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Trillium Bridge Transformer

Bridging Patient Summaries across the Atlantic

The Trillium Bridge support action extends the European Patient Summaries and Meaningful Use II, Transitions of Care in the United States to establish an interoperability bridge that will benefit EU and US citizens alike, advancing eHealth innovation and contributing to the triple win: quality care, sustainability and economic growth --

The Trillium Bridge Transformer is a Java API, Command Line Interface, and Web-based Application to translate between epSOS Patient Summary documents and HL7 C-CDA Continuity of Care Documents (CCD).

Table of Contents

Project Setup

  1. Install Java SDK 7+
    • Clone the repository using a Git Clone

(*) Not necessary unless bulding/compiling. See downloads for binary distributions.


From the trillium-bridge-transformer directory, run mvn clean install This will produce several artifacts, including a ZIP/TAR.GZ file will all necessary components. This artifacts will be located in the directory:


and are named:





Download the latest ZIP or TAR.GZ binary distribution. For installation, extract the archive to the desired location on the filesystem. t the archive to the desired location on the filesystem.

Distribution Package

The trillium-bridge-transformer-cli-{version}-bin.{suffix} package will contain the following structure (see footnotes below for further information on the various parts):

├── bin
│   ├── ccda2epsos             <- (1)
│   ├── ccda2epsos.bat         <- (2)
│   ├── epsos2ccda             <- (3)
│   ├── epsos2ccda.bat         <- (4)
│   ├── tbt-webapp             <- (5)
│   └── tbt-webapp.bat         <- (6)
├── conf
│   ├── cts2fileservice        <- (7)
│   │   └── map
│   ├── nooptransform          <- (8)
│   ├── outputformats          <- (9)
│   │   ├── CDA.xsl
│   │   └── outputformats.json
│   ├── schema
│   │   ├── CDA_R2_NormativeWebEdition2010  <- (10)
│   │   └── TBXform.xsd        <- (11)
│   ├── tbxform
│   │   ├── CCDtoEPSOS.xml    <- (12)
│   │   ├── EPSOStoCCD.xml    <- (13)
│   │   └── ValueSetMaps.xml         <- (14)
│   ├── translation            <- (15)
│   │   ├── it-to-en.xml
│   │   └── en-to-es.xml
│   └── xslt
│       ├── CCD.xsl            <- (16)
│       ├── CCD-IT.xsl         <- (17)
│       ├── CTS2Access.xsl     <- (18)
│       ├── TBTransformations.xsl <- (19)
│       ├── TBXform.xsl        <- (20)
│       ├── ccd2epsos.xsl      <- (21)
│       ├── ccda2epsos_options.json   <- (22)
│       ├── epsos2ccd.xsl      <- (23)
│       ├── epsos2ccda_options.json   <- (24)
│       └──    <- (25)
├── doc
│   └── README.txt
├── lib
│   └── *.jar <- Java jar dependencies
└── webapp
    ├── logs
    │   ├── error.log           <- (26)
    │   └── output.log          <- (27)
    └── trillium-bridge-transformer-webapp-{version}.war <- (28)


Launch Scripts

(1) ccda2epsos - the Unix launch file for the CCDA to epSOS transformation

(2) ccda2epsos.bat - the Windows launch file for the CCDA to epSOS transformation

(3) ccda2epsos - the Unix launch file for the epSOS to CCDA transformation

(4) epsos2ccda.bat - the Windows launch file for the epSOS to CCDA transformation

All above commands allow the following parameters:

(ccda2epsos | epsos2ccda) inputFile
 -f (-format, --format) [xml | html | pdf]  : The output format
 -h (-help, --help)                         : Print this message
 -v (-version, --version)                   : Print the application version
example: ccda2epsos -f html ../my/ccda.xml

(5) tbt-webapp - the Unix launch file for the web applcation

(6) tbt-webapp.bat - the Windows launch file for the web applcation

Usage: tbt-webapp(.bat) [--help|--version] [ server opts] [[ context opts] context ...]
Server opts:
 --version                           - display version and exit
 --log file                          - request log filename (with optional 'yyyy_mm_dd' wildcard
 --out file                          - info/warn/debug log filename (with optional 'yyyy_mm_dd' wildcard
 --host name|ip                      - interface to listen on (default is all interfaces)
 --port n                            - port to listen on (default 8080)
 --stop-port n                       - port to listen for stop command
 --stop-key n                        - security string for stop command (required if --stop-port is present)
 [--jar file]*n                      - each tuple specifies an extra jar to be added to the classloader
 [--lib dir]*n                       - each tuple specifies an extra directory of jars to be added to the classloader
 [--classes dir]*n                   - each tuple specifies an extra directory of classes to be added to the classloader
 --stats [unsecure|] - enable stats gathering servlet context
 [--config file]*n                   - each tuple specifies the name of a jetty xml config file to apply (in the order defined)
Context opts:
 [[--path /path] context]*n          - WAR file, web app dir or context xml file, optionally with a context path
example: tbt-webapp --port 5150

By default, web app will bind to port 8080 and be available at http://localhost:8080/

Local CTS2 Service (7) cts2fileservice - the root directory for the local file-based CTS2 service. This is the place where you can put maps that aren't available externally as well as resources that need to be cached locally. The directory structure matches the CTS2 REST service interface.


