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Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets

Natural Language Processing with Disaster Tweets

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Please have a look at the version history of each notebook.

Statistical models:

Deep learning models:


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Note: use those scripts at your own risk, since I don't normally re-train models on my personal PC.


Text preprocessing

Different text preprocessing methods used in my implementations, but most methods following these steps

  • Removing emojis
  • Removing html
  • Removing URLs
  • Removing punctuations
  • Lowercase and remove multiple spaces.

However there are some exceptions where a specific preprocessing method of the pretrained model is applied:

Training configurations

Statistical models

  • Training data: Using full training set.
  • Hyperparameters: using sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV to automatically pick best combinations.

Deep learning models

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Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (train/test) 64/32
Learning rate 1e-4
Embedding dim 64
Epochs 10
Vocab size 10000
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Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (Train/test) 64/32
Filter size 100
Window size [3, 4, 5]
L2 regularization 3
Dropout rate 0.5
Dense unit 64
Learning rate 1e-4
Epochs 100
Vocab size 10000
Early stopping 20 epochs
Classification threshold 0.5
Click to view

CNN & RNN feed model:

Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (Train/test) 64/32
Recurrent units 512
Filter size 200
Window size [1, 2, 3]
Dropout rate 0.5
Dense unit 64
Learning rate 1e-4
Epochs 100
Vocab size 10000
Early stopping 20 epochs
Classification threshold 0.5

CNN & BiRNN feed model:

Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (Train/test) 64/32
Recurrent units 512
Filter size 200
Window size [1, 2, 3]
Dropout rate 0.5
Dense unit 64
Learning rate 1e-4
Epochs 100
Vocab size 10000
Early stopping 10 epochs
Classification threshold 0.5

CNN & RNN concat model:

Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (Train/test) 64/32
Recurrent units 512
Filter size 200
Window size [1, 2, 3]
Dropout rate 0.5
Dense unit 64
Learning rate 1e-4
Epochs 100
Vocab size 10000
Early stopping 5 epochs
Classification threshold 0.5

CNN & BiRNN concat model:

Hyperparameter Value
Train:test 8:2
Batch size (Train/test) 64/32
Recurrent units 512
Filter size 200
Window size [1, 2, 3]
Dropout rate 0.5
Dense unit 64
Learning rate 1e-4
Epochs 100
Vocab size 10000
Early stopping 10 epochs
Classification threshold 0.5


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Hyperparameter Value
Train:dev:test ratio 6:2:2
Batch size 64
Learning rate 2e-5
Weight decay 0.01
Epochs 50
Early stopping 5 epochs

Too-large LLMs

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Some large LLMs cannot be trained with hyperparameters in the LLMs section. In order to fit those models to Kaggle GPU's RAM, I reduced the batch size and learning rate to following values:

Hyperparameter Value
Train:dev:test ratio 6:2:2
Batch size 32
Learning rate 1e-5
Weight decay 0.01
Epochs 50
Early stopping 5 epochs

All remaining hyperparametes stay the same as LLMs.


Experiment setup: All experiments were conducted under the same Kaggle environment:

Configuration Value
CPU Intel Xeon 2.20 GHz CPU, 4vCPU cores
Memory 32 GB
GPU NVIDIA Tesla T4 (x2) (LLMs) or P100 (RNNs, CNNs)
Random seed 42 report

Statistical models

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Model Vectorizer Training configurations Public F1
KMean TFIDF [1] 0.50658
Linear Models Logistic Regression TFIDF [1] 0.80171
Stochastic Gradient Descent TFIDF [1] 0.80386
Support Vector Machine TFIDF [1] 0.80140
Random Forest TFIDF [1] 0.78792
AdaBoost Decision Tree TFIDF [1] 0.72847
Bagging Decision Tree TFIDF [1] 0.74348
Decision Tree TFIDF [1] 0.71069
Gradient Boosting TFIDF [1] 0.73889
XGBoost TFIDF [1] 0.74992
Naive Bayes Multinomial Naive Bayes TFIDF [1] 0.80447
Complement Naive Bayes TFIDF [1] 0.79589
Multilayer Perceptrons TFIDF [1] 0.75911

