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Flexible plugin that allows CRUD functionality on complex data types


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Flex Directory Plugin


The Flex Directory Plugin is for Grav CMS. It provides a simple plugin that 'out-of-the-box' acts as a simple user directory. This plugin allows for CRUD operations via the admin plugin to easily manage large sets of data that don't fit as simple YAML configuration files, or Grav pages. The example plugin comes with a dummy database of 500 entries which is a realistic real-world data set that you can experiment with.


Typically a plugin should be installed via GPM (Grav Package Manager):

$ bin/gpm install flex-directory

Alternatively it can be installed via the Admin Plugin

Sample Data

Once installed you can either create entries manually, or you can copy the sample data set:

$ cp user/plugins/flex-directory/data/entries.json user/data/flex-directory/entries.json


This plugin works out of the box, but provides several fields that make modifying and extending this plugin easier:

enabled: true
built_in_css: true
json_file: 'user://data/flex-directory/entries.json'
blueprint_file: 'plugin://flex-directory/blueprints/entries.yaml'
extra_admin_twig_path: 'theme://admin/templates'

Simply edit the Flex Directory plugin options in the Admin plugin, or copy the flex-directory.yaml default file to your user/config/plugins/ folder and edit the values there. Read below for more help on what these fields do and how they can help you modify the plugin.


To display the directory simply add the following to our Twig template or even your page content (with Twig processing enabled):

{% include 'flex-directory/site.html.twig' %}

Alternatively just create a page called or set the template of your existing page to template: flex-directory. This will use the flex-directory.html.twig file provided by the plugin. If this doesn't suit your needs, you can copy the provided Twig templates into your theme and modify them:

├── flex-directory.html.twig
└── flex-directory
    └── site.html.twig


This plugin is configured with a few sample fields:

  • published
  • first_name
  • last_name
  • email
  • website
  • tags

These are probably not the exact fields you might want, so you will probably want to change them. This is pretty simple to do with Flex Directory, you just need to change the Blueprints and the Twig Templates. This can be achieved simply enough by copying some current files and modifying them.

Let's assume you simply want to add a new "Phone Number" field to the existing Data and remove the "Tags". These are the steps you would need to perform:

  1. Copy the blueprints/entries.yaml Blueprint file to another location, let's say user/data/flex-directory/ but really it could be anywhere (another plugin, your theme, etc.)

  2. Edit the user/data/flex-directory/entries.yaml like so:

    title: Flex Directory
      validation: loose
          type: toggle
          label: Published
          highlight: 1
          default: 1
            1: PLUGIN_ADMIN.YES
            0: PLUGIN_ADMIN.NO
            type: bool
            required: true
          type: text
          label: Last Name
            required: true
          type: text
          label: First Name
          type: email
          label: Email
            required: true
          type: text
          label: Website
          type: selectize
          size: large
          label: Tags
          classes: fancy
            type: commalist
          type: section
          field_classes: overlay bottom
              type: save-redirect
              default: create-new

    Notice how we removed the tags: Blueprint field definition, and added a simple text field for phone:. If you have questions about available form fields, check out the extensive documentation on the subject.

  3. Now we have to instruct the plugin to use this new blueprint rather then the default one provided with the plugin. This is simple enough, just edit the Blueprint File option in the plugin configuration file flex-directory.yaml to point to: user://data/flex-directory/entries.yaml, and make sure you save it. This will modify the entries-edit form automatically.

  4. Now we need to adjust the entries-list form that shows the columns. To do this, you are going to need to copy the existing user/plugins/flex-directory/admin/templates/partials/entries-list.html.twig file to another location that is in the Twig Paths 1. The simplest way to add Twig templates is to simply add them under your theme's templates/ folder ensuring the folder structure is maintained. Let's assume you are using Antimatter theme (although any theme will work), simply copy the entries-list.html.twig file to user/themes/antimatter/admin/templates/partials/entries-list.html.twig (you will have to create these folders as admin/ doesn't exist under themes usually) and edit it.

    The first part to edit is the column headers, let's replace the Tags header with Phone


    Next you simply need to edit the actual column, replacing the entry.tags output with:

            {{ }}

    This will ensure the backend now lets you edit and list the new "Phone" field, but now we have to fix the frontend to render it.

  5. We need to copy the frontend Twig file and modify it to add the new "Phone" field. By default your theme already has its templates, so we can take advantage of it 2. We'll simply copy the user/plugins/flex-directory/templates/flex-directory/site.html.twig file to user/themes/antimatter/templates/flex-directory/site.html.twig. Notice, there is no reference to admin/ here, this is site template, not an admin one.

  6. Edit the site.html.twig file you just copied so it has these modifications:

            <div class="entry-details">
                {% if %}
                    <a href="{{ }}"><span class="name">{{ entry.last_name }}, {{ entry.first_name }}</span></a>
                {% else %}
                    <span class="name">{{ entry.last_name }}, {{ entry.first_name }}</span>
                {% endif %}
                {% if %}
                    <p><a href="mailto:{{ }}" class="email">{{ }}</a></p>
                {% endif %}
                {% if %}
                    <p class="phone">{{ }}</p>
                {% endif %}

    And also the JavaScript initialization which provides which hooks up certain classes to the search:

        var options = {
            valueNames: [ 'name', 'email', 'website', 'phone' ]
        var userList = new List('flex-directory', options);

    Notice, we removed the entry-extra DIV, and added a new if block with the Twig code to display the phone number if set.

File Upload

With Flex Directory v2.0, you can now utilize the file form field. []The standard features apply](, and you can simply edit your custom blueprint with a field definition similar to:

      type: file
      label: Item Image
      random_name: true
      destination: 'user/data/flex-directory/files'
      multiple: true


You can radically alter the structure of the entries.json data file by making major edits to the entries.yaml blueprint file. However, it's best to start with an empty entries.json if you are making wholesale changes or you will have data conflicts. Best to create your blueprint first. Reloading a New Entry until the form looks correct, then try saving, and check to make sure the stored user/data/flex-directory/entries.json file looks correct.

Then you will need to make more widespread changes to the admin and site Twig templates. You might need to adjust the number of columns and the field names. You will also need to pay attention to the JavaScript initialization in each template.


  1. You can actually use pretty much any folder under the user/ folder of Grav. Simply edit the Extra Admin Twig Path option in the flex-directory.yaml file. It defaults to theme://admin/templates which means it uses the default theme's admin/templates/ folder if it exists.
  2. You can use any path for front end Twig templates also, if you don't want to put them in your theme, you can add an entry in the Extra Site Twig Path option of the flex-directory.yaml configuration and point to another location.