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Wolf-DL4YHF committed Jan 27, 2017
1 parent 5810b21 commit 48b708b
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Showing 10 changed files with 21,305 additions and 27 deletions.
246 changes: 246 additions & 0 deletions annotations/d13.020/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
# Crappy script to turn the output of a Radare2 disassembly listing
# into a HTML document (which still looks like plain text),
# but with links from caller (e.g. after 'bl') to callee ("(fcn)").
# 'My first Python script', by DL4YHF, 2017-01-21 .
# If you also use Python once per year (and 'C' 364 days a year) :
# Doing everything 'the most possible pythonic way' is just crazy .
# Don't miss .

import sys

def sym2link(symbol):
return '<a href="#'+symbol+'">'+symbol+'</a>'

def sym2noLink(symbol):
return '<font color="red"><u>'+symbol+'</u></font>'

def sym2anchor(symbol):
return '<a id="'+symbol+'"><b>'+symbol+'</b></a>'

class DisasmToHTML():
in_lines = [];
functions= {}; # all functions CALLED FROM or SHOWN IN the listing.
funcs_listed = set(); # all functions really SHOWN in the listing.
current_function = "";

def __init__(self):

def writeHTMLPart1(self):
self.of.write("<!doctype html>\n<html>\n<head>\n<style>\n" )

# Styles for a multi-column index (function overview or similar) :
self.of.write(" -moz-column-count: 3;\n") # Will web browsers..
self.of.write(" -moz-column-gap: 10px;\n") # ..ever speak a common language ?
self.of.write(" -webkit-column-count: 3;\n")
self.of.write(" -webkit-column-gap: 10px;\n")
self.of.write(" column-count: 3;\n")
self.of.write(" column-gap: 10px;\n")
self.of.write(" }\n")
self.of.write("ul#MultiColumn li{\n")
self.of.write(" line-height: 1.5em;\n")
self.of.write(" display: block;\n")
self.of.write(" }\n")
self.of.write("ul#MultiColumn .double li {\n")
self.of.write(" width: 50%;\n")
self.of.write(" }\n")

def addFunctionAndCaller(self, sym_name, current_function):
if len(sym_name) > 0:
if sym_name not in self.functions:
# there's no known caller for this function yet
# (otherwise it would already be a key in 'functions').
# So FIRST append 'sym_name' to 'functions' ...
self.functions[sym_name] = set() # not '{}' - that's a
if current_function != '':
# Function 'sym_name' is being called from another
# function (current_function) so add it to the *set* of callers.
# (the same function shall not appear twice in the "list" of callers,
# thus use a Python-set here, not a Python-list.

def processFile(self, filename_without_extension):
self.current_function = "";

# Read the raw disassembler listing into memory
# (the result would be an array of strings in C, guess here it's a list)
with open(filename_without_extension+'.txt') as infile:
self.in_lines =;
# no need to close infile here .. "with" will close it

