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Diaspora helm chart for kubernetes

Version: 0.1.2 Type: application AppVersion: v0.7.15.0

Installing the Chart

To install the chart with the release name diaspora:

$ helm repo add spherics
$ helm install diaspora spherics/diaspora


The diaspora.configuration values expose all the available parameters for customizing your install.

Aside from ingress, you can get a working installation by only setting "host".

For example, if you have cert-manager and ingress-nginx controller installed the following will get you up and running.

  enabled: true
  annotations: nginx "true" letsencrypt-prod
    - host:
        - path: /
          pathType: ImplementationSpecific
   - secretName:

host: ""

Creating Admin User

Note that the chart will enable registrations by default. This is needed to create the first account (you).

Setting yourself as a pod admin must be done manually after first creating your account logging in.

Follow the diaspora wiki documentation after shelling into the diaspora pod.

exec into diaspora pod

$ kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n diaspora diaspora-6b76867dc-6lgwm -- /bin/bash
Defaulted container "diaspora" out of: diaspora, postgresql-isready (init)

start rails console in diaspora directory

diaspora@diaspora-6b76867dc-6lgwm:~$ cd diaspora/
diaspora@diaspora-6b76867dc-6lgwm:~/diaspora$ DB='postgres' RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails console
Loading production environment (Rails 5.2.5)
2.6.0 :001 > Role.add_admin User.where(email: "").first.person
 => #<Role id: 1, person_id: 1, name: "admin", created_at: "2021-09-04 19:45:02", updated_at: "2021-09-04 19:45:02">

You may then want to diasble registrations via .Values.diaspora.configuration.settings.enable_registrations


