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This is the framework used to build SVR4 packages for Tribblix.

The primary script is dobuild, which unpacks a tarball, runs configure
and make. There are variants mesonbuild (for meson projects), cmbuild
(for cmake projects), and imakebuild (for legacy projects using Imake).

Then genpkg will create a package.

dobuild xrestop-0.4
genpkg TRIBxrestop xrestop-0.4

There are also canned variants (pkg_setup_py, pkg_pep518, pkg_wheel)
for the various styles of python projects. Along with pkg_gem for ruby
gems, and pkg_tarball for simple tarballs.

You need to create a directory for each package. Minimally, this must
contain a pkginfo fragment. There is optionally a depend file with
package dependencies (the autodepend script can help generate that
list). If any SMF services should be restarted on package
install/removal, list them in a restart_fmri_list file. And if you want
to modify the proto area, add a fixit script.

To apply patches, put the patches you need into the patches directory,
and create a pls file named after the (versioned) tarball you're unpacking.
Along with the pls file, you can create preconf and postconf scripts
that run before before and after the configuration respectively.


Tribblix package build framework







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