# Pass 1 : Find all function names, and store in a dictionary
for line in self.in_lines:
# look for special sequences in the disassembly created by Radare2:
if line.startswith("/ (fcn) ") : # in an annotated function now
# e.g. Radare2 output: "/ (fcn) Reset_Handler 8"
sym_name = line.rsplit(' ',2)[1]
# rsplit explained at
self.addFunctionAndCaller(sym_name, "")
self.funcs_listed.add(sym_name) # mark as LISTED function,
# so it will be shown in the index, and displayed as a
# 'clickable' link (not a red 'broken' link) later.
current_function = sym_name # here: for annotated FUNCTION
elif line[12:14]=="0x" : # Looks like Radare2's disassembly
# Not sure if Radare2 always aligns mnemonics to column 44
# so look for subroutine calls beginning in column 40:
token = " bl "; # token is a 'str' (not a 'string' !!)
column = line.find(token,40);
if column >= 40 : # should be followed by callee's name or address
# Because many callees are not annotated yet, treat their
# hexadecimal address like a name, so we can link to them .
# e.g. 'RCC_Init' called from 'SystemInit', but also
# '0x804e102' called from '0x0804e2f4'.
# Beware: Radare2 omits leading zeroes in OPERANDS,
# but not in the ADDRESS column !
sym_name = line[column:].split()[1]
# About split: .
# split[0] would be the mnemonic (branch with link)
# split[1] should be the operand (=callee) .
# sym_name must be a function (because it's CALLED here),
# which isn't necessarily disassembled yet !
# Despite that, list it in the dictionary 'functions',
# to avoid TWO passes (one to find all functions,
# and another to find all CALLERS of those functions).
# Expected to get here (1st time) with:
# sym_name="RCC_Init", current_function="SystemInit".
self.addFunctionAndCaller( sym_name, current_function)
# end if < saw instruction ' bl ' in a disassembly line >
# end if < line with a hex address in column 12 (?) >
elif line[12:16] == ";-- ": # another annotation in Radare2 ?
# This is not the same as an annotated FUNCTION (R2: "af+")
# but it may be the target for a branch, call, or IRQ handler,
# e.g.: "| ;-- TIM7_DAC_IRQHandler:"
# To keep it simple, treat the symbol like a function:
sym_name = line[16:-1] # exclude the trailing colon !
self.addFunctionAndCaller(sym_name, current_function)
self.funcs_listed.add(sym_name) # mark as LISTED function, too
current_function = sym_name # here: for 'f'lagged label (?)
# (useful for interrupt vectors that aren't "af+"ed)

if line.startswith("\ ") : # not in an annotated FUNCTION anymore
current_function = "" # prevent wrong 'caller' entries

# <-- end of the loop to extract info from the raw assembly listing

# Create the output file: HTML-ish, but 'almost' plain text only.
# No fancy templating, keep simple things simple.
self.of = open(filename_without_extension+'.htm', 'w')

# Emit a 'linked' list of disassembled functions (each function name will be an HTML anchor)
self.of.write("<h1>Disassembled Function Overview</h1>\n")
self.of.write("<a id='Functions'></a><ul id='MultiColumn'>\n")
nFuncsCalledButNotListed = 0
for sym_name in sorted(self.functions):
if sym_name in self.funcs_listed: # not just CALLED but SHOWN in the listing:
self.of.write('<li> <a href="#'+sym_name+'">'+sym_name+'</a><br>\n')
nFuncsCalledButNotListed = nFuncsCalledButNotListed+1

if nFuncsCalledButNotListed > 0:
self.of.write("<h2>Functions called further below but not shown in the disassembly listing yet</h1>\n")
self.of.write(" (modify the r2 file, add a line with 'pdf @FuncName', to have them listed further below)<br>\n")
self.of.write("<a id='Functions'></a><ul id='MultiColumn'>\n")
for sym_name in sorted(self.functions):
if sym_name not in self.funcs_listed: # CALLED but not SHOWN in the listing:
self.of.write('<li> <font color="red"><u>'+sym_name+'</u></font>\n')