Repository Name Version postgresql 10.3.17 redis 13.0.*


Key Type Default Description
affinity object {}
autoscaling.enabled bool false
autoscaling.maxReplicas int 100
autoscaling.minReplicas int 1
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80
clusterDomain string "cluster.local"
diaspora.configuration.admins.account string "podmaster"
diaspora.configuration.admins.podmin_email string "" bool false Enable the chat service and all its components. Please make sure that you followed the Installation-Instructions first: string "" string "/http-bind" int 5280 string "http" bool true string "config/certs" Set the directory in which to look for virtual hosts TLS certificates. bool false Use the configuration bridge to prosody. In case you want to run your own server or want to configure prosody on your own, you should disable it. string nil Specify log behaviour here.
diaspora.configuration.environment.assets.serve bool true Serve static assets via the appserver This is highly discouraged for production use. Let your reverse proxy/webserver do it by serving the files under public/ directly. TODO disable this
diaspora.configuration.environment.assets.upload bool false Upload your assets to S3
diaspora.configuration.environment.certificate_authorities string "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" Set the bundle of certificate authorities (CA) certificates. This is specific to your operating system. Examples (uncomment the relevant one or add your own): For Debian, Ubuntu, Archlinux, Gentoo (package ca-certificates):
diaspora.configuration.environment.image_redirect_url string "" Set redirect URL for an external image host (Amazon S3 or other). If hosting images for your pod on an external server (even your own), add its URL here. All requests made to images under /uploads/images will be redirected to https://yourhost.tld/uploads/images/
diaspora.configuration.environment.logging.debug object {"federation":false,"sql":false} Debug logging
diaspora.configuration.environment.logging.debug.federation bool false Enables the federation-debug-log This logs all XMLs that are used for the federation
diaspora.configuration.environment.logging.debug.sql bool false Enables the debug-logging for SQL This logs every SQL-statement!
diaspora.configuration.environment.logging.logrotate.days int 7 The number of days to keep
diaspora.configuration.environment.logging.logrotate.enable bool true Roll the application log on a daily basis
diaspora.configuration.environment.pubsub_server string "" Pubsub server Diaspora is only tested against the default pubsub server. You probably don't want to uncomment or change this.
diaspora.configuration.environment.redis string this will be set automatically based on included redis dependency URL for a remote Redis Don't forget to restrict IP access if you uncomment these!
diaspora.configuration.environment.require_ssl bool true
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.bucket string "my_photos"
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.cache bool true Use max-age header on Amazon S3 resources When true, this allows locally cached images to be served for up to one year. This can improve load speed and save requests to the image host. Set to false to revert to browser defaults (usually less than one year).
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.enable bool false Use Amazon S3 instead of your local filesystem
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.key string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.region string "us-east-1"
diaspora.configuration.environment.s3.secret string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.backtrace int 15 Lines of backtrace that are stored on failure Set n to the required value. Set this to false to reduce Redis memory usage (and log size) if you're not interested in this data.
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.concurrency int 5 Number of parallel threads Sidekiq uses If you touch this, please set the pool setting in your database.yml to a value that's at minimum close to this! You can safely increase it to 25 and more on a medium-sized pod. This applies per started Sidekiq worker, so if you set it to 25 and start two workers, you'll process up to 50 jobs in parallel.
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.dead_jobs_limit int 5000 Number of jobs to keep in the dead queue Jobs get into the dead queue after they failed and exhausted all retries. Increasing this setting will increase the memory usage of Redis. Once gone from the dead queue, a failed job is permanently lost and cannot be retried manually.
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.dead_jobs_timeout int 3628800 Number of seconds a job remains in the dead queue Jobs get into the dead queue after they failed and exhausted all retries. Increasing this setting will increase the memory usage of Redis. Once gone from the dead queue, a failed job is permanently lost and cannot be retried manually.
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.log string "log/sidekiq.log" Log file for Sidekiq
diaspora.configuration.environment.sidekiq.retry int 10 Number of times a job is retried There's an exponential effect to this: if you set this too high you might get too many jobs building up in the queue. Set it to 0 to disable it completely.
diaspora.configuration.environment.single_process_mode bool false Single-process mode (default=false). If set to true, Diaspora will work with just the appserver (Unicorn by default) running. However, this makes it quite slow as intensive jobs must be run all the time inside the request cycle. We strongly recommended you leave this disabled for production setups. Set to true to enable.
diaspora.configuration.environment.url string will be set based on Set the hostname of the machine you're running Diaspora on, as seen from the internet. This should be the URL you want to use to access the pod. So if you plan to use a reverse proxy, it should be the URL the proxy listens on. DO NOT CHANGE THIS AFTER INITIAL SETUP! However changing http to https is okay and has no consequences. If you do change the URL, you will have to start again as the URL will be hardcoded into the database.
diaspora.configuration.mail.enable bool false
diaspora.configuration.mail.method string "smtp" selects which mailer should be used. Use 'smtp' for a smtp connection or 'sendmail' to use the sendmail binary.
diaspora.configuration.mail.sender_address string "" Sender address used in mail sent by Diaspora.
diaspora.configuration.mail.sendmail string nil
diaspora.configuration.mail.smtp string nil string "youraccesstoken" bool false string "mapbox/streets-v9"
diaspora.configuration.privacy.camo string nil
diaspora.configuration.privacy.google_analytics_key string "" Google Analytics Provide a key to enable tracking by Google Analytics.
diaspora.configuration.privacy.jquery_cdn bool false Include jQuery from's CDN Enabling this can reduce traffic and speed up load time since most clients already have this one cached. When set to false (the default), the jQuery library will be loaded from your pod's own resources.
diaspora.configuration.privacy.piwik.enable bool false string ""
diaspora.configuration.privacy.piwik.site_id int 1
diaspora.configuration.privacy.statistics.comment_counts bool true Local comments total count.
diaspora.configuration.privacy.statistics.post_counts bool true Local post total count.