Deep learning models

RNNs, CNNs and ensemble models
Click to view
Model (with paper link) Pretrain parameters Training configurations Public F1 Notes
RNN 1-layer Bidirectional LSTM 714,369 [3] 0.77352
2-layers stacked Bidirectional LSTM 751,489 [3] 0.78026
1-layer Bidirectional GRU 698,241 [3] 0.77536
2-layers stacked Bidirectional GRU 725,249 [3] 0.77566
RNN + Attention 1-layer Bidirectional LSTM + Dot Attention 714,369 [3] 0.76892
1-layer Bidirectional GRU + Dot Attention 698,241 [3] 0.78516
1-layer Bidirectional LSTM + General Attention 730,881 [3] 0.77995
1-layer Bidirectional GRU + General Attention 714,753 [3] 0.77719
1-layer Bidirectional LSTM + Concatenate Attention 730,946 [3] 0.78148
1-layer Bidirectional GRU + Concatenate Attention 714,818 [3] 0.77873
Deep CNN (random + pretrained embedding) CNN non-static (random embedding) 299,629 [3] 0.71345 Embedding dimension = 25 (equals to GloVe vector size)
CNN static (glove-twitter-25) 299,629 [3] 0.77689
CNN static (glove-twitter-50) 579,629 [3] 0.78700
CNN static (glove-twitter-100) 1,139,629 [3] 0.79374
CNN static (glove-twitter-200) 2,259,629 [3] 0.79711
CNN static (fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300) 3,379,629 [3] 0.57033
CNN non-static (glove-twitter-25) 299,629 [3] 0.80478
CNN non-static (glove-twitter-50) 579,629 [3] 0.79619
CNN non-static (glove-twitter-100) 1,139,629 [3] 0.79987
CNN non-static (glove-twitter-200) 2,259,629 [3] 0.80140
CNN non-static (fasttext-wiki-news-subwords-300) 3,379,629 [3] 0.73980
Multi-channel CNN and RNN Random embedding (static) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,326,169 [3] 0.67391
Random embedding (static) + Bidirectional LSTM 4,411,609 [3] 0.68709
Random embedding (static) + Unidirectional GRU (todo) [3] (todo)
Random embedding (static) + Bidirectional GRU (todo) [3] (todo)
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,366,169 [3] 0.68372
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,451,609 [3] 0.78976
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,646,169 [3] 0.77781
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,731,609 [3] 0.78148
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 2,206,169 [3] 0.73460
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 3,291,609 [3] 0.78700
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,326,169 [3] 0.71835
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 4,411,609 [3] 0.76310
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,326,169 [3] 0.71284
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 4,411,609 [3] 0.75390
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU (todo) [3] (todo)
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU (todo) [3] (todo)
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,366,169 [3] 0.75942
Glove (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,451,609 [3] 0.79436
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,646,169 [3] 0.78240
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,731,609 [3] 0.79957
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 2,206,169 [3] 0.78700
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 3,291,609 [3] 0.76064
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,326,169 [3] 0.78179
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 4,411,609 [3] 0.77474
Multi-channel CNN and RNN (concat) Random embedding (static) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,772,121 [3] 0.78394 Embedding dimension = 200
Random embedding (static) + Bidirectional LSTM 5,265,113 [3] 0.78700
Random embedding (static) + Unidirectional GRU 3,408,601 [3] 0.78302
Random embedding (static) + Bidirectional GRU 4,538,073 [3] 0.77627
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,453,721 [3] 0.80110
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,588,313 [3] 0.79436
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Unidirectional GRU 1,179,801 [3] 0.80294
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, static) + Bidirectional GRU 2,040,473 [3] 0.79528
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,784,921 [3] 0.81091
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,970,713 [3] 0.81366
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Unidirectional GRU 1,498,201 [3] 0.80907
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, static) + Bidirectional GRU 2,397,273 [3] 0.80937
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 2,447,321 [3] 0.80539
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 3,735,513 [3] 0.81305
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Unidirectional GRU (todo) [3] (todo)
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, static) + Bidirectional GRU 3,110,873 [3] 0.80907
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,772,121 [3] 0.80723
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Bidirectional LSTM 5,265,113 [3] 0.81152