(8) nooptransform - the implementaion of the no-op direct copy CCDA <-> epSOS transform. This will be deprecated and replaced with a live transform.

(9) outputformats - specification of output format XSLT transformations. See here for more inforamation on output format configuration


(10) CDA_R2_NormativeWebEdition2010 - CDA schema directory for resolving CDA document headers

(11) TBXform.xsd - the XML Schema that defines the transformation rules, value set maps and language transformation tables

Transformation Tables

(12) CCDtoEPSOS.xml CCD to EPSOS transformation table. The structure is defined by ```TBXform.xsd````

(13) EPSOStoCCD.xml EPSOS to CCD transformation table. The structure is defined by ```TBXform.xsd````

(14) ValueSetMaps.xml Value Set Mapping table. This controls which file(s) or service(s) are used to resolve code and value maps. The structure is defined by ```TBXform.xsd````

Translation Tables

(15) translations - Translation tables. File names are in the form "{from-language}to{to-language}.xml". The structure is defined by ```TBXform.xsd````

XSLT Files specification the main CCDA/epSOS XSLT transformations.

(16) CCD.xsl - Default client-side html formatter for CCD data

(17) CCD_IT.xsl - Italian language html formatter for CCD data (example)

(18) CTS2Access.xsl - XSLT templates and functions for doing CTS2 based code and value transforms

(19) TBTransformations.xsl - XSLT function library for transformations

(20) TBXform.xsl - The main transformation engine that traverses an epSOS or CCD document and applies the rules in the transformation rules table

(21) ccd2epsos.xsl - The entry point for CCD to EPSOS transforms

(22) ccda2epsos_options.json - Description of screen options (parameters) for the ccda to epsos transformation

(23) epsos2ccd.xsl - The entry point for EPSOS to CCD transformations

(24) epsos2ccda_options.json - Description of screen options (parameters) for the epsos to ccda transformation

(25) - Transformation configuration file. See here for more information on CCDA/epSOS XSLT configuration.

Web Application

(26) error.log - the standard error log of the web application.

(27) output.log - the standard output log of the web application.

(28) trillium-bridge-transformer-webapp-{version}.war - the web application archive. This can be then deployed to an application server such as Tomcat, JBoss, etc.


There are two different transformation phases. The first phase transforms CCDA XML to epSOS XML (or vice versa). The next phase takes that resulting transformed XML and converts it to a desired output format (such as HTML).

Configuring the CCDA <-> epSOS Transformation

The conf/xslt/ file is the configuration file used to configure the XSLTs used to execute the transformation, and had the following format:


This file should contain two entries as show -- one for each type of transformation. The value of the xslt.epsos2ccda and xslt.ccda2epsos properties should be the relative path to the XSLT used for conversion.

By default, the command line applications and the web application will introspect this file and utilize the specified XSLTs.

Configuring the Output Format Transformation

The conf/outputformats/outputformats.json file is the configuration file used to configure available output formats and the XSLTs used to implement them, and has the following format:

    "name": "CDA XSLT", // the name of the transformation
    "xslt": "CDA.xsl",  // the relative path to the XSLT
    "output": "HTML",   // the type of output (only HTML currently)
    "useFor": "BOTH"    // whether the tranform applies to 'CCDA', 'EPSOS', or 'BOTH'
//... more transforms

By default, the command line applications and the web application will introspect this file and utilize the specified XSLTs.

Web Application Deployment

The Trillium Bridge Transformer comes with a built-in Jetty server, which can be started from the bin directory.

Alternatively, the web application can be deployed to an existing web container. To do this, first ensure the Trillium Bridge Transformer HOME enviroment variable (TBT_HOME) is set. This will allow the web application to find the user-specified XSLT configuration files. TBT_HOME should be set to the root directory of the installation packge:

    ├── bin 
    ├── conf
    ├── doc
    ├── lib
    └── webapp

Once TBT_HOME has been set, deploy the WAR file located in the webapp directory to the target web container.

Java API

To use the Java API directly, first add the Maven repository to your pom.xml file :


Then, add the Maven dependency:


To get started using the API, instantiate the transfomer:

TrilliumBridgeTransformer transformer = new XsltTrilliumBridgeTransformer();

The interface for the transformer is as follows:

 * Transformation interface for converting XML files to and from CCDA and epSOS format.
public interface TrilliumBridgeTransformer {

     * Valid output formats
    public enum Format {XML, HTML, PDF}

     * Convert a CCDA XML document into epSOS format.
     * @param ccdaStream the CCDA document
     * @param epsosStream the output stream
     * @param outputFormat the output format
    public void ccdaToEpsos(InputStream ccdaStream, OutputStream epsosStream, Format outputFormat);

     * Convert an epSOS XML document into CCDA format
     * @param epsosStream the epSOS document
     * @param ccdaStream the output stream
     * @param outputFormat the output format
    public void epsosToCcda(InputStream epsosStream, OutputStream ccdaStream, Format outputFormat);



From the trillium-bridge-transformer directory, run mvn clean test

Contributing changes

  1. Fork the repository
  2. Send a pull request


All artifacts are licensed under the Apache License.