# Pass 2 : Append the listing itself, with internal links and anchors:
for line in self.in_lines:
out_line = line
r_parts = line.rsplit(' ',1)
if line.startswith("/ (fcn) "): # e.g. "/ (fcn) Reset_Handler 8"
sym_name = line.rsplit(' ',2)[1] # anchor for the function name (last but one)
out_line = line.replace(sym_name, sym2anchor(sym_name) )
if sym_name in self.functions : # known function...
callers = self.functions[sym_name]
if callers: # Are there any KNOWN callers for this function ?
# emit the 'fcn' line, and list this function's callers (if any)
self.of.write(out_line + "\n") # emit original line with 'fcn'
out_line = '| Caller:'
# 'callers' is a SET which will be converted into a
# space-separated list of hyperlinks here :
for caller in callers:
# If the line gets too long, flush it and begin
# a new. May look ugly in a wide-screen browser.
# The raw Radare2 output had over 130 columns..
if len(out_line) > 220:
self.of.write(out_line + "\n")
out_line = '| '
if caller in self.funcs_listed:
out_line = out_line + ' ' + sym2link( caller )
out_line = out_line + ' ' + sym2noLink( caller )
# end if < begin of a dissassembled function >
elif r_parts[-1] in self.functions:
sym_name = r_parts[-1]
# The LAST word in the line may be the name of a function.
# Radare2 adds the name of any annotated symbol in the last
# column, depending on the operand, e.g.:
# > ldr r0, [0x080f924c] ; [0x80f924c:4]=0x8094359 SystemInit
# If the last word in a line is contained in f_names,
# turn it into a 'clickable' or 'non-functional' link:
if sym_name in self.funcs_listed:
out_line = r_parts[0] + ' ' + sym2link(sym_name)
else: # no idea what the symbol is.. show a "bad link":
out_line = r_parts[0] + ' ' + sym2noLink(sym_name)

elif line[12:14]=="0x" : # Looks like Radare2's disassembly,
# with lots of space before the hexadecimal code address.
# Not sure if Radare2 always aligns mnemonics to column 42..44
# so look for subroutine calls beginning in column 40:
token = " bl "; # 'branch with link' (subroutine call)
column = line.find(token,40);
if column >= 40 : # token at the right place for a mnemonic..
l_split = line[column:].split(token)
# e.g. l_split = ['', 'RCC_Init ; blah, blah' ]
l_split = l_split[1].split() # skip optional comments, etc
sym_name = l_split[0] # separate the operand (callee after 'bl')
if sym_name in self.functions:
# if Callee is a disassembled function link to it,
# else show a broken link similar as above:
if sym_name in self.funcs_listed:
out_line = line.replace(sym_name, sym2link(sym_name) )
out_line = line.replace(sym_name, sym2noLink(sym_name) )
# ( if the callee is just a hex address, we can't add a
# link to it because the disassembly listing only
# contains 'annotated' (named) functions.
# All those appear like a 'red broken link' in Wikipedia,
# in THIS case the broken link can be fixed by extending
# the Radare2 script, e.g. file disasm_yhf.r or similar )
# end if < line could be R2 disassembly >
elif line[12:16] == ";-- ": # another annotation in Radare2 ?
sym_name = line[16:-1] # exclude the trailing colon !
if sym_name in self.functions:
out_line = line.replace(sym_name, sym2anchor(sym_name))
# end if < line could have been annotated by 'f', not 'af+' >

self.of.write(out_line+"\n") # emit 'original' or 'modified' line

# End of the disassembly listing, finish the HTML file:

# end disasm2htm()

# end class DisasmToHTML

if __name__ == "__main__":
n_args = len(sys.argv)-1 # obviously C-like, the "program name" counts as an argument, too
d2h = DisasmToHTML()
if n_args==1 : # ONE real argument: must be the name of the raw disassmbly w/o extension
elif n_args == 0: # NO real argument specified : use the default, produced by disasm_yhf.r
d2h.processFile( 'listing' )
print("Usage: disasm2htm <filename_without_extension> ")
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions annotations/d13.020/disasm_yhf.bat
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
rem File : C:\tools\md380tools\annotations\d13.020\disasm_yhf.bat
rem Author: Wolf, DL4YHF
del listing.txt
C:\tools\Radare2\Radare2.exe -a arm -m 0x0800C000 -b 16 -i disasm_yhf.r ../../firmware/unwrapped/D013.020.img
rem Something was severely bugged, when Radare2 redirected its output under windoze 'cmd.exe' .
rem Unbelievable but true: EVERY LINE IN THE TEXT FILES ENDED WITH "\n\r" instead of "\r\n" or just "\n" .
rem This Python script (in the same folder as this ancient batch) fixes these crappy "text files" :
python listing.txt "\n\r" "\r\n"
rem python disasm_symbols.txt "\n\r" "\r\n"

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