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Adds easy mock generation and builder functions to plumatic/schema definitions


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Adds easy mock generation and builder functions to plumatic/schema definitions.


This library is available through clojars. Add the following to your dependencies:

Clojars Project


The main function you'll use is schema-plus.core/defschema+. Use this instead of Plumatic's schema/defschema to get mock generation capabilities, default example values for Ring-Swagger, and optional builder functions.

A docstring (and documentation for usage in Ring-Swagger) can be supplied by passing an optional :docs argument followed by the string.

Based on the types used in the schema definition, a clojure.test.check.generators.Generator instance will be created that can generate mock data satisfying the schema definition. This automatically handles any referenced schemas that were also created with defschema+.

The default generator behavior can be replaced or augmented by supplying a :generator option. The following argument should either be a clojure.test.check.generators.Generator instance (to totally replace the default generator) or a function accepting one argument. If a function is passed, it will be passed as the first argument to clojure.test.check.generators/fmap, with the default generator as the second argument. In other words, when generating, the output of the default generator will be passed to your custom function as the only argument.

Example of supplying a custom generator:

(defschema+ Person
  {:name schema/Str
   :age schema/Int}
  (gen/return {:name "Bob" :age 42}))

Example of supplying an fmap function:

(defschema+ Person
  {:name schema/Str
   :age schema/Int}
  (fn [default-generated] (assoc default-generated :age 42)))

Full example with all options:

(require '[schema-plus.core :refer [defschema+]])
(require '[schema.core :as schema])
(require '[clojure.test.check.generators :as gen])

(defschema+ Person
  {:name schema/Str
   :age schema/Int}
  :docs "A person with a name and age"
  :generator (gen/hash-map :name gen/char-alphanumeric
                           :age gen/nat)
  :example {:name "Bob" :age 42}
  :make-builders? false)"


Once defschema+ has been used to define a schema, schema-plus.core/generate can be used to generate mock data that satisfies that schema. This includes handling nested references to other schema definitions (assuming they were also defined with defschema+):

=> (schema-plus.core/generate Person)
{:name "Efi239af" :age 1324}

If you need direct access to the Generator for a particular schema, you can use get-generator:

=> (schema-plus.core/get-generator Person)
#clojure.test.check.generators.Generator{:gen #object[clojure.test.check.generators$gen_fmap$fn__3647 0x1513d1e2 "clojure.test.check.generators$gen_fmap$fn__3647@1513d1e2"]}

If you need to set the Generator to use for a particular schema, Java Class, or something else that defschema+ couldn't be used for directly, you can use set-generator:

=> (schema-plus.core/set-generator Object (clojure.test.check.generators/return "abc"))
=> (schema-plus.core/defschema+ Bar {:a Object})
=> (schema-plus.core/generate Bar)
{:a "abc"}

Builder Functions

If :make-builders? is not supplied, or is followed by true, then default builder functions will be defined. This will automatically define the following functions in the current namespace (assuming the schema-name is Foo and there is a field named :bar):

(+Foo) - Create an initial, empty instance

(+Foo m) - Create an initial instance populated with fields populated from a map

(+Foo-with-bar this v) - set the `:bar` field on a Foo instance

(+Foo-build this) - Finalize creation of a Foo instance, validate against the schema

The basic way to a new instance would look like:

(-> (+Foo)
    (+Foo-with-bar 123)
    (+Foo-with-baz "ABC")

To make this a little less redundant, there is a threading macro defined for each schema. It removes the need for the final build call:

(+Foo-> (+Foo)
        (+Foo-with-bar 123)
        (+Foo-with-baz "ABC"))

You can also start with a generated value. This is useful for tests, where mock data is fine for most fields, but one or two need to be specified explicitly.

(+Foo-> (generate Foo)
        (+Foo-with-baz "ABC"))


Adds easy mock generation and builder functions to plumatic/schema definitions








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