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Collaboration with Northstar Civic Foundation

To Run on Master

This project was created using python 3.7 and node 10.13.0. In the root directory, run:

pip3 install virtualenv

virtualenv venv

source venv/bin/activate

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

gunicorn pers.wsgi:app

In another window, in the client directory, run:

npm install

npm start

Make sure that the client/src/App.js handleSubmit function points to ''

To deploy (Heroku)

This app uses Heroku CLI.

Install Heroku Cli

brew tap heroku/brew && brew install heroku

heroku login

Make your changes, then:

Make sure that the client/src/App.js handleSubmit function points to ''

git add .
git commit -am "make it better"
git push heroku master

To Run

This uses python3. The following packages are required:

  • numpy
  • matplotlib
  • pandas

Usage: ./ <question> <question_param> <ual> <sual> <return_rate> <inflation> <tax> Where:

  1. question is in the set {1,2,3} where 1 calculates based on amortization, 2 calculates based on contribution rate, and 3 calculates based on contribution dollar value.
  2. question_param is different depending on the input for question:
    1. When question = 1, this is the amortization period in years. Suggested input: 20
    2. When question = 2, this is the contribution rate as a fraction of 1. Suggested input: .29
    3. When question = 3, this is the contribution as a dollar value in millions. Suggested input: 4200
  3. ual is the ual value in millions. Suggested input: 26600
  4. sual is the sequestered ual value in millions. Suggested input: 0
  5. return_rate is the expected return rate. Suggested input: 1.042
  6. inflation is the expected inflation rate. Suggested value: 1.03
  7. tax is the proposed tax value in millions. Suggested input: 0

Additionally, there is a variable that is hard-coded in, called ual_growth, which is set to 1.072. This is because we need the UAL to grow at a constant rate, even if inflation and/or return_rate go negative (for example).

A sample usage is: ./ 1 20 26600 0 1.042 1.03 0


Collaboration with Northstar Civic Foundation






No releases published


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Contributors 4
