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feat!: add type = "float"
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trimclain committed Sep 29, 2023
1 parent 90fa3ee commit c076210
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Showing 2 changed files with 191 additions and 103 deletions.
193 changes: 90 additions & 103 deletions lua/builder/init.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,122 +1,117 @@
local M = {}

local Util = require("builder.util")

local config = {
type = "bot", -- "bot", "top", "vert" or "float"
size = false, -- number of lines for type = "bot" / characters for type = "vert"
-- number of lines for type = "bot" / characters for type = "vert"
size = 0.25, -- percentage of width/height for type = "vert"/"bot" between 0 and 1
float_size = {
height = 0.8,
width = 0.8,
line_no = false, -- show line numbers
autosave = true, -- automatically save before building
close_keymaps = { "q" }, -- keymaps to close the builder buffer
enable_builtin = true, -- use neovim's built-in `:source %` for *.lua and *.vim
commands = {}, -- commands for building each filetype

-- send notifications
-- stylua: ignore start
local notify = function(msg, log_level) vim.notify(msg, log_level, { title = "Builder" }) end
local info = function(msg) notify(msg, vim.log.levels.INFO) end
local error = function(msg) notify(msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end
-- stylua: ignore end

--- Parse arguments for the `:Build` command
---@param args string arguments from cmd.args (see `:help nvim_create_user_command`)
---@return table opts parsed options to pass to `:Build`
local function parse(args)
-- remove "Build" from args
local parts = vim.split(vim.trim(args), "%s+")
if parts[1]:find("Build") then
table.remove(parts, 1)
-- create opts table
local opts = {}
for _, arg in pairs(parts) do
local opt = vim.split(arg, "=")
opts[opt[1]] = opt[2]
return opts
function M.setup(opts)
config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", config, opts or {})

--- Validate parsed arguments for the `:Build` command
---@param opts table parsed arguments from cmd.args (see `:help nvim_create_user_command`)
---@return table|boolean opts validated options to pass to `:Build` or false if there was an error
local function validate(opts)
if opts == nil then
return {}
-- TODO: add validate_config()
-- if not validate(config) then
-- return
-- end

-- handle invalid options
local allowed_opts = { "size", "type" }
for key, _ in pairs(opts) do
if not vim.tbl_contains(allowed_opts, key) then
error("Error: invalid option: " .. key .. "\nAllowed options: " .. vim.inspect(allowed_opts))
return false
-- handle invalid type
if opts.type then
local allowed_types = { "bot", "top", "vert", "float" }
local type_valid = false
for _, type in pairs(allowed_types) do
if opts.type == type then
type_valid = true
if not type_valid then
error("Error: invalid type: " .. opts.type .. "\nAllowed types: " .. vim.inspect(allowed_types))
return false
-- Create the `:Build` command
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Build", function(cmd)
local options = Util.validate(Util.parse(cmd.args))
if options then

-- convert size to number (tonumber returns nil if the string is not a number)
opts.size = opts.size and tonumber(opts.size)
return opts

--- Replace placeholders in the command with actual values
---@param cmd string command with placeholders
---@return string cmd command with placeholders replaced
local function substitute(cmd)
-- :t is needed because when you open a file using a file tree, % becomes full path to the file
cmd = cmd:gsub("%%", vim.fn.expand("%"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$file", vim.fn.expand("%:t"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$ext", vim.fn.expand("%:e"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$basename", vim.fn.expand("%:t:r"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$path", vim.fn.expand("%:p"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$dir", vim.fn.expand("%:p:h"))
return cmd
end, {
nargs = "?",
desc = "Build",

local function set_keymaps(buf)
--- Set mapping for closing the builder buffer
---@param bufnr number buffer number
local function set_keymaps(bufnr)
for _, key in ipairs(config.close_keymaps) do
vim.keymap.set("n", key, "<cmd>close<cr>", { buffer = buf, silent = true })
-- stylua: ignore
vim.keymap.set("n", key, function() vim.api.nvim_win_close(0, true) end, { buffer = bufnr, silent = true })

function M.setup(opts)
config = vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", config, opts or {})
local default_size
-- make size 30% of width for "vert" or 25% of height for "bot"
if config.type == "vert" then
default_size = math.floor(vim.o.columns * 0.3)
--- Create a buffer for the builder
---@param type string "bot", "top", "vert" or "float"
---@param size number amount of lines for type = "bot" / characters for type = "vert"
---@return number bufnr the number of the created buffer
local function create_buffer(type, size)
local bufnr
if type == "float" then
bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true)
local dimensions = Util.get_float_dimensions(config.float_size)
vim.api.nvim_open_win(bufnr, true, {
style = "minimal",
relative = "editor",
width = dimensions.width,
height = dimensions.height,
row = dimensions.row,
col = dimensions.col,
-- border = config.ui.float.border,
-- title = "TESTING",
default_size = math.floor(vim.o.lines * 0.25)
size = type == "vert" and math.floor(vim.o.columns * size) or math.floor(vim.o.lines * size)
-- create the window
vim.cmd(type .. " " .. size .. "new")
bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()[bufnr].buflisted = false

