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Elisha Peterson edited this page Sep 14, 2019 · 17 revisions

User Guide

Welcome to the blaisemath User Guide! This guide provides an overview of the main components of the Java packages that are part of the project. The latest versions of the code are all written for Java 11. For use with older versions of Java, see java-8.

  • blaise-common: Common utilities shared across Blaise projects.
  • blaise-json: Support for JSON serialization of blaisemath and some Java types, using Jackson.
  • blaise-graphics: Java2D graphics support, for easy construction of scene graphs and rendering onto the canvas.
  • blaise-graphics-ui: Swing UI support for graphics components.
  • blaise-svg: Utilities for working with SVG, and for converting SVG to/from Java2D graphics.
  • blaise-graph-theory: Graph definitions, algorithms, and visualization.
  • blaise-graph-theory-ui: Swing UI components for blaise-graph-theory.

Java 8 Support

See java-8.

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