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fieldmarshal – marshal/unmarshal attrs-based data classes to and from JSON

Build Status

Note: This is module is still in development - APIs might change in backwards-incompatible ways.


>>> from fieldmarshal import struct, field, marshal, unmarshal
>>> from typing import List, Set
>>> @struct
... class Post:
...     title: str
...     tags: Set[str]
>>> @struct
... class User:
...     id: int
...     name: str
...     posts: List[Post]
...     is_admin: bool = field("is-admin", default=False)
>>> fred = User(1, "fred", [Post("hello world!", tags={"a", "b"})])
>>> data = marshal(fred)
>>> data
{'id': 1, 'name': 'fred', 'posts': [{'title': 'hello world!', 'tags': ['a', 'b']}], 'is-admin': False}
>>> assert unmarshal(data, User) == fred

The struct and field helpers are just convenience wrappers around attr.s and attr.ib. The equivalent code with attrs is:

>>> import attr
>>> from fieldmarshal import Options
>>> @attr.s(slots=True, auto_attribs=True)
... class User:
...     # ...
...     is_admin: bool = attr.ib(
...         default=False,
...         metadata={'fieldmarshal': Options(name="is-admin")},
...     )

This module provides marshalling/unmarshalling (or serialization/deserialization) of attrs-based "data classes" to and from JSON.

The main goal is to make it easy to quickly build useful (partial) class representations for real-world JSON data, such as those received from HTTP APIs (See the examples subdirectory), and to allow efficient marshalling/unmarshalling to and from JSON.


  • Support for renaming fields (see Example above).
  • Unknown/extra JSON keys are ignored by default.
  • Hook system to customize marshalling/unmarshalling of custom or complex types (e.g. Unions)
  • Built-in handling of common cases, such as Enums, simple Unions.
  • Limited support for non-string dict keys (bool, int, float, Enum).
  • Tries to be unobtrusive: Does not require subclassing and can work with plain attrs-based classes.

The API is inspired by Go's json.Marshal/json.Unmarshal and cattrs.