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Unidirectional GRU 3,408,601 [3] 3,408,601
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, static) + Bidirectional GRU 4,538,073 [3] 0.80815
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,772,121 [3] 0.74164
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 5,265,113 [3] 0.77444
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU 3,408,601 [3] 0.80171
Random embedding (nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU 4,538,073 [3] 0.80049
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,453,721 [3] 0.80876
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,588,313 [3] 0.79834
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU 1,179,801 [3] 0.80815
GloVe (glove-twitter-25, nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU 2,040,473 [3] 0.79650
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 1,784,921 [3] 0.80539
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 2,970,713 [3] 0.81213
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU 1,498,201 [3] 0.80968
GloVe (glove-twitter-50, nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU 2,397,273 [3] 0.80386
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 2,447,321 [3] 0.81029
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 3,735,513 [3] 0.80968
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU 2,135,001 [3] 0.80570
GloVe (glove-twitter-100, nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU 3,110,873 [3] 0.80815
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Unidirectional LSTM 3,772,121 [3] 0.80508
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Bidirectional LSTM 5,265,113 [3] 0.81182
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Unidirectional GRU 3,408,601 [3] 0.81244
GloVe (glove-twitter-200, nonstatic) + Bidirectional GRU 4,538,073 [3] 0.80999
Click to view
Model (with paper link) Pretrain parameters Training configurations Public F1 Notes
ALBERT base-v1 11M (huggingface) [2] 0.80907 View list of parameters by huggingface here
large-v1 17M (huggingface) [2] 0.80416
xlarge-v1 58M (huggingface) [4] 0.81182
xxlarge-v1 223M (huggingface) [4] 0.78853
base-v2 11M (huggingface) [2] 0.79528
large-v2 17M (huggingface) [2] 0.81520
xlarge-v2 58M (huggingface) [4] 0.81703
xxlarge-v2 223M (huggingface) [4] 0.80570
BART base 140M (facebook-research) [2] 0.82684 View list of parameters by facebook-research here
large 400M (facebook-research) [2] 0.83726
large-mnli 400M (facebook-research) [2] 0.83450
large-cnn 400M (facebook-research) [2] 0.82347
BERT base uncased 110M (huggingface) [2] 0.82899 View list of parameters by huggingface here
base cased 110M (huggingface) [2] 0.81060
large uncased 340M (huggingface) [2] 0.83052
large cased 340M (huggingface) [2] 0.82194
large uncased whole word masking 335M (huggingface) [2] 0.82255
large cased whole word masking 336M (huggingface) [2] 0.81244
multilingual uncased 168M (huggingface) [2] 0.81887
multilingual cased 179M (huggingface) [2] 0.81918
BERTweet base 135M (vinai) [2] 0.83726 View list of parameters by vinai here
covid19-base-uncased 135M (vinai) [2] 0.84002
covid19-base-cased 135M (vinai) [2] 0.82960
large 335M (vinai) [2] 0.82899
BORT base 56.1M (amazon) [2] 0.74563 Parameters from the original paper
DeBERTa base 100M (microsoft) [2] 0.81642 View list of parameters by microsoft here
base-mnli 86M (microsoft) [2] 0.80661
large 350M (microsoft) [4] 0.84308
large-mnli 350M (microsoft) [4] 0.83757
DeBERTa v3 xsmall 22M (microsoft) [2] 0.80815 View list of parameters by microsoft here
small 44M (microsoft) [2] 0.82408
base 86M (microsoft) [2] 0.83205
large 304M (microsoft) [4] 0.82745
mdeberta-v3-base 86M (microsoft) [2] 0.82929
DistilBERT base uncased 66M (huggingface) [2] 0.82439 View list of parameters by huggingface here
base cased 65M (huggingface) [2] 0.82163
multilingual cased 134M (huggingface) [2] 0.80049
ELECTRA (discriminator) small 14M (google) [2] 0.81887 View list of parameters by google here
base 110M (google) [2] 0.82776
large 335M (google) [2] 0.83726
RoBERTa base 125M (huggingface) [2] 0.82868 View list of parameters by huggingface here
large 335M (huggingface) [2] 0.84033
large 355M (huggingface) [2] 0.84033
distilroberta-large 82M (huggingface) [2] 0.82960
SqueezeBERT uncased 51M (huggingface) [2] 0.80324 View list of parameters by huggingface here
mnli 51M (huggingface) [2] 0.79987
mnli-headless 51M (huggingface) [2] 0.80416
Twitter RoBERTa Sentiment base N/A [2] 0.83389 CardiffNLP has a huge list of Twitter pretrained models and these are just 3 of them. Try finetuning others (if you have time).
base latest N/A [2] 0.82776
base 2021 124M (cardiffnlp) [2] 0.83083
XLM-RoBERTa base 270M (huggingface) [2] 0.82439 View list of parameters by huggingface here
large 550M (huggingface) [2] 0.82500
XLNet base cased 110M (huggingface) [2] 0.82592 View list of parameters by huggingface here
large cased 340M (huggingface) [4] 0.81612