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Processes .jpg images and .mp4/.360 videos shot on GoPro MAX or Fusion cameras and uploads to Google Street View.


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Processes .jpg images and .mp4/.360 videos shot on GoPro MAX or Fusion cameras and uploads to Google Street View.


Here are Trek View we use GoPro Fusion and MAX cameras to record 360 images and videos.

The results of this work is published to either Google StreetView or Mapillary. In many cases we apply a nadir to these images to brand the video with our logo before uploading them.

Both these tools accept video uploads containing GPMF telemetry tracks.

To suport this workflow GoPro2GSV supports 6 modes;

  1. equirectangular mp4 video -> final video
  2. equirectangular timelapse frames -> final video
  3. equirectangular mp4 video -> timelapse frames -> final video
  4. .360 mode -> max2sphere -> timelapse frames -> final video (for MAX cameras)

Each mode offer different settings, but ultimately the aim of GoPro2GSV is for a user to take any 360 image or video generated by a GoPro

IMPORTANT: GoPro2GSV does not support videos shot in timelapse or timewarp mode. This is because the logic described in the following posts is not implemented;



Install the required dependencies using:

# clone the latest code
git clone
cd gopro2gsv
# create a venv
python3 -m venv gopro2gsv-venv
source gopro2gsv-venv/bin/activate
# install requirements
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
git submodule update --init
python3 build

You will also need:

These must be installed in the path. You can check this by running magick, ffmpeg , exiftool from the CLI. If it returns information about the tools, they are correctly installed.

On a Mac, you can install these quickly using brew as follows;

brew install ffmpeg exiftool imagemagick

If these are installed in the default paths no more action is needed (generally the case if installed using defaults). However, if the paths are custom, you will need to set these in the .env file under:


If you intent to upload to Street View

You need to set your Google keys if you intend to upload to GSV. First copy the .env file

cp .env.example .env

And then add your keys. The process to generated keys is described in design/mvp/


The base script can be run as follows;


The options available to run differ by mode as follows;

Mode 1: equirectangular mp4 video -> final video

  • --input_video (required): for timelapse video mode, the path to the .mp4 video
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-in.mp4
  • --path_to_nadir (optional): a square nadir to be added to the images.
    • e.g. /path/to/nadir.png
  • --size_of_nadir (optional, must use with --path_to_nadir): percentage height of output video nadir should cover. Default is 25% if not passed.
    • e.g. 25 (%)
  • --output_filepath (required): name of video and directory for output. All log and GPX files will be named / placed using this information.
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-out
  • --upload_to_streetview (optional): if passed will upload the image to StreetView (will require user to authenticate)

Mode 2: equirectangular timelapse frames -> final video

  • --input_directory (required): for timelapse photo mode, the path to the directory of .jpg images
    • e.g. /path/to/my/directory
  • --path_to_nadir (optional): a square nadir to be added to the images.
    • e.g. /path/to/nadir.png
  • --size_of_nadir (optional, must use with --path_to_nadir): percentage height of output video nadir should cover. Default is 25% if not passed.
    • e.g. 25 (%)
  • --max_output_video_secs (optional) The maximum length of any video in the output in seconds. May result in multiple video files per output if input cannot be packed into maximum video length specified. Default is 60 seconds (300 frames)
    • e.g. 30 seconds
  • --output_filepath (required): name of video and directory for output. All log and GPX files will be named / placed using this information.
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-out
  • --upload_to_streetview (optional): if passed will upload the image to StreetView (will require user to authenticate)

Mode 3: equirectangular mp4 video -> timelapse frames -> final video

  • --input_video (required): for timelapse video mode, the path to the .mp4 video
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-in.mp4
    • e.g. /path/to/my/directory
  • --extract_fps (required): the frame rate for extraction. Can select either 5 frames per second, 5, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2
    • e.g 5
  • --keep_extracted_frames (optional): if passed, a copy of the extracted frames will be kept
  • --path_to_nadir (optional): a square nadir to be added to the images.
    • e.g. /path/to/nadir.png
  • --size_of_nadir (optional, must use with --path_to_nadir): percentage height of output video nadir should cover. Default is 25% if not passed.
    • e.g. 25 (%)
  • --max_output_video_secs (optional) The maximum length of any video in the output in seconds. May result in multiple video files per output if input cannot be packed into maximum video length specified. Default is 60 seconds (300 frames)
    • e.g. 30 seconds
  • --output_filepath (required): name of video and directory for output. All log and GPX files will be named / placed using this information.
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-out
  • --upload_to_streetview (optional): if passed will upload the image to StreetView (will require user to authenticate)

Mode 4: .360 mode -> max2sphere -> timelapse frames -> final video (for MAX cameras)

  • --input_video (required): for timelapse video mode, the path to the .360 video
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-in.360
  • --extract_fps (required): the frame rate for extraction. Can select either 5 frames per second, 5, 4, 2, 1, 0.5, 0.2
    • e.g 5
  • --keep_extracted_frames (optional): if passed, a copy of the extracted frames (after stitched by max2sphere) will be kept
  • --path_to_nadir (optional): a square nadir to be added to the images.
    • e.g. /path/to/nadir.png
  • --size_of_nadir (optional, must use with --path_to_nadir): percentage height of output video nadir should cover. Default is 25% if not passed.
    • e.g. 25 (%)
  • --max_output_video_secs (optional) The maximum length of any video in the output in seconds. May result in multiple video files per output if input cannot be packed into maximum video length specified. Default is 60 seconds (300 frames)
    • e.g. 30 seconds
  • --output_filepath (required): name of video and directory for output. All log and GPX files will be named / placed using this information.
    • e.g. /path/to/my/file-out
  • --upload_to_streetview (optional): if passed will upload the image to StreetView (will require user to authenticate)

All modes: Check for Street View Status updates

If --upload_to_streetview has been used in any mode, you can check the status of the upload.

The following flag can be run in isolation to simply run update checks on all uploads that are not in PROCESSED or FAILED


Limited support available on Slack via the #oss-gopro2gsv channel.


Apache 2.0.


Processes .jpg images and .mp4/.360 videos shot on GoPro MAX or Fusion cameras and uploads to Google Street View.






