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Dat Nguyen edited this page Feb 8, 2021 · 1 revision

This project use pytest for testing.

Command Description
pytest Test all unit tests
$ pytest tests/ Test all unit tests in Covid US ETL
$ pytest tests/ Test extract_us() that extract raw data for covid19_raw_us table
$ pytest tests/ Test transform process from covid19_raw_us table to covid19_fact_us table
$ pytest tests/ Test aggregate process from covid19_fact_us table to covid19_monthly_fact_us table
$ pytest tests/ Test all unit tests in Covid Global ETL
$ pytest tests/ Test extract process for country_dim table that read data from local CSV file. This CSV file is exported from table from MySQL Workbench.
$ pytest tests/ Test extract_global() that extract raw data for covid19_raw_global
$ pytest tests/ Test transform process from covid19_raw_global table to covid19_fact_global table
$ pytest tests/ Test aggregate process from covid19_fact_global table to covid19_monthly_fact_global table
$ pytest tests/ Test all unit tests in Stock ETL
$ pytest tests/ Test extracting process that get S&P500 tickers by parsing a wiki page. The results are write on stock_ticker_raw table.
$ pytest tests/ Test extracting stock prices for each stickers read from the stock_ticker_raw table.
$ pytest tests/ Test transform process from stock_price_raw table to stock_price_fact table.
$ pytest tests/ Test aggregate process from stock_price_fact table to stock_price_monthly_fact table
$ pytest tests/ Test all unit tests in BOL ETL
$ pytest tests/ Test whether data from bol_series_dim table existed. This table is isnreted during the init phase during project setup process.
$ pytest tests/ Test extract featured series from BOL data sources by reading each feature from bol_series_dim and the API provided.
$ pytest tests/ Test transform process from bol_raw table to bol_series_fact table. Note that BOL data set is updated on a montly basic, so we don't need to aggrate the fact table to montly fact as did in other datasets.
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