diaspora.configuration.privacy.statistics.user_counts bool true Local user total and 6 month active counts.
diaspora.configuration.relay.inbound.include_user_tags bool false If scope is 'tags', should we include tags that users on this pod follow? These are added in addition to 'pod_tags', if set.
diaspora.configuration.relay.inbound.pod_tags string nil If scope is 'tags', a comma separated list of tags here can be set. For example "linux,diaspora", to receive posts related to these tags
diaspora.configuration.relay.inbound.scope string "tags" Scope is either 'all' or 'tags' (default). - 'all', means this pod wants to receive all public posts from a relay - 'tags', means this pod wants only posts tagged with certain tags
diaspora.configuration.relay.inbound.subscribe bool false Enable this to receive public posts from relays
diaspora.configuration.relay.outbound.send bool false Enable this setting to send out public posts from this pod to a relay
diaspora.configuration.relay.outbound.url string "" Change default remote relay url used for sending out here
diaspora.configuration.server.embed_sidekiq_worker bool false Embed a Sidekiq worker inside the unicorn process Useful for minimal Heroku setups.
diaspora.configuration.server.listen string "" Where the appserver should listen to @default this will be set based on service.port value
diaspora.configuration.server.rails_environment string "production" Set the path for the PID file of the unicorn master process Rails environment -- The environment in which the server should be started by default. Change this to 'production' if you wish to run a production environment.
diaspora.configuration.server.sidekiq_workers int 1 Number of Sidekiq worker processes In most cases it is better to increase environment.sidekiq.concurrency instead!
diaspora.configuration.server.unicorn_timeout int 90 Number of seconds before a request is aborted Increase if you get empty responses, or if large image uploads fail. Decrease if you're under heavy load and don't care if some requests fail.
diaspora.configuration.server.unicorn_worker int 2 string "abcdef" bool false bool false string "change_me" bool false string "abcdef" string "change_me" bool false string "abcdef" string "change_me" string "abcdef" bool false string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.settings.autofollow_on_join bool true
diaspora.configuration.settings.autofollow_on_join_user string ""
diaspora.configuration.settings.bitcoin_address string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.settings.captcha.captcha_length int 5 Length of captcha text (default=5)(max=12)
diaspora.configuration.settings.captcha.distortion string "low"
diaspora.configuration.settings.captcha.enable bool true
diaspora.configuration.settings.captcha.image_size string "120x20" Captcha image size
diaspora.configuration.settings.captcha.image_style string "simply_green"
diaspora.configuration.settings.changelog_url string ""
diaspora.configuration.settings.community_spotlight.enable bool false Enable community spotfilight
diaspora.configuration.settings.community_spotlight.suggest_email string "" E-mail address to which users can make suggestions about who should be in the community spotlight (optional).
diaspora.configuration.settings.csp.report_only bool true
diaspora.configuration.settings.csp.report_uri string ""
diaspora.configuration.settings.default_color_theme string "original" Default color theme You can change which color theme is displayed when a user is not signed in or has not selected any color theme from the available ones. You simply have to enter the name of the theme's folder in "app/assets/stylesheets/color_themes/". ("original" for the theme in "app/assets/stylesheets/color_themes/original/", for example).
diaspora.configuration.settings.default_metas.description string "diaspora* is the online social world where you are in control."
diaspora.configuration.settings.default_metas.title string "diaspora* social network"
diaspora.configuration.settings.enable_registrations bool true
diaspora.configuration.settings.export_concurrency int 1 Maximum number of parallel user data export jobs Be careful, exports of big/old profiles can use a lot of memory, running many of them in parallel can be a problem for small servers.
diaspora.configuration.settings.invitations.count int 25 Number of invitations per invite link Every user will see such a link if you have enabled invitations on your pod. bool true
diaspora.configuration.settings.liberapay_username string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.settings.maintenance.remove_old_users.after_days int 730
diaspora.configuration.settings.maintenance.remove_old_users.enable bool false
diaspora.configuration.settings.maintenance.remove_old_users.limit_removals_to_per_day int 100 Limit queuing for removal per day.
diaspora.configuration.settings.maintenance.remove_old_users.warn_days int 30
diaspora.configuration.settings.paypal_donations.currency string "USD" Currency used (USD, EUR...)
diaspora.configuration.settings.paypal_donations.enable bool false enable paybal donations towards running the pod
diaspora.configuration.settings.paypal_donations.paypal_hosted_button_id string "change_me"
diaspora.configuration.settings.paypal_donations.paypal_unhosted_button_encrypted string "-----BEGIN PKCS7-----"
diaspora.configuration.settings.pod_name string "diaspora*" The pod name displayed in various locations, including the header.
diaspora.configuration.settings.source_url string ""
diaspora.configuration.settings.terms.enable bool false
diaspora.configuration.settings.terms.jurisdiction string ""
diaspora.configuration.settings.terms.minimum_age bool false Age limit for signups. Set a number to activate this setting. This age limit is shown in the default ToS document.
diaspora.configuration.settings.typhoeus_concurrency int 20 Maximum number of parallel HTTP requests made to other pods Be careful, raising this setting will heavily increase the memory usage of your Sidekiq workers.
diaspora.configuration.settings.typhoeus_verbose bool false
diaspora.configuration.settings.welcome_message.enabled bool false
diaspora.configuration.settings.welcome_message.subject string "Welcome Message"
diaspora.configuration.settings.welcome_message.text string "Hello %{username}, welcome to diaspora."
diaspora.development.environment string nil
diaspora.production.environment string nil
fullnameOverride string ""
host string "" the hostname of your diaspora pod
image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent"
image.repository string "koehn/diaspora"
image.tag string ""
imagePullSecrets list []
ingress.annotations object {}
ingress.enabled bool false
ingress.labels object {}
nameOverride string ""
nodeSelector object {}
persistence.accessMode string "ReadWriteOnce"
persistence.annotations object {}
persistence.enabled bool true
persistence.labels object {}
persistence.size string "10Gi"
podAnnotations object {}
podSecurityContext object {} string "diaspora_production" string "diaspora" string "diaspora" int 5432
postgresql.persistence.size string "10Gi"
redis.password string "changeme"
redis.usePassword bool false
replicaCount int 1
resources object {}
securityContext object {}
service.port int 3000
service.type string "ClusterIP"
serviceAccount.annotations object {}
serviceAccount.create bool true string ""
tolerations list []

Autogenerated from chart metadata using helm-docs v1.5.0