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travisjeffery committed Oct 4, 2019
1 parent d830c1a commit 1b578a3
Showing 1 changed file with 27 additions and 52 deletions.
Expand Up @@ -6,70 +6,45 @@ comments: false
collection: rails

Rails's generators can be pretty cool, and by knowing some simple tricks
you can save yourself from tedious work:
Rails' generators can pump out code and save you from tedious work.

`rails g model person name:string age:integer`
This command generates a person model with a name and age:

Rails developers should probably know that this will generate a model
containing name and age fields, with string and integer data types
rails g model person name:string age:integer

You can even specify attribute options, let's make a new book model with
an indexed price field that needs the given precision 1 and scale 2:
When you generator a decimal field you can specify the precision --- the total number of digits in the number, and the scale --- the number of digits following the decimal point.

`rails g model book price:decimal{1,2}:index`
rails g model book price:decimal{5,2}:index

This has slightly more magic since it's not apparent what the command does just
by looking at it, e.g. you have to know the precision/scale order.
When you generate a migration, by following Rails' migration name conventions, Rails will generate the fields. For example, this command generates the following migration:

Things can get even more magical. By naming your migrations in the form of:
rails g migration add_body_and_pid_to_people body:string:index pid:integer:uniq

`add/remove column [and ...] to/from table`
class AddBodyAndPidToPersons < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :persons, :body, :string
add_index :persons, :body

Rails will generate your migration and add in the change you intend to make.
add_column :persons, :pid, :integer
add_index :persons, :pid, :unique => true

So let's say we want to add an indexed body and unique person id to the people
You should always check the generated migration though, it's not perfect. The migration generated by this command should remove the index as well.

`rails g migration add_body_and_pid_to_people body:string:index pid:integer:uniq`
rails g migration remove_body_from_people body:string:index

Will generate this migration:
However, the generated migration does not remove the index.

``` ruby
class AddBodyAndPidToPersons < ActiveRecord::Migration
def change
add_column :persons, :body, :string
add_index :persons, :body
class RemoveBodyFromPeople < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
remove_column :people, :body

add_column :persons, :pid, :integer
add_index :persons, :pid, :unique => true
def down
add_column :people, :body, :string

Pretty cool, huh?

You should always check the generated migration though, it's not perfect.

`rails g migration add_body_to_people body:string:index`

Generates the migration we expect, however,

`rails g migration remove_body_from_people body:string:index`

``` ruby
class RemoveBodyFromPeople < ActiveRecord::Migration
def up
remove_column :people, :body

def down
add_column :people, :body, :string

Notice that the specified index will not be added or removed.

Edit: I fixed this issue and it's [merged in Rails](
Update: [I fixed this issue Rails](

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