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Convert Factorio screenshots into OSM-format tiles to serve as slippy maps


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Factorio screenshot to OSM tiles converter

This set of hacks converts screenshots from Factorio into a format that resembles OSM tiles. I use them to feed the tiles to a leaflet-based page, for a nice "map-like" screenshot feel.


Python 2.x with the Python Imaging Library (PIL) installed.

Generating the screenshots

The scripts expect screenshots named s_<x>_<y>.jpg, where x and y are chunk coordinates. You can use the following command in the Factorio chat/console commandline:

 /c for x=-1000,1000 do for y=-1000,1000 do if game.get_surface(1).is_chunk_generated{x,y} then game.take_screenshot{show_entity_info=true,zoom=1, resolution={1024,1024}, position={x=32*x+16,y=32*y+16}, path="DIR/s_"..x.."_"..y..".jpg"}; end; end; end

You can choose any DIR here. Factorio will even autocreate it if it does not exist.

This places the screenshots in <factorio_dir>/script-output/DIR/.

Processing into OSM tiles cuts the 1024x1024 screenshots obtained from factorio into 2x2 tiles of size 256x256 (scaling by 0.5 in the process). Use it like so:

cd <factorio_dir>/script-output/DIR/
ls s_*.jpg | nice xargs -n100 -P8 /path/to/

The -P8 will run 8 instances in parallel, which is faster if you have a typical 4-core 2x hyperthreading system. Adjust to taste.

The directory should now contain a subdirectory tree under 11/ that contains OSM-format tiles for zoom level 11.

Second, processes that into zoomed-out tiles for the remaining levels. Use it like so (still in the same directory):


It will scan the directory 11/ for tiles and create 10/ by combining 2x2 tiles and scaling by 0.5, then 9/ from 10/, etc.

Making a page with leaflet

rsync (or whatever) the tile directories (11/, 10/, etc.) to your favorite location on a webserver. You can feed that directly into leaflet; I recommend the following settings:

  • Use a tile URL of the form .../{z}/{x}/{y}.jpg to match what the scripts generate.

  • Set minZoom: 1 and maxZoom: 11 on every layer, to match what the scripts generate.

  • I use an errorTileUrl pointing to a 256x256 black image, so that nonexistent tiles are rendered in black.

  • I applied this patch:

      diff --git 1/leaflet.orig/leaflet.css 2/leaflet/leaflet.css
      index ac0cd17..f82278a 100644
      --- 1/leaflet.orig/leaflet.css
      +++ 2/leaflet/leaflet.css
      @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@
       /* visual tweaks */
       .leaflet-container {
      -       background: #ddd;
      +       background: #000;
              outline: 0;
       .leaflet-container a {

    This makes the default background black, instead of having it annoyingly flicker #ddd before it loads the black "nonexistent tile" image.

You can also look at the page I wrote this for.


Convert Factorio screenshots into OSM-format tiles to serve as slippy maps







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