve did:meliorism:QmR1HjCnenp76NKihLG4Av8bcf7LcLEDJQwooWaVmKgibk | jq

You can verify that a DID is immutable by checking its didDocumentMetadata:

npm run did:meliorism --silent -- resolve did:meliorism:QmR1HjCnenp76NKihLG4Av8bcf7LcLEDJQwooWaVmKgibk | jq '.didDocumentMetadata'