-- make the buffer temporary
vim.opt_local.buftype = "nofile"
vim.opt_local.bufhidden = "hide"
vim.opt_local.swapfile = false

if not config.line_no then
vim.opt_local.number = false
vim.opt_local.relativenumber = false
config.size = opts.size or default_size

-- Create the `:Build` command
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("Build", function(cmd)
local options = validate(parse(cmd.args))
if options then
return bufnr

--- Run the command and append the output to the buffer
---@param cmd string command to run
---@param bufnr number number of buffer to append the output to
local function run_command(cmd, bufnr)
local function append_data_to_buffer(_, data)
if data then
-- stylua: ignore
data = vim.tbl_filter(function(item) return item ~= "" end, data)
if not vim.tbl_isempty(data) then
vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, data)
-- TODO: calculate timer to show "Finished" after the job is done
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, -1, -1, false, { "Finished TBD ms." })
end, {
nargs = "?",
desc = "Build",
-- vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, { "Output:" })
vim.fn.jobstart(vim.split(cmd, " "), {
stdout_buffered = true,
on_stdout = append_data_to_buffer,
on_stderr = append_data_to_buffer,

opts = validate(opts)
opts = Util.validate(opts)

-- before building
if config.autosave then
Expand All @@ -134,26 +129,18 @@ function

-- parse cmd
if not cmd then
info('Building "' .. filetype .. '" is not configured')'Building "' .. filetype .. '" is not configured')
cmd = substitute(cmd)
cmd = Util.substitute(cmd)

-- preconfigure builder buffer
local type = opts.type or config.type
local size = opts.size or config.size

-- build/run the buffer
vim.cmd(type .. " " .. size .. "new | term " .. cmd)

-- configure created buffer
local buf = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()[buf].buflisted = false
if not config.line_no then
vim.opt_local.number = false
vim.opt_local.relativenumber = false
local bufnr = create_buffer(type, size)
run_command(cmd, bufnr)

return M
101 changes: 101 additions & 0 deletions lua/builder/util.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
local M = {}

-- stylua: ignore start
local notify = function(msg, log_level) vim.notify(msg, log_level, { title = "Builder" }) end = function(msg) notify(msg, vim.log.levels.INFO) end
M.error = function(msg) notify(msg, vim.log.levels.ERROR) end
-- stylua: ignore end

--- Parse arguments for the `:Build` command
---@param args string arguments from cmd.args (see `:help nvim_create_user_command`)
---@return table opts parsed options to pass to `:Build`
function M.parse(args)
-- remove "Build" from args
local parts = vim.split(vim.trim(args), "%s+")
if parts[1]:find("Build") then
table.remove(parts, 1)
-- create opts table
local opts = {}
for _, arg in pairs(parts) do
local opt = vim.split(arg, "=")
opts[opt[1]] = opt[2]
return opts

--- Validate parsed arguments for the `:Build` command (currently allow only size and type)
---@param opts table parsed arguments from cmd.args (see `:help nvim_create_user_command`)
---@return table|boolean opts validated options to pass to `:Build` or false if there was an error
function M.validate(opts)
if opts == nil then
return {}

-- handle invalid options
local allowed_opts = { "size", "type" }
for key, _ in pairs(opts) do
if not vim.tbl_contains(allowed_opts, key) then
error("Error: invalid option: " .. key .. "\nAllowed options: " .. vim.inspect(allowed_opts))
return false
-- handle invalid type
if opts.type then
local allowed_types = { "bot", "top", "vert", "float" }
local type_valid = false
for _, type in pairs(allowed_types) do
if opts.type == type then
type_valid = true
if not type_valid then
error("Error: invalid type: " .. opts.type .. "\nAllowed types: " .. vim.inspect(allowed_types))
return false

-- convert size to number (tonumber returns nil if the string is not a number)
opts.size = opts.size and tonumber(opts.size)
return opts

--- Replace placeholders in the command with actual values
---@param cmd string command with placeholders
---@return string cmd command with placeholders replaced
function M.substitute(cmd)
-- :t is needed because when you open a file using a file tree, % becomes full path to the file
cmd = cmd:gsub("%%", vim.fn.expand("%"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$file", vim.fn.expand("%:t"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$ext", vim.fn.expand("%:e"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$basename", vim.fn.expand("%:t:r"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$path", vim.fn.expand("%:p"))
cmd = cmd:gsub("$dir", vim.fn.expand("%:p:h"))
return cmd

--- Get the dimensions of the floating window
---@param float_size table width and height of the floating window
---@return table dimensions of the floating window
function M.get_float_dimensions(float_size)
local x = 0.5
local y = 0.5

local columns = vim.o.columns
local lines = vim.o.lines

local width = math.ceil(columns * float_size.width)
local height = math.ceil(lines * float_size.height - 5)
local row = math.ceil((lines - height) * y - 1)
local col = math.ceil((columns - width) * x)

return {
width = width,
height = height,
row = row,
col = col,

return M

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