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Hardhat project used to live test protocols on etherlink.

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Live testing protocols


This is an hardhat project with hardhat-deploy used to deploy and live test deployed contract on EVM chains. You can find the hardhat documentation here.

The project use hardhat-deploy plugin in order to facilitate the deployment and test process by writing locally in files all the information about deployed contracts.

Installation and setup

First, download the node modules:

npm install

Then you have to create a .env file with something like this:






This is recommended to add 2 private keys because some tests use 2 accounts (but you can set 2 times the same if you do not care).

All the RPC URLs are optional, you can add or remove them as you want depending on which chain you want to support.

Etherscan and Polygonscan API keys are also optional, if you don't want to verify your contracts, you don't need to add them.

IMPORTANT: the Nightly version is reset each week so remember to keep the RPC url, explorer url and chain id updated in the .env file. The / at the end of the NIGHTLY_EXPLORER is important!

All the configuration is in the hardhat.config.ts, if you need more information, read the hardhat doc linked above.


When you want to deploy the contracts, you can run:

npx hardhat deploy

If you don't specify any network, the deployment is done locally.

Here is a list of the important flags you may need to add in the command:

  • --help: list the helper
  • --network <the-network>: specify the network you deploy on
  • --tags <tag1,tag2,tag3>: specify the tags to deploy specific contract, separate multiple tags by using comma between each one
  • --reset: force redeploy the contract, by default the command only redeploy the contract if it see any changes so you need to add this is if you want to force the redeployment

Example: if you want to deploy all the contracts on Etherlink chain and force the deployment to be sure you start with new contracts:

npx hardhat deploy --network etherlink --reset

All the deployment details are stored locally in the folder deployments. If you need more information on that, read the documentation linked above on hardhat-deploy.


When you want to test the contracts, you can run:

npx hardhat test

If you don't specify any network, the tests are run locally.

Here is a list of the important flags you may need to add in the command:

  • --help: list the helper
  • --network <the-network>: specify the network you test on
  • --grep <STRING>: only run tests matching the given string or regexp from tests files

You can also directly target a test file manually like:

npx hardhat test test/basics/EVMCompatibilityTest.ts

Example: if you want to test all the contracts deployed on Etherlink chain previously:

npx hardhat test --network etherlink

Important: when you specify a testnet with the network flag and run the test on deployed smart contracts, you need to have enough token on in your wallet you specified in the .env because the tests launch real transactions.


  • contracts/: contains all the contracts
  • deploy/: contains the deployment scripts using hardhat-deploy plugin
  • scripts/: contains manual deployment scripts and helper scripts
  • test/: contains all the tests
  • hardhat.config.ts: hardhat configuration file
  • helper-hardhat.config.ts: helper configuration file


Hardhat project used to live test protocols on etherlink.






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