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A simple-to-use web-application with powerful simulation capabilities for simulating various economic outcomes


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TrEcSim is a simple-to-use web-aplication that runs either from a localhost or from a server.

Installation (local host only)


Microsoft Windows (Win 8 or later)
Microsoft Visual Studio
Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS [1])
Microsoft SQLExpress
Enable Internet Information Services


1 Clone Repository on local machine

2.1 Mapping web-app using Local IIS

Start VisualStudio as Administrator and open EcoSim.sln
In VisualStudio, right-click the EcoSim project and set it as Startup Project, then
go to EcoSim -> Properties -> Web -> Servers and select Local IIS
Enter a desired domain name e.g. and click Create Virtual Directory


In IIS, create a new Website and set target directory as %repoPath%/EcoSim


Click on website and select Edit Bindings option from the right-hand menu


Add a binding with the domain name chosen in 2.1 and ports (and IP's if need be) for mapping


In C:/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts add lines to forward packets from the website created in 2.1.3 to
** make sure your are not behind a proxy, or packet forwarding will not work

2.2 Mapping web-app using IISExpress

Start VisualStudio and open EcoSim.sln
In VisualStudio, right-click the EcoSim project and set it as Startup Project, then
go to EcoSim -> Properties -> Web -> Servers and select IIS Express
Choose a port and click Create Virtual Directory
** whenever you want to run the app in this mode, you have to open VisualStudio and from the top-side taskbar
choose Release from the Solution Configuration dropdown (next to the Redo button) and press F5 to start the app
in your prefered browser (you can open it in any other browser also, once it has started)

3 Setting up the database


Open SSMS [1] 
Connect to the .\SQLEXPRESS engine using Windows Authentication


From the left-side menu, right-click SQLEXPRESS and Create Database


Configure your database (choose a name, compression method, database size, log size etc.)


Enable the "sa" account for your database (tutorial at: or Google)


Open the TrecSim_CreateDB.sql script and run it over your database (you can select the target from a dropdown in the top-side taskbar)

4 Connecting the server app to the databse

In VisualStudio or any text editor, open up ```sh %repoPath%/EcoSim/Web.config ```
Search for <connectionStrings> tag
There are 2 lines which need to be modified:
<add name="DefaultConnection" ...>
<add name="Entities" ...>

In each of these lines, search for the "Initial Catalog=" string and change it from "EcoSim" to whichever name you chose
for your local DB in 3.3. Right after that, change the "password=" value from "123456aA!" to whichever password you chose for
the "sa" user in 3.4.

5 Final steps

In VisualStudio, select from the top meniu Build -> Clean Solution
After cleaning is done, select Build -> Rebuild Solution
** some build errors may occur due to NuGet packages. these issues may or may not appear on your machine, and may vary from case to case. Due to this, we cannot offer a simple solution to fixing the NuGet errors, but can only point you to forums such as StackOverflow, MSDN, Microsoft Forum etc. where you may find a fix for your particular issue(s)

6 Running the App

If you've chosen the Local IIS method (2.1), simply access the domain name you chose in any browser.
If you've chose the IIS Express (2.2), open VisualStudion and press F5, then wait for the browser window to open. While VisualStudio is running, you can access the corresponding link (localhost:/somePort) in any browser.


A simple-to-use web-application with powerful simulation capabilities for simulating various economic outcomes







No releases published


