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AdMobManager - Available for Swift 5.3, Xcode 12.0 (macOS Big Sur). Support from iOS 10.0

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A package to help support the implementation of ads on your iOS app.

  • For Swift 5.3, Xcode 12.5 (macOS Big Sur) or later.
  • Support for apps from iOS 13.0 or newer.

Ad Type

  • InterstitialAd
  • RewardedAd
  • RewardedInterstitialAd
  • AppOpenAd
  • NativeAd
  • BannerAd


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. To use AdMobManager with Swift Package Manger, add it to dependencies in your Package.swift.

  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

Get started

Initial setup as documented by Google AdMob:

Manually add the -ObjC linker flag to Other Linker Flags in your target's build settings:

  • Select target project.
  • Select tab All, find Other Linker Flags.
  • You must set the -ObjC flag for both the Debug and Release configurations.

Integrate Firebase RemoteConfig with any Key name and configure it in this json format. Note: The name of each ad is unique.


Refer to the following Demo project to implement the ad.


Firstly, import AdMobManager.

import AdMobManager

1. Parameter setting

Upgrade premium

This function will block registration, loading, and show ads. Note: Priority to use before registration and use after successful premium purchase.



The function allows receiving additional values from RemoteConfig.

AdMobManager.shared.addActionConfigValue(_ handler: @escaping ((RemoteConfig) -> Void))

Register advertising ID

AdMobManager.shared.register(remoteKey: String, defaultData: Data)
  • remoteKey: The Key name you have set on RemoteConfig.
  • defaultData: The data of the default json string in the application, it is used when the remote cannot be loaded.

2. Control


Status of consent.

  • unknow: Consent has not been requested, do not call show splash in this state.
  • allow: Agreed. Call to load ads in this state.
  • reject: Denied.


This function returns the value true/false indicating whether the ad is allowed to show. You can call it to make UI changes, logic in your code.

  • Returns nil when registration is not successful or there is no ad with the corresponding name.
AdMobManager.shared.status(type: AdType, name: String) -> Bool?


This function will start loading ads.

AdMobManager.shared.load(type: Reuse,
                         name: String,
                         success: Handler? = nil,
                         fail: Handler? = nil)


This function will start preloading NativeAd.

AdMobManager.shared.preloadNative(name: String,
                                  success: Handler? = nil,
                                  fail: Handler? = nil)


This function will display ads when ready.

  • didFail: The block executes after the ad is not displayed.
  • didEarnReward: The block handle the reward for the user.
  • didHide: The block executes after the ad has disappeared. Reuse,
                         name: String,
                         rootViewController: UIViewController,
                         didFail: Handler?,
                         didEarnReward: Handler? = nil,
                         didHide: Handler?)


This function will display permission change form.


3. NativeAd

  • Download & add file CustomNativeAdView.xib. Note: Linked outlets to views, update constraints only.
  • Create the corresponding File's owner, inherit NativeAdMobView.
class CustomNativeAdView: NativeAdMobView {
  override func setProperties() {
    load(name: String,
         nativeAdView: GADNativeAdView,
         rootViewController: UIViewController? = nil,
         didReceive: Handler?,
         didError: Handler?)
  • Ads will be loaded automatically.
  • Call binding method to display ads when loading successfully.

4. BannerAd

Ads will be loaded automatically. Then, there are two ways you can create BannerAdMobView:

  • By storyboard, changing class of any UIView to BannerAdMobView. Note: Set Module to AdMobManager.
  • By code, using initializer.
bannerAdMobView.load(name: String, rootViewController: UIViewController, didReceive: Handler?)


A package to help supports MMP AppsFlyer and ATT tracking integration on your iOS app.

  • For Swift 5.3, Xcode 12.5 (macOS Big Sur) or later.
  • Support for apps from iOS 13.0 or newer.


Swift Package Manager

The Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the distribution of Swift code. To use TrackingSDK with Swift Package Manger, add it to dependencies in your Package.swift.

  dependencies: [
    .package(url: "")

Get started

Add key - value to the file Info.plist.

  <string>This will help us optimize the content and improve the app experience for you</string>


Firstly, import TrackingSDK.

import TrackingSDK

1. Parameter setting


Initialize, start tracking once permission is granted.

  • devKey: The AppsFlyer dev key.
  • appID: The Apple App ID (without the id prefix).
  • timeout: Set timeout as such that app users have enough time to see and engage with the ATT prompt.
TrackingSDK.shared.initialize(devKey: String, appID: String, timeout: Double? = nil)

2. Control


You can enable debug logs.

TrackingSDK.shared.debug(enable: Bool)


This function indicates whether tracking authorization needs to be displayed.

TrackingSDK.shared.status() -> Bool


This function will display the tracking authorization request.

TrackingSDK.shared.requestAuthorization(completed: Handler?)


Copyright (c) Trịnh Xuân Minh 2022 @trinhxuanminh


AdMobManager - Available for Swift 5.3, Xcode 12.0 (macOS Big Sur). Support from iOS 10.0






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